What's the difference between Baptist and Jehovah's Witness?

what is the difrence in baptist and jahova witness

Answer #1

Baptists accept Jesus Christ as their saviour. They are Christian. They worship on the Sunday, eat everything. Their churches aren’t of Catholic like and they don’t have idols in them. So really they are regular Christians. Jehova’s Witness denies the deity of Christ, His physical resurrection, and salvation by grace.

Answer #2

jw’s are reffered to as cult members like mormons whereas baptists are just another form of the christian congregation

Answer #3

A lot!

Answer #4

Jehovah’s witnesses are not members of a cult. They do accept Jesus Christ as a savior. They do NOT deny the deity of Christ, His physical resurrection, and salvation by grace…but they do not worship him or any other saints.

They only worship God their creator.

They worship on Sunday, but on the other days too they still praise god and pray to him on a daily basis.

The MAIN DIFFERENCES are they do not celebrate any holidays/tradition derived from pagans or that were created to worship a roman god (yes that includes Christmas…by the way the bible doesn’t even say when Jesus was born).

The second is they use gods name JEHOVAH it is in the bible (PSALMS 83:18 in most) yet no one else recognizes it they substitute LORD.

And as the bible says they preach the good news a paradise, just as the bible tells us to do! (and they eat everything too!).

NOTE: The name Jehovah appears almost 7,000 times in the original bible writings, more times than any other name or title.

Answer #5

ok, so I was visted by a JW today and I have always had a question for them, so I very nicely asked her if I could ask her something without offending her. I was wondering since JW believe that only 144,000 are going to heaven then why would you give up your space and be out trying to get other to serve. Again I was very sweet and I have talked to them before but always wondered this. So she told me that she had No desire to go to heaven and that she was not apart of the 144,000 and that Jesus was a saint and she is going to be just fine here on earth. These are her exact words. So as we talked I realized she did not believe in the trinty and all that moving past that I asked her where would she be when God would let Satan rule for 1000 years which is in both our bibles. She said God would have her in a safe place. Now she was not able to show me this in her bible, nor able to show me where God would keep believers here on earth because she said she had to go help her other friend who was out walking the area, However Could someone help me out with this whole theory its the first I have heard of it. I personally believe in a Heaven and a Hell, but in the end there is no earth where the people are seperated for each.

Answer #6


please DO get into what happened with the JW, I would like to here what he flat out lied to you about.

Answer #7

LOL…Oh Lord, there’s some great “to–ing and fro–ing” going on in here!!!

Answer #8

The following SUMMARIES OF OVER 1400 JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES CRIMINAL and CIVIL COURT CASES will provide the BEST and MOST ACCURATE info about Jehovah’s Witnesses, their beliefs, and how they ACTUALLY practice such day to day.

The following website summarizes 900 court cases and lawsuits affecting children of Jehovah’s Witness Parents, including 400 cases where the JW Parents refused to consent to life-saving blood transfusions for their dying children, as well as nearly 400 CRIMINAL cases – most involving MURDERS:



The following website summarizes over 500 lawsuits filed by Jehovah’s Witnesses against their Employers, incidents involving problem JW Employees, and other secret JW “history” court cases:



Answer #9

*sorry one correction above ^^ I guess I didn’t know the proper definition of deity…Jehovah witnesses do not see Jesus as God, for there is only one God Jehovah. We recognize that he is the SON of God…sorry for the confusion!!

Answer #10

Both of you are wrong, there is not a single holy entity, we were created as a result of a planned experiment by extraterrestrial beings; STOP spreading the religious ignorance

Answer #11


We all have the right by God to warship and choose.

The KJV and Jewish and Orthidox and Hebrew versions of the bible all give a time of birth of Jesus Christ The Savior! Read.

Jehovah’s witnesses teach that Christ was God’s first creation (even though John 1:1-14 says otherwise).

Jesus is only way for atonement (Matthew 7:13-27).

I ask you please to read up on your knowledge and where you are getting it from.

I was talking with a JW a while ago who got me thinking about their religion. He flat out lied to me about a number of things. We wont get into it. Research where and when the religion of JW was started, who started it (Charles Taze Russell), and why.

Christ is the flesh of god. If a religion adds and takes away from the simple message of God and his love, think about what you are getting into.

Glad to see you care about the word. Thank you, and God Bless.

Answer #12

Jehovah’s witnesses are not members of a cult. They do accept Jesus Christ as a savior. they do NOT deny the deity of Christ, His physical resurrection, and salvation by grace…but they do not worship him or any other saints. They only worship God their creator. They worship on Sunday, but on the other days too they still praise god and pray to him on a daily basis. The MAIN DIFFERENCES are they do not celebrate any holidays/tradition derived from pagans or that were created to worship a roman god (yes that includes Christmas…by the way the bible doesn’t even say when Jesus was born). The second is they use gods name JEHOVAH it is in the bible (PSALMS 83:18 in most) yet no one else recognizes it they substitute LORD. And as the bible says they preach the good news a paradise, just as the bible tells us to do! (and they eat everything too!)…NOTE: The name Jehovah appears almost 7,000 times in the original bible writings, more times than any other name or title.

Answer #13

JW’s central teaching is that the Watchtower Corporation, which runs Jehovah’s Witnesses, was directly chosen by Jesus Christ to speak for him and represent his will on earth. If you ever questions their beliefs you are subject to a judicial committee, a secret trial. Here is the introduction to a recording of such a trial so you can learn what actually goes on. If one is convicted that one is ordered to be shunned by both the congregation and family members.


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