What happens when you die?

I always wondered what happens when you die. Im not dead so I don’t know yet. And I am wondering if you become a ghost when you die. Or do you go to heaven. I just can’t figure it out. Because theres so many things that could happin I think… Right???

Answer #1

Just read the No 1 Best seller of all time, the Bible - it has the answers you’re looking for…Take care !!

Answer #2

My best guess is you get what you believe in. If you believe you are good and will go to heaven, then you’ll go to heaven. If you believe you’re evil and will go to hell, then you’ll go to hell. If you believe you’ll be reincarnated, well then, I’ll see you in our next lives. If you believe that there is nothing after life…then there isn’t.

I believe that part of you sticks around for a little while.. your personality, while your true soul takes what it learned back to the Creator, decides what it wants to learn next, and reincarnates. Eventually once you’ve learned everything, you might actually get to create your own little universe where there are people who ask questions like this!

Answer #3

most likely you become worm meat I learnt the right term for it in biology today but im not religious although I believe someone is up there so we might go up there to say hi but I dont think its judged on if your good or bad because how do you seperate the cheating husbands from the murderers etc anyway sumthing like I think your mind leaves your body and lives on

Answer #4

jester - what I meant was if you reject god then you won’t get into heaven! Not everyone goes do heaven you know. Yes god loves everyone which is amazing and he would love everyone to to to heaven - but hell exists for a reason.

Answer #5

I think that you are reincarniated simply because if you are dead …you are not thinking or anything and your soul must do something else? I would love to know really but if you were reincarnated you would never know. Just guessing

Answer #6

Well, I don’t think that anybody on here can tell you that from a “personal” experience. But you will get a lot of opinions on what happens.

Answer #7

If you turn away from god then you have the most awful painful horrible eternal life in hell with the devil. But God loves you… think about it

Answer #8

I believed that after you died, you would be reborn in another form, and then reborn again, and again, forever.

Answer #9

I believe we are reincarnated, between the time of our deaths ans rebirths we are spirit guides

Answer #10

* If you turn away from god then you have the most awful painful horrible eternal life in hell with the devil.

Gee, your god sounds about as nice as Hitler.

Answer #11

you get burried/or burned

people cry about it and then bring food over to your house then get over it after awhile

Answer #12

No one Can answer your Question..!!!…Every one who comented has not experienced it and they cannot say their answer is 100% true…Including me…Because Im not dead…!!! :O …

This must be the best answer for your Question

Answer #13

After you dead, not mention the body, your soul will wander for a while. When you re wander aimlessly in this world, some one upstairs is measuring your good deeds and sins. if your deeds are more than sins you go to heaven and so with the opposite. then after that you will be picked up by someone to where are you belong. Some said that when you re dying some guards will come and take your soul to meet a judge and he will judging your deeds and sins, then he will sent you to hell or heaven or to reincarnate in one of 3 worlds, I guess. So don’t do any bad things besides do good deeds, this is what religions taught to us.

Answer #14

I belive in god and I read his word the bible, and it says absance from the body into the presance of the lord. think about it being in peace forever when everyday is perfect, all you have to do is be save how easy is that wow then you don;t have to worry about going to hell. the bible tells us that hell was made for the devil and his angle not us but adam and eve sin and that kept us from god until jesus came to earth died for us, start reading the bible it is awsome

Answer #15

your physical body rots or burns. But you as a person/ soul you get the choice to have the most amazing perfect eternal life with our maker. If you turn away from god then you have the most awful painful horrible eternal life in hell with the devil. Basically! At the end of the day we will all be judged and we have to decide whether we believe in Jesus Christ the son of god or not. Heaven or hell?! I don’t have all the answers but will do my best if you want to know anything else!

Answer #16

I belive in god and I read his word the bible, and it says absance from the body into the presance of the lord. think about it being in peace forever when everyday is perfect, all you have to do is be save how easy is that wow then you don;t have to worry about going to hell. the bible tells us that hell was made for the devil and his angle not us but adam and eve sin and that kept us from god until jesus came to earth died for us, start reading the bible it is awsome

Answer #17

You turn into worm food, unless you’re cremated. It’s really not all that mysterious.

Answer #18

I believe in reincarnation recycle souls

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