God or science

About the existance of the world,science has a different view & so god does.s which is which?

Answer #1

I would go with the Superior Being that created it all, God - it’s all mapped out in His word, the Bible - I accept it.

Answer #2

elane22: Says the person writing a message on a computer, made possible by science (likely sitting in a chair made possible by science, at a table made possible by science, in a house made possible by science, eating food… you get the idea).

Answer #3


Answer #4

…Big bang? hah bombs KILL people not Make them…


If it occured, it happen when NOBODY was around to be killed… do try to think…

Answer #5

arrrgh why must it be God VERSUS science again

why cant both coexist together? IMO (using the Bible as a reference) scripture does not contradict mainstream science. at all. one just needs to look at things from a metaphorical, and not literal, perspective

Answer #6

how can all the material in the universe fit in an small dot. Why arnt all the gallaxies spinning in the same direction? if the big bang happend then they would

Answer #7

Evolution makes sense (and has been proven to be true in many cases).

But regarding the universe, the ‘Big Bang’ theory is just as unbelievable (and unprovable) as Creationism.

Answer #8

* I still say the big bang is crap

Jester, why do you say that? Have you not looked into the overwhelming evidence for it?

Answer #9

well I use to support intellegent desine. (arachnid can atest to that) but now im not sure. I still say the big bang is crap

Answer #10

Theories are not facts. So scientific facts that are indeed facts, not theories or anything else but a 100% true fact, can exist as well as God. The theories that go against the truth of God will never be proven truthfully.

Answer #11

Science presumes there is a natural explanation for all observations. It makes no claims about anything that is not observed.

So, to the extent a god is defined in such a way that it does not conflict with any past observations, it’s compatible with science.

Answer #12

well which feels more right… to me its science… I dont believe in old books that have been written in the dark ages where everyone was an idiot…and knew nothing about the world. if god has just been…then that would mean other entity’s would just BE and not be born…I am also a being that has ‘been’ for eons…BOW DOWN!…lol

Answer #13

Nevets815: why does the unvierse have to be finite? Isn’t it possible you think that way because you are finite? Your biological clock causes you to perceive time as linear, with a beginning and an end, which is why you feel it needs to have a creator. Why can’t the universe be infinite?

And how could we know the being you described actually exists? If it is beyond space, time, and the universe, it can’t be perceived by humans. It’s existence is pure speculation on our part.

Answer #14

“I still say the big bang is crap”

I used to think that too. I thought the Big Bang made no sense, and that the universe must have had a creator. I figured it wasn’t possible for everything to come from nothing. Then I learned after years of study that’s not even what the Big Bang theory claims, and that my understanding of the science was, as you say, crap. I was simplifying the theory to make it sound ridiculous so that I could dismiss it and the challenge it posed to my faith.

Once you make the effort to understand the Big Bang and the concepts behind it, as well as the evidence supporting it, you might think differently. But it takes a quite a bit of time and research to do that, which is why most people would rather not bother.

Answer #15

If it must be “science or god” (a bit of a false dichotomy, really), I vote science. Science is responsible for every single innovation you see around you.l Without it, you probably wouldn’t be alive, and certainly wouldn’t be sitting in comfort at a computer typing your question.

Religion, in contrast, has nothing of value to show for itself except empty promises.

Answer #16

…Big bang? hah bombs KILL people not Make them…

Answer #17

There are a couple theories on the way the world was created, and following the basis of your question, here it is (in a nutshell):

God: God created the universe and everything within it. God is the creator. He was not born - he has just always “been”

Science: The universe was created by the Big Bang and life is a result of evolution

There are actually a few more theories, but it’s up to you to decide which one you believe in.

Answer #18

heyn I think GOD made all those possible.I mean the science. with out God, not even a little bit of science would have been discovered. so it’s God who created the earth

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