Why cant athesist learn tolerance and freedom of thought

its seems when dealing with christiams athesist want to suppress their view not just in a debate type way but through the law

Answer #1

“Presented with truth people will do anything to not confront it - they’d rather stay in denial to self-justify what they’re doing - look in the mirror at their own life is the last thing they want to do.”

Presented with truth? And how do you know what the truth is? Have you had a pesonal conversation with god? Truth is something concrete. Something that can be proven. Not something you believe because you read it in a book written by superstitious men from ancient times.

amblessed, what exactly am I doing that needs to be self-justifyed? Or is it the mere act of not believing or having doubts?

Please don’t imply others moral fiber with nothing else to go on but your own fantasies. I don’t think that is what jesus taught, was it?

Answer #2

“atheist has to learn that just b/c someone says God loves you or he dies for you ISN trying to force anything upon them, we are just speaking truth, if you dont like it, then dont say anything and go on your way”

You may not think so but it is. That is really offensive to people who do not believe in “your god” to tell them God loves them or that he died for them, or when people say I will pray for you. It is offensive and against what they believe in. Also you say we can just go away and ignore it, so can you. You dont have to sit here and tell us you know the truth (truth is a concrete thing, something that you have solid proof of, religion is not like that, it’s about faith, not truth). I know plenty of religious people, and I am best friends with many of them. Never have they tried to tell me they way of God or preach to me at all and that’s they way it should be.

Answer #3

Presented with truth people will do anything to not confront it - they’d rather stay in denial to self-justify what they’re doing - look in the mirror at their own life is the last thing they want to do.

Answer #4

Jesus did teach it, he said that Chrisitans will be proscuted for what they believe in, another words, that chrisitans will get turned away, and made fun of, cussed at, etc. and its true, people dont want to listen to what God has to say b/c they are afraid of it and their afraid, that he will get a hold of them and they dont want to change, and I know there will be some to deny that statement go ahead and do it, I didnt say all people, was that way, so read it carefully before you start insulting me, iam one of God’s children, and I DONT throw anything anybody’s throat, I say the truth, and im finish, but I have found some people on here cant respect and they insult, so I will say more, if I see it, I think its immature on BOTH parts to be rude or mean with their beliefs, as god’s children we are told to witness and tell of his love and what he has done for the people, thats NOT throwin anythin anyones throat, its your choice to take it, but DONT insult us, b/c you DONT want to make that choice, telling you that is simply telling you that, not choking you wit it, there is a difference, I will listen to what you have to say, as long as you dont insult me, or insult God, atheist has to learn that just b/c someone says God loves you or he dies for you ISN trying to force anything upon them, we are just speaking truth, if you dont like it, then dont say anything and go on your way, or just say I dont believe in and no thanks, you DONT have to be insulting by it. I try to respect everyone on here, by backgrounds and religions, and seems like when I do, I keep getting insults, I use to get mad, bout it, but I just seen, im just walking where Christ was, and im doing something right. youre talkin bout getting stuff thowed at you and not wanted to be “converted” well stop going in the religious section and shooting somebody down b/c they asked somethin of God, just b/c you DONT want to believe it, DOESN mean everyonce doesn have to

Answer #5

Christians are much more intolerant than atheists. I as an atheist am very tolerant towards everyone. But I’m not tolerant towards people who oppose evolution and believe in creatonism and other absurd arguments.

Answer #6

I, like others, would like to see examples of “athesist(sic) want to suppress [christians’] view … through the law”. It’s hard to argue that people aren’t doing something if we don’t have any indication of what you think is happening in the first place.

Answer #7

* Presented with truth people will do anything to not confront it

People will indeed do anything to avoid the unpleasant truth that death is simply the permanent end of life. They’ll even make up stories about an afterlife, and a god who’s obsessed with being believed in. It’s kind of funny if you think about it.

Answer #8

I guess I would need an example to see what sort of intolerance.

A lot of Christians seem to think that their civil liberties are being trampled on if they are not allowed to force their views on everyone else.

Tolerance goes both ways. Believers have to be tolerant of non-believers as well.

Answer #9

amblessed That amazes me. Truth, how does anyone know the truth? Please tell me. I dont understand why people think that their religion is the only one. There are millions of religions and millions of god’s. How could you call any of it Truth.

Answer #10

hmm it’s like saying when an oppressed group comes up against a group in power they want to suppress their rights… uhm no, how about atheists just want equal rights… like the right not to have to follow a law that is based on something they believe is fictitious…

do you really have nothing better to do than rant about the atheists who are apparently out to take over the world or whatever (must be a secret plot because I’m sure none of them have heard about it)

Answer #11

Why cant athesist learn tolerance and freedom of thought?

