Christians forcing their religion on atheist really?

I dont think I’ve known of any christian doing that is it that offering christianity to someone through like a pamphlet or talk is force I dont think so. Unless you made it really clear you dont want to talk about it then that would be pushing it but not force. Force is through physical harm if they reject it I doubt any christian has pulled a gun and said join or die. Now lets talk about forced beliefs communism kills religious groups or tells them they have to denouce their god to live now thats forced and guess what thats atheist who do that. If you are feeling like you are being forced by christions to join please tell me a example but I doubt anyones being forced more like bullied or dealing with a inexperienced christion who doesnt know when to back off seriously I think you need to tell the person how you feel. If its the first time you’ve met theirs no way they going to know your opinion so please understand that if someone offering you a pamphlet just tell um no if they keeping pushing say your not going to convert anyone that way that might help in getting the message across

Answer #1

As a jew, I have been on the receiving end of many an attempt to “force” me to convert. When I was a preteen, at the movies with friends, I was accosted outside the theater while waiting for my parents to pick me up. A group of christians, mostly in their 20s and 30s, approached us, several of the boys in my group were wearing yarmulkes, and began to preach. We were about 11-13 and these were adults. They told us that we would burn in hell if we didn’t repent and that our grandparents and parents would burn in hell. My closest friend and I began to cry and kept asking for help. This went on for maybe 20 minutes but it felt like a lifetime. As a teen, I was invited to a party only I was unaware that it was a “youth group” party where I was constantly preached to about converting and asking jesus into my life. I tried to leave and though the door actually wasn’t physically blocked, people kept badgering me to stay, to repent and ask jesus into my life. As an adult, I am still badgered to convert. Told that I am going to hell, that I should accept jesus. EVERY SINGLE TIME I hear that it brings up these memories.

So, in answer to your question, though I am not atheist, YES some christians do REALLY try to force their religion on others.

Oh and to read that “jew = rat” doesn’t do much for me either.

You have an agenda and not a good one. You, to me, are a thinly veiled racist.

Answer #2

Some Christians believe that every zygote magically gets a soul and that nobody should be able to have an abortion.

Every time I am on a jury or testify in court I have to swear “to God” or single myself out as an unbeliever.

When I was in public school most of the time I was expected to pledge my allegiance to a flag and a nation “under God” every morning.

In the 1950’s our national motto was changed from the inclusive E Pluribus Unum to the exclusive “In God We Trust.” I’m forced to use currency and coinage with Christianity on it.

We homeschool our daughter and most of the homeschool groups in our area require you to sign a statement of faith saying you are Christian to join their group.

Door to door proseltyzers don’t really bother me though. I consider arguing with them to be a sport. When I’m too busy to talk to them I send them off and they always go without trouble.

Answer #3

I’m not sure where any of you live but where I live I have never had a Christian or Atheist push their views on me, until I joined this website. And then it was from both sides. The Christians say how there is a God while the Atheist’s make fun of them by telling them it’s just a fairy tale. It’s all just a load of bullshit!! Seriously, if someone asks for advice on something and you don’t believe it then don’t answer the question. If they ask for your opinion…yes, your opinion because that’s all it will ever be…then tell it. But why do any of you need to make fun of someone else because of what they believe? For all any of us knows the world could end tomorrow and all the Atheist’s might find out the Christians were right. But then this could also go the other way and the Atheist’s will be right. What’s the point in fighting over it? You’re not going to change some one’s mind because you say “God is true” or “God is a made up spirit to keep people in line”. People will always have their own opinion on this and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Answer #4

Again, do you have a question or are you simply ranting?

“I dont think I’ve known of any christian doing that is it that offering christianity to someone through like a pamphlet or talk is force I dont think so”

this makes no sense… are you asking if christians talk or use pamphlets? then yes they do… Is that force, no it’s just really irritating…

“Force is through physical harm if they reject it I doubt any christian has pulled a gun and said join or die.” well I guess your doubting would be wrong because history has shown otherwise… maybe you should actually study history… learn about how exactly christianity was spread? constantine? maybe the crusades? the witch burnings, persecutions world wide, well it’s a long history…

“Now lets talk about forced beliefs communism kills religious groups or tells them they have to denouce their god to live now thats forced and guess what thats atheist who do that. “ yes, but the christians have done that, and the muslims, and the hindus, etc etc… lets not pick one particular example of atheism when religion has killed a lot more people…

“If you are feeling like you are being forced by christions to join please tell me a example but I doubt anyones being forced more like bullied or dealing with a inexperienced christion who doesnt know when to back off seriously I think you need to tell the person how you feel.” and again I refer to religious persecutions… and exactly what is an “inexperienced christian” is there a school or some sort of internship you go through so you know when “get lost” means get the hell away from me?

