Are christians, christians out of fear???

Well I have jsut come up with a conclution christians go to heaven when they die, eternal bliss and eternal life… right? and if they dont follow Jesus they go to hell eternal pain and suffering??? so basicly does this mean all christians are cowards??? or afraid of death because there trying to make themselves belief death is better than life? well if you beleive that why not take your own life? are you so afraid of pain?

Answer #1

It’s not about being brain washed it’s about making a choice and sticking with it. It’s about feeling something in your heart and mind and not letting anyone tell you that you’re wrong. Because how can you be wrong about an opinion? Are the Atheist’s wrong because they don’t believe? Are the Wiccan and Buddhists wrong because they believe in a different higher power? Are the Witches wrong because they believe their brooms can fly? NO..NO…NO…NO…nobody is wrong about an opinion!! Nobody. Just because some people do not believe in the Christian God does not mean that the people who do are brain washed.

All this boils down to is that everyone has an opinion and NO ONE is wrong, NO ONE should ever be told they’re wrong. Religion and lack of religion is about your personal opinion. That’s it and that’s all it will ever be…an opinion.

Answer #2

Killing is a sin, since you’ld be the last person you would kill, there’ld be no time to forgive yourself. So I can understand the part of not killing yourself. Kinda like the karma code in a since.

Answer #3

Simple: John 3 : 16 - accept or reject is your choice for all eternity - hope your heart doesn’t wax ice cold.

Answer #4

Has no one really read & comprehend the bible??? God is not pure good & Satin is not pure evil. Satin is just doing his job as the “tester” of men. He can only touchier those God gives him consent to. Also, he God sends people he does not want in heaven to Satin(you’ld have to have a pretty wicked heart to condemn some-one you love to eternal torture) . In the end when you think of it they both seem relatively even. The idea of an all loving god is relatively new.

Fear is how the Christian faith was spread in medieval times. Though in modern times people are just brain washed into it. You see people reciting quotes from the bible that they don't even grasp the meaning of. In all honesty it's rare to find a person who understands the bible & still believe it, & is not a coward really, at least from what I've seen so far. I'm not saying all Christians are, but hell, not too many actually seem to grasp what they're reading now a days, they're brainwashed into it at a young age.

(wonder how many people are going to try me on my convictions)

Answer #5

That’s one of the VERY common issues in the ‘belief vs. non-belief’ debate.

There are non-believers who want proof that God exists… well, there isn’t any. There are non-believers who claim that God doesn’t exist… but they cannot prove it. There are believers who claim they can prove God exists… but they really cannot. There are believers who present their ‘beliefs’ as factual, to non-believers…WRONG. There are non-believers who present their ‘non-beliefs’ as factual, to believers… EQUALLY WRONG.

It is the presentation of opinions/beliefs as ‘fact’ which is basis for most of these pointless arguments. SO QUIT IT. People have different experiences, interpretations, and knowledge of religion, and of science. NONE OF WHICH can PROVE that your opinions/beliefs are TRUE.

Answer #6

PROOF PROOF PROOF! why is everyone so obsessed with proof?

being a christian is entirely about faith. and if thats too hard for you to understand then I am very very sorry.

Answer #7

lol which fear you mean ??? what fear was spoken in the bible ??? means reverence . So yes I do fear God in reverence . Not fear as in scared .

Answer #8

I don’t believe there are any absolutes when it comes to christians. But I do know that the most vocal Christians on this site ALWAYS throw hell into the equation. If you don’t believe in god and have Jesus as your savior, you will die and go to hell.

To me, that sounds like a fear-based rationale for belief.

Answer #9

captainassasin…you’re right it is an asinine statement, that’s the point. We shouldn’t judge all people the same no matter what religion or lack of religion they are. To say that all Christians are cowards is an asinine statement, just like saying that they all aren’t.

Answer #10

but if you follow jesus and kill yourself

because you follow jesus wudnt your all richeous benevolent god forgive all your sins? if he was that benevolent

Answer #11

I think many people are Christians out of fear, but not all. I think many times children are Christian out of here but then as they grow up and mature (hopefully) and start really thinking, they become Christians from the heart.

Answer #12

Religion serves a number of psychological and emotional needs. Addressing fear of death is just one of them.

I consider religion to be a Rorschach. When you study religion you see the fears and needs of mankind. The more you understand religion the more you understand man.

Answer #13

See my point? Brain-washed.

So you believe in an invisible man that lives in the sky that watches you every second of every minuet of every hour of every single day. He has a list of 10 things he does not want to you to do, yet he’ll send a little red guy with horns that rebelled against him yet works with him to “test” you, torment you & such, but if you veer away from his path you shall be eternally punished, but he loves you oh so much. He also MAKES you the wayyou are yet will condemn you for hell because you did osmething wrong, though he made you th way you were, rather idoitic, no?

Answer #14

I did not mean they fear the unknown. I meant that saying a Christian is a coward because they fear death is an asinine statement. And Atheist’s don’t believe that there could be a “higher” power. Get the point?

