Why doesn't God smite down Satan already?

Seriously? If it’s for sure that he will win the battle against Satan why not destry him already?

Answer #1

Obviously our time is not his, but that doesn’t mean a thing to why he doesn’t kill Satan already. seems to me like you only say that because you can’t give a legit answer

Answer #2

because as you know as well as I do its not the time you know everything is going to God’s plan and its not time . X13 you read the bible dont play like you dont know at all . seems to me you only want to fuss but its not working lol

Answer #3

no, you just don’t knwo what the question is asking

Why not NOW Not later, NOW Why not way back when, Why wait if he can do it? & why would he need to test us? God is suppose to be all knowing.

Answer #4

lol but I did and you chose to just ignore why you want to deny what you have so called read ??? oh yeah you changed out of the bible that is why you are blinded to what is there but can not see ???

Answer #5

Because maybe he can’t actually do it, Satan could just come along and do what god claims he can do, also did you ever think that god punishes people because he is evil and satan is good?

Answer #6

That answers nothing.

Answer #7

God can’t figure out how free will would work if there wasn’t a red suited horned guy running around implanting evil thoughts into people’s minds against their will.

Plus, they’re drinking buddies.

Answer #8

Because if God didn’t have someone to torture people for him, he’d have to do it himself, and that would make him Evil. Just like the US uses extraordinary rendition to send people to Syria for “enhanced interrogation”.

Answer #9

You know so much. You tell me.

Answer #10

maybe because a mystical being that causes all the bad in the world doesn’t exist. or maybe its because a mystical being that causes all the good in the world doesn’t exist. maybe a little of both

Answer #11

Is that the only response in which you can give? I would think that to be most obvious. Seriously. Try again.

Answer #12

thex13 you were christian why ask when you said you read the bible ??? to help refresh your memory : satan will be destroyed and thrown into hell when God comes , that is where christians show that we pray that God helps us and lean and talk to God in helping us turn what ever bad comes around into good its to let our faith grow with God stronger tolet satan know that we turn to God instead of letting satan pull us down more than what we are . But its all Faith.

Answer #13

lol toadaly

Answer #14

I’ll go with that…lol Drinkin buddies…

honestly though…that’s not it. And hope you find IT

Answer #15

Just for the record, I don’t believe in either Just a question to see who could answer.

Answer #16

I don’t know. Entertainment value?

Answer #17

because nither exist

Answer #18

God’s time is not our time and His thoughts are not our thoughts.

Answer #19

if god destroyed satan he wud be destroying himself.as I stick with my god and satan are the same being theory, even though I am athest to a chriatisn god so I have no idea why I bother comming up with that theory :S

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