Can you believe in evolution *AND* Godzilla?

I really want to believe in Godzilla, but I’m not sure if that makes sense with evolution. Help!

Answer #1

I saw Godzilla once…there’s a zipper down his back !

Answer #2

Let’s just go down the list of movie monsters and see if its plausible to believe in them AND evolution. Hmmm…

Deep Star Six.

Answer #3

Well, even without evolution, it seems pretty unlikely there’s a whole race of giant monsters out there, breeding undiscovered. So I think that clearly, intelligent design is the only plausible explanation for the existence of Godzilla.

Answer #4

But they made a movie about it- so, by the understanding of most people, Godzilla had to exist. Just like the native people in New Zealand are Hobbits, and everyone in high school sings…

Answer #5

Well, Godzilla could have been a dinosaur of sorts, right?

So, why can’t he exist? :-)

Although, probably not during the time man walks the earth

Answer #6

OK bud,just go ahead and believe in him ! Sure he,or she, exists - in works of fiction. I don’t think the theory of evolution rules out the possibilty of there being a few crackpots around. I’ve read (but don’t understand it) that some of the world’s most distinguished philosophers(thats not spelled right) say that if you think of some material thing then it automatically exists. Long live Godzilla ! Leogee

Answer #7

Hey… the plot of Godzilla, and the plot of X-MEN are related… so they CAN be accepted along with evolution.

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