Do you think a Christian should read Twilight?

Do you think a christian should read the book twilight?

Answer #1

I like how some of you say YOUR GOD and I’M A CHRISTIAN AND I READ IT. IT’S OKAY IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE IT. There are a lot of issues that are extremely “scary” about this series. The fact that it seems harmless is probably one of the scariest things about it.

God does care what you put into your mind, body, and soul. That’s why he laid it all out for us in his book…you might have heard of it…THE BIBLE. The fact that Bella is willing to basically give up her eternal soul for a life of immortality is not something that young people should be hearing. She is obviously NOT a saved person. One thing I find disgusting is the fact that so many so called Christians are reading these books. I ask young Christians all the time…”Why are you reading that?” They don’t see anything wrong with it. It’s kind of like Screamo Christian and Death Metal Christian music. Their response is..”Well, it doesn’t matter what it sounds like as long as the message is good.” What message? Demonic screeches and shrieks are not appealing to the one and only God that I know and love…just read the Psalms for assurance of that.

The fact that this series was written by a Mormom (LDS) is also terrifying. They believe that everyone gets a second chance after death to come to Christ. Maybe that is why she allows herself to create a character with no regard for her soul. She can always just make it right afterward and still find her way into one of the lower levels of heaven before attaining GOD STATUS FOR HERSELF. Crazy, crazy, crazy…

I’m starting to ramble, so…DON’T READ TWILIGHT, IT’S OF THE DEVIL!

Answer #2

if you research these things before indulging into stuff Hollweird puts on the screen you’ll be better off. WE are to guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus—and we are to be careful what we entertain ourselves with–as a Christian you won’t even be intereted in watching this movie–you won’t have any desire at all to view it–you’re too in love with Jesus Christ and don’t need to be wasting time on man made fables and fairy tales… the Holy Spirit dwelling inside you –as a Christian will keep you from making mistakes and indulging in things that grieve God’s heart… Too much idle time on kids’ hands ..should be into the Word and fellowshipping with other believers of like mind.. No—a true Christian has NO business watching this at all…

Answer #3

First of all, I stumbled upon site by accident. Now then, I can’t believe what I’m reading from self proclaimed Christians. “I do all these things the Bible speaks against, but I still believe in God” The devil “believes” in God. We as Christians are supposed to be in the world, but not OF the world. God is a loving God, but He is also a God of wrath. Please be careful what you put into your mind and your body. The devil is seeking who he can devour. And even if you are strong in your faith of the Lord Jesus Christ, this series of books and films are not helping you in your walk with the Lord.

Answer #4

Yes, you can read whatever you want to. Even reading the Da Vinci Code, it’s so contraversial, and it does make people question their faith, but it’s untrue. You can believe whatever you want to believe.

Answer #5

I know, but things have changed. Yes, our churches asks us to be careful with what we put into our body and mind, but they dont force us to. At least not mine. I am a completely independent person who likes to listen to music, watch scary movies and read weird books. I also drink and curse, but I still believe in God.

Answer #6

Mandyloo, according to the Bible Christians arent supposed to “defile” themselves with anything based on demons, vampires, or anything of the sort. HOWEVER, that was the old testament, and nowadays things are a bit different. I am a Christian and I watch horror films, vampire films, ghost films, read creepy books, etc. As long as you are strong in your faith and know that the book is ficton then you will be fine.

Answer #7

I believe in a God who has had so much mercy on us and has blessed us with all spiritual blessings. If you have doubts about this movie, it could be your spirit man saying that this really is not what you should do. I don’t count a vampire’s abstinance in drinking her blood the same as abstinance from the evil one or the desires of the flesh. I do believe that the movie like all scary movies could keep you up at night wondering when the thing would jump in your window. Every creepy noice outside would make you nervous. I really do not think fear should be a part of the Christian’s arsenal. It is kind of like if you feel convicted by it, don’t do it. If you don’t feel convicted at all-check out Roman 1.

Answer #8

Yes…this is a great saga and well… the movie could have been better if it would have had a bigger budget. Unfortunately, the budget for the 2nd one isn’t much more than the 1st-production company must really either need/ or want the extra cash. The first movie made back it”s budget in the FIRST 24 HRS it was out. All of us Twilighters were out at midnight in full force!!! But, I digress. Yes dear. I think you can read this series without damaging your soul. And on the plus side. I think you”ll like it…a lot!!! (:

Answer #9

I have read the series and seen the movie with my 13 year old daughter. There is truly no seriously “scary” parts to this. The books actually present Christian beliefs…abstinence until marriage, the concept of family, one’s inner struggle with right and wrong. This is a grand love story and about finding the one person you know that you won’t to spend your life with. You will enjoy this book!! Happy reading sweetheart!!