Figure out why some CHRISTIANS can’t learn it, since they’ve been doing it for so much longer…

Presented with truth people will do anything to not confront it - they’d rather stay in denial to self-justify what they’re doing - look in the mirror at their own life is the last thing they want to do.

I find that both amusing and hypocritical… coming from YOU.

I didnt say all people, was that way, so read it carefully before you start insulting me

You didn’t say SOME people, either…

Agnostics simply leave it as “I don’t know”…

…no I don’t…

Answer #12

And I have to agree with phrannie :0 Atheists do tend to just state that when asked but bible thumpers go on and on, to the point of being terribly insulting. Being a non-christian, do you know how many “well meaning” christians that I have listened to tell me that I am going to hell if I don’t convert. Or ask if I mind if they pray for my conversion. and that doesn’t include the “not so well meaning” christians that ast as if they get heaven points if they can basically bully someone into conversion.

Answer #13

I have to agree with jimahl (I can’t believe this is happening :))…if given a choice, give me a group of atheists to hang with, rather than a group of bible thumpers…In my experience, atheists tend to state their belief (if asked), and leave it…bible thumpers never seem to know when shut up…For most folks, believers or non-believers, force fed religion does nothing but put up a an automatic barrier…Agnostics simply leave it as “I don’t know”…:)…Even tho they suffered thru the life jarring disappointments, that Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Sandman were myths.


Answer #14

I am very tolerant of religion. I am married to a religious woman. But I am not tolerant of ignorance, religious or otherwise. And when I see such ridiculous claims that creationism is real, the bible is true and not allegorical, and attempts to deny the facts about evolution, I will point it out every time.

I am also not tolerant of attempts to convert me. I know all I need to know about religion. I was indoctrinated in it, but was strong enough, and curious enough, to dislodge myself from it and to discover the truth for myself. Some people aren’t ready for that.

Answer #15

You need to give examples of atheists trying to use the law to suppress religious views, because that sounds like BS to me.

There are atheist organizations attempting to overturn special religious preferences in the law/government (school led prayers, “under god”, “in god we trust”, displays of 10 commandments in court houses, etc), but that isn’t the same thing as suppressing speech. Christians whine and complain of persecution when they do not get special privileges that no other religious interest gets.

Answer #16

Why can’t christian’s learn to not force their religion down people’s throats? All atheist usually do is defend themselves when they are being bashed for things they believe in.

Answer #17

I guess that people are making a lot of money off these church things and pushing every thing to the limit. I have to be honest here, but I hate religons. Espessaily Christainity. Like they are always in your face about “god” and all this stuff. Its getting annoying and its everywhere. On money, tv, school(public), basiclly everywhere you turn. Buddism is not like that. They are not pushing people in to being buddist. Christains want you to be their religion just because they think they help you in life, but all they do is fill you up with all this cr*p about “god” and him “being there for you answering your prayers,” In there they scare gays like they say that if you are gay…you go to hell. I don’t get it. Doesn’t the so called “bible” say that thow or what ever should love everyone. People. What I am trying to say is that being atheist and being there for friends and family and not paying any attention or “devotion” to “god” or “jesus” is the best thing you could do in your life. Don’t be a hardcore christain. People like that are usually made fun of and somepeople just think its weird. Do you think all this life and earth is made by “god”? Do you mean to tell me just outta no where this guy came up and made these two humans. Adam & eve? Don’t you think its kinds dumb? There is something called EVEUTION. DNA. SCIENCE. When ever your loved one dies. Didn’t you pray that “god” will make them better? They died. And think about it. Don’t people say that “god” makes no mistakes? Its your life. Not some preachers taking your time while you have much better things to do than just sitting there wanting something to happen. If you want something to happen… GET UP AND MAKE IT HAPPEN. No person, but yourself can make what you want happen. I am sorry if I offened people out there and their beleifs, but I get really mad when something about “god” and something “he” has to do in your life. He didn’t make you… your parents did. If you had an illness… the doctors and your family’s love helped you. Not “god”. People make things happen. Not “god” Please keep this in mind… next time you go to church… please think about what I said. That about the people who are there for you. In person. Right there next to you. Not someone who is made up or some guy made up in a hulusionation. I am sorry, but it is the truth. Just because your parents are christains doesn’t mean you can be too. There is even a music genre about christainity!!! People. This religion has done enough to do this to our society? People. It has gone too far.

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