Creationism, world was created in 7 days?

Ok well, heres the thing

God created everything supposely? (in christian veiw)

Dinosours were first there and then humans came around millions of years later But the world was created in seven days

Erm.. People who beleive this.. Explain youself

Answer #1

God created everything is not a Christian ‘view’ - it is stated Fact in the book of Genesis - as well as the Fact that God created everything and rested on the 7th day - read it for yourself, not hard to understand: - what is your evidence that Dinosours were BEFORE creation, Thanks !

Answer #2

“if they think nothing is perfect aaprt from god then the bible written by man is not perfect”

that’s why so many will brainwash people into thinking God made it, etc.

Answer #3

I have read it before actualy, I have read all the bible

and actualy im saying if god created everything including dinosurs and human. mankind came millions of year after dinosurs so the theory of the world being created in 7 days is compeltely wrong

Answer #4

people saying god created everything is their way of saying everything had to be created by something…

A believer states everything must have a creator but fail to say how he was created…

Answer #5

I explain myself as everyone else did. It refers to 7 periods of time, not 7 literal days. #

Joke: This man was asking God some questions and he said “God what is a million years to you”? A million years to you would be 1 second to me! “God what is 1 million dollars to you”? A million dollars to you would would be 1 penny to me! “God “,the man said, “can I have a penny”? God said, Yeah sure, just a second!

It’s a joke, but it’s true. Money is worthless in the eyes of God, and time is in His control. If you have any questions or prayer requests, I would love to pray for you.

He has a plan, and it will follow through whether you believe it or not.

Answer #6

But you don’t know that he told you that, unless you’re claiming that you have some ability that makes you more reliable than everyone else on earth.

Science produces measurable results - including everything you’re wearing, using, and eating. What have you produced that shows your insight to be equal or superior to that?

Answer #7

No not me. Go is more knowledgeable than the entire scientific establishment. He knows because he is the one who did it. I am just telling you what he told us.

Answer #8

I’m not talking about whether or not you think it’s foolish for us to be able to make claims about evolution. I’m talking about the hypocrisy and arrogance of you doing that while simultaneously proclaiming that you know for certain that god did it. What makes you more knowledgeable than the entirety of the scientific establishment?

Answer #9

augustine: Don’t you feel any cognitive dissonance at all when you proclaim that you know for absolute certain that the universe was created in 7 literal days by the christian god, and simultaneously claim that “man is foolish to make such claims” about other things that are much better supported by actual evidence?

Answer #10 - what is your evidence that Dinosaurs were BEFORE creation, Thanks !

Besides the fact that scientist & archeologist have dated the bones using carbon test, NO homosapian NOR homoeructus has dated as old as any Creatatius, Jurassic, hardly any homoeructus in Prehistoric. Besides, if humans would have existed with dinosaurs we wouldn’t even be alive right now. They’ld when a battle against us hands down. Only with modern day technology would we even have a hope to win against a dinosaur.

Hey, most Christians don’t believe in the Bible literally

I believe you to have that flipped-flopped. Most the Christians I know & even my most intellectual christain friends do.

“half agnostic and half Buddhist”

You’re agnostic with some Buddhist beliefs.

& before any one brings up “well humans were living in Eden at the time”, they’ve found Eden on earth, & yes there are dinosaur fossils there.

Answer #11

God does not have any religion. I am saying that man is foolish to make claims about evolution. Many evidences for evolution are proven to be false. These evidences are not absolute. By the way what makes you think the world cannot be created in 7 literal days? Remember we are not saying a human being created it. He did it because he had better technology. Man took days to go from one end of the world to another. Now he can do it in hours. The difference is technology.

Answer #12

amblessed this is why you bug me : Fact: Noun

  1. an event or thing known to have happened or existed
  2. a truth that can be proved from experience or observation

View: Noun

  1. opinion, judgment, or belief:

You CAN NOT prove religion, so it can not be a fact. Religion is about faith, which is also not a fact, it’s something that you believe in. So that would be your “view” on things. Comprehend simple definitions my dear.