Answer #15

hey im Christian! no im not a coward!!! I just believe in God because-well to put this easily-wouldnt you believe in the person that knew you before you were in your mothers womb? yeah I do okay thats the way I was raised and that`s the way I will remain I will one day marry a man that believes what I do and I will raise my kids that way and will not convert to any other beliefs that you other people believe

Answer #16

Saying that a Christian is a coward because they fear death is like saying an Atheist is a coward because they fear the unknown.

Oh DO explain that one further…

Answer #17

The fear of extreme punishment and the hope for heaven are psychological ploys to not only keep existing Christians from questioning their beliefs, but also to promote group identity (at the expense of everyone else of course). “We’re special. We’re the elect. We’re the only true children of god”…etc

This group identity has historically been taken to the extreme, resulting in active attempts to wipe out nonChristians. The current ‘dominionist’ movement supported by high ranking Republicans is an attempt to return to those good old days.

Answer #18

My parents are both Christians and I can tell you that they are not cowards. They do not fear death or life. People believe different things because they want to, not because they are forced into it out of fear. Christians open their hearts to God and Jesus out of choice, because they believe what the bible stands for, not because they are afraid.

Saying that a Christian is a coward because they fear death is like saying an Atheist is a coward because they fear the unknown.

Answer #19

christians of fear are cowards, god (this is an objective view, I dont believe in god or religion) said to man to love him and not fear him (in both muslim and christian faiths) but since the dark ages when the church ran most things they started to inject fear into people and I guess the fear never went away, thats why some say you must fear ‘god’ and not love him (ever hear the phrase god fearing christian?) ill say this though if you fear your god isnt that a sin? when he specifically said “love me” but you must understand Christianity is vague in most of its history (half of jesuses life is in darkness cause it was never recorded in the bible) and its a total mess with beliefes…

Answer #20

I have no idea what an atheist beleives, I dont beielve in a christian god thats for sure, but I beielve in a higher power that is not of a christian god… lol

Answer #21


Answer #22

they dont fear the unknown thats why there athiests

Answer #23

As I’ve said before my parents are Christian and never once have they said I’m going to hell for not believing. They’ve never said that they are special or the only true children of God. They’ve always told me that even if you don’t believe that there truly is a God when you die that you could still go to heaven or hell. Some Christians are not bad and they don’t try to push their religion on others.

The true Christians that I know feel EVERYONE in the world is the TRUE children of GOD, they don’t judge people because of what they believe, that’s what Christianity should be about. I realize that some people will always try to push their religion on others (or lack of religion), but come on, who does it really benefit to do that? Do Atheist’s get something from making Christians upset or doubt themselves? Do Christians get something from telling Atheists that there is a God? No, the only thing you get is to feel superior because you feel that whatever you believe is better than what someone else believes. In my family we can believe whatever we want without having to listen to someone preach to us about the bible or about scientific evidence that the bible is a lie. If a family can respect each other’s beliefs and live together without fighting then everyone else should also be able to.

The only true cowards are the people that can’t make decisions for themselves, the people that follow everyone around them like cattle. If someone decides for themself to believe in God and what God stands for then how can they be a coward?

Answer #24

Exactly captainassasin.

Answer #25

But we know he loves us… and we know that we will have eternal life in heaven.

You mean, you BELIEVE those things…

Answer #26

you love a non prooved sorce of being who you have ever met?

haha sounds like

Answer #27

“It’s better to reign in hell than serve in heaven…” that’s what satan said in Paradise Lost.

Answer #28

lol same

Answer #29

there is a sence of fear of hell. and Gods wrath hence God Fearing

Answer #30

I try not to get involved. Christianity is so complicated, I don’t know how anybody keeps up. :)

Answer #31

WOW! you have REALLY over analyzed this…

Yes.. some christians come to christ out of fear. some out of desperation. some for strength… etc.

But NO! all christians are NOT cowards… and if you honestly think that… You should research a bit more…

We don’t choose God because we are afraid of burning in hell… some do… But most christians don’t… We choose God because we love him… we don’t necessarily understand him… But we know he loves us… and we know that we will have eternal life in heaven.

Like I said… I’m not scared of fire… but if I had to choose between burning for eternity and eternal life… I think it would be logical to choose eternal life.

And the reason we don’t “take our own life” is because then we would go to hell… ha… I thought that was obvious.

Answer #32


Answer #33

^^^ so you don’t want to be with your god? If you were a true Christian you would want to serve god! I’m just saying - I don’t want to start an argument!

Answer #34

they dont fear the unknown thats why there athiests

Answer #35

I got to agree with informer.

Answer #36

To say that all Christians are cowards is an asinine statement, just like saying that they all aren’t.


Sweeping statements (generalizations) are used way too often, and are always– errr I mean ALMOST always wrong (whoa, I almost made another one.)

Assumptions are the foundation of ignorance.

Answer #37

I meant that saying a Christian is a coward because they fear death is an asinine statement.

…it would be equally asinine to say that NO Christians practice their religion out of fear.

Answer #38

the one true thing in my view to believe in is Good and Evil, Ying and Yang… no good can exist without evil and no evil without good…

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