Answer #10

The one about the vampire? Why does being a certain religion mean that you can’t read a certain book. That’s silly.

Answer #11

I don’t think you should read such brap! I H8 Twilite.

Answer #12

im christian and I read it! As long as you dont change your beliefs its fine

Answer #13


there IS a God, and that God pays attention to every single thing you do.

to levzeroni - as long as you know it’s just a fiction, and it doesn’t influence you in a bad way, and you keep up your faith with God, it’s okay :)

God bless.

Answer #14

We, Christians, should look at such literature and all other matters if it’s a “wing” to help us grow closer to God OR is it a “weight” which are things that don’t edify our lives. Our lives in Christ should be set apart for God. Many such things are a waste of time and pollute our minds with junk. Reading the Bible or another Christian book is a better use of ones time.

Answer #15

I don’t think anyone should read those books.

They’re complete crap.

Answer #16


Answer #17

Hmm. This is a question I have definitely asked myself quite a bit seeing as I am 17 and in the faith. I will say that I have read the series more than once actually. I like it. I think it is well written. But I do know that a lot of things are wrong with the situation in the books.

1st: Bella (the main character) is willing to risk her soul to be with Edward (the other main character) forever. that’s wrong. I know better than that. she constantly says that there is no heaven without Edward. to me her thinking is off but you don’t see me running to be a vampire.

2nd: it’s about vampires. but again that word has a loose meaning anyways so I’m not really sure if thats such a problem. Meaning the myth of vampires changes based on who writes it. Christians often bring up the scripture in Levicticus when God is instructing Israel on how to cook their meat, with no blood in it. so essentially it is not the same thing. I don’t want to be immortal on earth or be cold with no heart and all that. If I’m going to live forever anywhere, I want it to be in Heaven.

But there are good points to the story and that really centers around Edward and his vampire family. Essentially they are very good people with high morals. They are paired into couples who are married. Yes they have sex but all of them are married. Edward wont have sex with Bella because they aren’t married and he doesn’t want to physically harm her. Edward does not want to change bella because he thinks that he is already going to hell. He doesn’t want her to suffer the same fate. He cares about her soul and wants her to have a chance at going to heaven. Also his family didn’t choose to be what they are. They were all changed without any knowledge of what was happening. And they have fought against their nature to be good. Instead of human blood they only drink animal blood because they don’t want to kill people. They all wish they could be human and have souls. They are very loyal as family and very kind and giving.

so really if there is any un-christian things going on in the book, it quite often centers around Bella herself because while she is a good person, she is very willing to go to hell for Edward, whereas Edward does not want to risk her soul. But she does choose to keep her baby rather than abort it, so that is positive christian moral.

Basically the book is good and bad. It really is a huge metaphor for life. It deals with temptation (Edward being tempted to have sex with Bella but deciding that they have to marry first) it deals with love and abortion. Stuff that a lot of people go through everyday and it has strong relgious undertones as well as christians. It shouldn’t be replaced with the bible or anything like that of course not but in reading the book it doesn’t make me question my beliefs it just makes me hold on tighter.

The only thing I questioned was whether or not Edward and his family would really go to hell because they were vampires, given that they tried so very very hard to be good and not kill anybody. Also because they were well aware of souls and the afterlife. So to me in that hypothetical story the answer would be no. they wouldn’t go to hell. Simply because God judges on the heart and is very merciful and knowing. In that hypothetical situation he would have known that they didn’t have a choice in what htey are but they spent their whole immortal lives fighting against evil to be good and upright. Yes one sister is supposedly “psychic”. I don’t know but she didn’t have control over her ability to see the future she just saw it. She didn’t see the reasons why people did what they did she just saw the outcomes. So again I’m on the fence about them goign to hell more leaning toward the no.

But does this book make me want to be a vampire? Nope not really. I’m 17 years old the whole idea of dying one day scares the crap out of me but I’d rather die and go to heaven than live on earth forever as a vampire. And I wouldn’t risk my soul to be with a guy. It doesn’t make me want to be a demon or anything. I still want to be a christian and make it to heaven one day. the struggle I had with being a teenager have not changed that much since I read twilight. any sins I commit have no connection to the book in that my beliefs were changed. I’m just a 17 year old girl who is essentially a good person but I’m still a sinner. so should christians read twilight? sure if htey want to. they won’t go to hell for doing so. It’s well written and does have good messages.

Answer #18

AHA!And you all say that Muslims are extremists when it comes to such things!Aha!This is rich!

Answer #19

uhh yeah of course btw stephaine myer is a mormon and mormons are christian

Answer #20

Yes, It’s fine if that’s what you want to read. It’s just a work of fiction…I don’t get why people think it’s all satanic or whatever..

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