“if its the first time you’ve met theirs no way they going to know your opinion so please understand that if someone offering you a pamphlet just tell um no if they keeping pushing say your not going to convert anyone that way that might help in getting the message across” uhm how about religions just stop trying to push their ways into peoples lives?

Answer #5

Way to avoid the point wolfgun… care to actually address the historical part? or do you simply want to look at it from your myopic point of view?

Answer #6

True Christians {{at least today}} should know not to “force” or “push” their religion on anyone. Promoting it is one thing. we call it “planting the seed.” however, it is not our job to keep that seed fed and watered.

Answer #7

christians just wont leave people alone about it. Most keep hounding and hounding us about it When I was in high school they would tell me I was a sinner and needed the word of God every time they passed out those NT bibles, And it was a public school.

Answer #8

* Force is through physical harm if they reject it I doubt any christian has pulled a gun and said join or die.

Then you need to study history, because that’s exactly how Christianity spread to become the world’s most popular religion.

Answer #9

Im not talking about history im talking about now and yes catholics did kill christians and non christions alike and yes in history there were other versions of christianiy that used force but my point is what force is and sometimes the perception someone is forcing something on you may be a misperception of the actual word force

Answer #10

Ty im not sure how to make my topics more a discussion you seem to look at all my topics the way I say stuff and dissect it then making analysis that it was a rant or im not making sense I dont know what else to say here but just read and give your opinion on the topic ill do my best not to sound like I rant. Im also not being clear enough in my topics aparently when I was talking about US gospel stuff you assumed I was talking world history ty for your input

Answer #11

Its funny, I am a Christian, but I know all about having christianity forced on me because I am Catholic. I meet an extraordinary amount of people who tell me im not a christian and that I am going to hell because my beliefs are ever so slightly different from theirs. So yes, I do believe many christians force their beliefs on others, Having said that, so do atheists or people who believe in different religions. There are a lot of people on this sight who complain about having christianity forced on them and yet they have no problems telling us why we are stupid and ignorant for believing in a higher power.

Answer #12

“inexperienced Christian”? =] that makes me smile. I’m sorry but I think you might be a little confused. We don’t think you as an individual Christian are shoving your religion down our throats its more the Christian community as a whole but not really on purpose. God shows up on many different things such as the pledge of alligence. Its not you as a christian but more your community or just society in general. It doesnt bother me any you can believe what you want and I can believe what I want with no problems thats how the world should be. I think your wrong in saying that atheists force their beliefs on Christians. Some Christians force there religion on atheists and vice versa. Dont make assumptions about the entire group. =] peace

Answer #13

Wolfgun, you asked so … Inquisition. Resulting in the rack, iron maidens, thumb screws, burning at the stake, and many other forms of torture and death. And while we are at it how about Crusades, Protestant Irish against Catholic Irish. Let’s not stop with Christianity. How about Sunni vs Shi’a Muslims.

Religions may have many positive aspects, but the radical fringes sometimes take over, and their excesses are horrific.

Answer #14

“I doubt any christian has pulled a gun and said join or die.”

check the history books. you really have no clue about anything you talk about

its like this, don’t you get annoyed when a telemarketer calls your house trying to sell you something you don’t want? well it is even more annoying (and pompous) when someone comes up to you trying to convert you to a religion you don’t want to be a part of.

Answer #15

That was the best thought out answer Colethky ty verymuch for taking the time to reply

Answer #16

When people become passionate about their beliefs, they will “shout” louder than the next person. And that goes for all religons, and that also goes for the non-beleivers. So it makes no one right and we all just need to know that, respect that, and not beat each other over the head with it. So everyone who is saying “this religion doesnt do that” SHUT UP!!! because EVERY religion does that!!! It’s just stupid, and people should stop judging people BECAUSE of they believe in!!! PEACE OUT!!! -Shannara!

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