What is the purpose of this ?

ok this is a sad qustion but

here it go’s

whats the point of living if you going to die you go through a whole bunch of pain and sufring for nothing just to die we dont even no if there is a heaven and there is no such thing as happness there such thing as felling happy but not happness also the declaration of induapendenc sorry I cant spell says that man must be free in his pursute of happness so why are we living yea ok many people say 4 god becauce he died for us but we dont even no if hes real ? so what is that answer to that there is no right or wrong I just want to here you thought on it

Answer #1

Faith comes by hearing - hearing by reading the word of God, the Bible - as a Christian I am secure in my Salvation, having accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart - with that comes the hope of His promises - there is much more for us and it is eternal (forever) - new bodies with no disease, no pain, no tears, and many other promises - the over-riding purpose is to Praise Him and fellowship with Him and while in this life to see His will / purpose for our life - that is our hope, that’s what we strive for - Christians like everyone, are not perfect, but they are forgiven and bought with a price - the sacrifice made for you and me on the cross.

Answer #2

in my opinion

  “What is the meaning of life?”

  The meaning of life IS eternity. This fragment which we currently inhabit “called life” is just a part of eternity which is but a classroom from which we graduate to other classrooms along the path toward Oneness in God which is our eternal destiny. Some may reach It sooner than others but all will eventually.

  What is the purpose of life?

To be born, learn and experience, and die – advancing to the next level or incarnation.

Eventually, when we have incarnated enough times to learn all that we wanted to learn, then, we will gravitate back into the Oneness of God.

  “Why are we here?”

We are here because “here” is where we chose and choose to be.

The meaning that life holds is to offer us the ability to have the stage wherein we can fulfill the purpose for why we choose to be here.

What? You don’t remember choosing to be here or why?

Your lack of memory does not negate the fact of it, it only demonstrates that you are not yet in tune with your real self – the “I” that has existed since the beginning of physical creation and will exist until rejoining the Oneness of “I”.

Purpose and Effort

Our Purpose is to Be!

Our Effort is to Grow! -

  1. To gain Knowledge, Experience and Understanding.

  2. To share That We Are!


I choose

I chose to be born, – to live or die, Even the sex, that would be I; I chose the race, from which to appear, Also my wealth, my health and my fear.

I chose my trials and stumbling blocks, And the legs I would use, in all of those walks; I chose my sadness, my joy and my love, I chose to serve and not be above.

I chose this life – with all of its dues, And with each dawn, again I choose; The experiences for me that wait ahead, To be alive, or be claimed dead.

And of the future lives I’ve yet, It is my choice that I begat; All the things, however pleasin’, That shall befall me in those seasons.

                Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Answer #3

We are here becuase God made this Earth and we have to care for it for Him. He does exist, don’t question Him. We are supposed to believe. If you believe He will make this life, that you think is so meaningless, the best thing ever.

God loves you and with His help, you will one day understand.

Answer #4

Life doesn’t have to have an overarching ‘meaning’ or ‘purpose’. It is what it is - just make the most of it.

Answer #5

the meaning of life is to reproduce to carry on the survival of your species and also because humans have become more advanced our other meaning of life is to make your life count to do the things you love, expirience, live, breath, love, hate, feel emotions, form relationships, start hobbies, and just do the things you love to do

Answer #6

What’s the purpose of ice cream? Just enjoy it.

Answer #7

well for me I would say the purpose of life is to answer that question and everyone has a different answer

Answer #8

I guess its what you believe, but if it was me and I didn’t believe in after life I would try to make my life worth something. maybe I could be remebered and in that was never die

Answer #9

“Faith comes by hearing - hearing by reading the word of God, the Bible - as a Christian I am secure in my Salvation, having accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart - with that comes the hope of His promises - there is much more for us and it is eternal (forever) - new bodies with no disease, no pain, no tears, and many other promises - the over-riding purpose is to Praise Him and fellowship with Him and while in this life to see His will / purpose for our life - that is our hope, that’s what we strive for - Christians like everyone, are not perfect, but they are forgiven and bought with a price - the sacrifice made for you and me on the cross.”

amblessed your opinions tend to be a bit jumbled, srry

Answer #10

So basically, you’re asking: what is the purpose/point of life.

My answer is: whatever you want it to be. That’s the kind of freedom you have.

You can follow religion

You can save lives

You can help animals

You can study things that happened 200 years ago

You find what you like doing, and you do it. “Happiness” does exist, you just need to find it.

Answer #11

You’re alive so why not just live?

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