Can anyone else see or feel spirits

I think that a lot of people can but they hide it because of the fear of being different. If anyone wants to talk about something they cant explain I can try and help as much as possible I know how to get ride of them if needed im not profesional but I do know a few tricks Its time to be open

Answer #1

I can see and feel spirits, especially at night when I am in bed. they stand around my bed trying to communicate with me so I sleep with a night light

Answer #2

I see and feel them. Almost 3 years ago I lost my best friend in a car wreck and 2 months later I was with my grandma when she wrecked her car and I saw him standing on the side of the road looking at me and I heard him yell ‘ Everything is okay’. Well over the summer I wrecked my car and I saw him sitting in the passanger seat of my car and he was holding my hand and telling me ‘You’re going to be okay. I love you Tela.’ and then he was gone. but the whole time I was in the rescue squad I could still feel him with me. Those are the only times that I have seen him but I have felt him many times.

Answer #3

I can feel something but its unexplained but something whichi can feel with myself ni can feel its always stays wit me I cud sense it but unable to find wats ther, I geet fear sometimes and sometimes I feel supported, I dont know what and y it is , ,,, but something is ther, it cud be my mind tricks but everytime not. pls email me if someone cud really help me out . and ya spirits either can be good and bad too !!!

Answer #4

im glad some of you came out with the truth and the others not judging me for what I believe in but most people think its their mind playing tricks on them because thats how they were brought up to feel in my opinion

Answer #5

look at the comparson of people that do and dont . that alone says that there is evidence and just because some people cant see them or feel them doesnt mean that they arent there.

Answer #6

No. There’s no credible evidence of anyone being able to see “spirits” - or even of the existence of such things.

Answer #7


Answer #8


Answer #9

I know my hous is haunted

Answer #10

You mean, like, Vodka and Jim Beam spirits, or like, Jennifer Love Hewitt spirits?

Answer #11

When I was about 12 years old my grandma died I had a lot of pain and grief .A year later I was down in the basement just doing chores folding laundry . I felt like somebody was watching me, much to my surprise I turned to se and my grandma was there she scared me and I turned away . I know she was not trying to scare me I just think she wanted me to know she was watching over me. That was the only spirit I ever seen but I still feel like she is there with all my other loved ones who passed away.

Answer #12

I think I do but its probably just my mind playing tricks on me…

Answer #13

Yes I know that everyone can see spirits we are all born with that ability. When people say naturally gifted that means that its easier to see or talk to spirits but others mite have to practice a little bit to see them clearly but they also have the ability to see them its also true that when your young like me more young people can see spirits then older people because when you grow up you start to lose the ability, you still will have it but it won’t work as well in less you practice still or practice it all over again. Heres some advise of practice if you want to see spirits I learned this yesterday and it really works! lye down and close your eyes and don’t think about anything this is important I’ll say it again (blank your mind don’t think about anything) I said that because it will not work if you have something on your mind. If your doing this right you will see one or more of these signs. Seeing a color, pictures of people, images of a memory, an object, smells of a perfume, shapes. This is important to do to be able to see spirits. Soon enough you will be able to see spirits more easy and unlock the ability that you have to see spirits. When your doing this practice its also true that you are already communicating with spirits! No joke your really communicating with a spirit its not your mind playing games on you its really a true fact! Please try this out if you don’t believe me and you should probably visit a graveyard where you could see some spirits but make sure you go there around the night time to see more activity but who knows there could be a spirit living with you that you could try to communicate with but make sure you practice allot because it will take time to be able to see them.

Answer #14

Yes, because I’ve heard of many stories that were told by my mother that my aunt can see spirts and she and make them go away but mumbling something. I live in a very supersticious family so im not sure if people would belive in this but I sure do.

Answer #15

I think that I do.

Answer #16


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