The 1800's and Missionaries

I was wondering, along time ago when the first missionaries came to, the U.S which consisted of Native American Tribes, why did they try to change their beliefs? Why were so many indians killed/mis-treated because they would not take the ways of, the whites? (im not being racist by the way…)

Doesnt it say in the bible, that Jesus will stand at the door of your house and knock, and it is up to you if you want to open the door, and let him in? But you dont have to, you could just leave him out there, because he wont force his way in?

If so, why did the first Preachers and such, try to force Jesus on the tribes?

Answer #1

It’s simple, really. The native tribes were in the way, so to speak. Religious conversion of the native tribes was a secondary concern; the main drive behind European settlement of the Americas was economics. There were some groups that settled the Americas mainly because they were after religious freedom; however, the conflict with native tribes occurred because of competition over land and resources, not because of a genuine desire to Christianize the locals.

The mentality of the European settlers was, if the locals accept Jesus and Christianity, so be it; if they do not, we have good reason to believe they are heathens and remove them from the land God has destined us to inhabit. It wasn’t so much a struggle for souls as it was a struggle for territory.

Answer #2

the bible has been used through out history to justify some pretty messed up things

Answer #3

Give me a break They were in an isolated part of the world & “primitive”(though extremly advance people believe it or not) so how are they suppose to accept some one they don’t even know about. To them he didnt’ even exsiest in the world, just like people you don’t knwo really don’t exist to you. To you I only exiest as a funadvise user, that’s all you know me as, other than that I don’t exist. When the settlers came it was indeed a battle just for territory mostly. Those who “took pity” on them would try to turn them from their “heathen” ways & the ones that didn’t corporate were killed. To the settlers their way were the right way & any one who didn’t follow were heathens & needed to be wiped from the earth or converted if possible(of coarse after taking their land first).

Answer #4

so because Native Americans dont believe they are automatically heathens? Thats just…beautiful. Of course im being sarcastic…

Answer #5

“Native Americans were very sparse, and newly arriving Europeans could have easily coexisted with them for quite a long time. “

I guess it depends on where, when, and who we’re talking about. Some European settlers (especially French) did coexist peacefully with native tribes in North America. But in those cases, European settlement itself was usually sparse. That wasn’t true in many other places. I disagree that Europeans overall could have coexisted peacefully for a “long time” given how rapidly Europeans were claiming and settling new lands. The driving force behind the settlement, slaughter, and forced migration, was economic. The cultural, religious, and ethnic differences were used to justify it.

Answer #6

* Religious conversion of the native tribes was a secondary concern; the main drive behind European settlement of the Americas was economics.

I disagree. Native Americans were very sparse, and newly arriving Europeans could have easily coexisted with them for quite a long time. Instead, they undertook campaigns to wipe them out long before there was any conflict over natural resources.

They slaughtered them mercilessly, because the Native Americans were different; ethnically, culturally, and yes, religiously. It’s the same mentality that allowed Europeans to capture Africans for slaves.

Answer #7

It also says in Matthew 28: 15-17 that Jesus told them to go to all nations…get your bible and read it…make diciples of all nations…what happened with the Native Americans or who went to see them maybe man’s attempt but I am sure it wasn’t perfect…The scripture you are referring is about individuals…you or each of us can accept Jesus or not…each of us has a choice to accept the good news or not…the force you are speaking of is simply telling the Native American Tribes the good news…they could accept Jesus or not…as far as the misteatment…there were good and bad people just like there are today…the motivations where not always about the good news…

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