Answer #13

A-men brother lol I beleive its a load of bull s##t I dont get it aculy im doing a project of salvation history it starts with bull s##t (god) and ends with bull s##t (jesus)

from da phantom razz berry blower

Answer #14

God created the world, dinosaurs, animals man and everything else in 7 days. That Dinosaur existed millions of years before is only a theory. It is not the truth. Even to say Dinosaurs don’t exist today is foolishness. Man has not investigate thee oceans completely. Man has not the deep marsh of Africa. In fact they can not do so. So man is foolish to make such claims.

Answer #15

lol agreed

there are so many unreliable sorces in the bible and they should re-write it and get it right as I said before christians take it litteraly like some that I know do… kinda sad tbh

Answer #16

Hey…who says God shouldn’t have a sense of perverse humor???

There was a time when the only “picture” of God that entered my mind, was Jack Nicholson as the Joker in Batman…


Answer #17

Assuming you are religious, there’s simply no way to defend a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation account. It’s allegorical, and has been viewed by many Christians that way throughout history.

Answer #18

Heh. According to the Bible, god created everything in SIX days, not 7.

On the 7th day, the tireless omnipotent self sufficient creator rested. …of course, that implies he is not still resting. So I wonder what he’s up to. Maybe he sells Amway?

Answer #19

I think they mean 7 days “in God’s time”…and brother does He have a lot of it…what do ya suppose 7 days adds up to, in eternity???


Answer #20

OK 7 day bac than wasent really 24 hours a day actually meant a long period of time so 7 “days” is actually a term for long periods of time.I mean they didnt know what an hour or secound even was.. please ANSWER MY QUESTION IN THE UNANSWERED UNDER KATZPAJAMAS

Answer #21

exactly, they should admit that mistake is wrong and move on I swear to god there so hot headed and protective when theres no need to be, if they think nothing is perfect aaprt from god then the bible written by man is not perfect god I wish they would accept what other people have to say

Answer #22

well they should change it before people like amblessed start taking it litteraly most christians I know do take it litteraly, my dad does the church he goes to does, and the only catholic christian who is acutaly smart with that is my r.e teacher who pretty much says that god didnt create the world like that, that science prooves that

people DO take this litteraly and im pointing out it sounds ridiculous

Answer #23

The usual explanations are something like this:

  • It’s allegorical. 6 days is actually a very long time when you’re god.
  • God created the world ‘old’. That is, when he created it, he included premade dinosaur fossils. Why? To fool those who don’t have faith, of course! This requires a particularly perverse god, so most people don’t subscribe to it. It’s also totally untestable - as it would be if I claimed that the world was created just yesterday.
  • The 6 days really were 6 days, dinosaurs lived on earth with man (and in Eden, they were vegetarians!), the great flood wiped them out and created all the geological evidence that we attribute to millions of years of history. Totally, utterly debunked, but that doesn’t stop people spouting it anyway.
Answer #24

“OK 7 day bac than wasent really 24 hours a day actually meant a long period of time so 7 “days”

hwo do we know thats what it ment?

“”God created everything is not a Christian ‘view’ - it is stated Fact in the book of Genesis - as well as the Fact that God created everything and rested on the 7th day - read it for yourself, not hard to understand:””

a fact is undiputable God creating the wolrd is a belief NOT A FACT and the bible is hily unreliable.

Answer #25

God created everything is not a Christian ‘view’ - it is stated Fact in the book of Genesis - as well as the Fact that God created everything and rested on the 7th day - read it for yourself, not hard to understand:

amblessed… you’ll go to hell for a lifetime of bearing false witness…

Does your puny little brain simply not understand what it means to have faith? Do you honestly think you can get to heaven without it? Read the Bible… FAITH IS A REQUIREMENT.

Answer #26

“Dinosours were first there and then humans came around millions of years later But the world was created in seven days”

Hey, most Christians don’t believe in the Bible literally, alright.

My view is that the “7 days” referred to in the Bible is simply 7 periods of time. Its a very common literary technique (referring to a very long period of time as one day) used by many authors.

Answer #27

the thing is christians got this one wrong but if they admit it it would allow dout on their part

Answer #28

So who created God?

Answer #29

Maybe if some people here, would quit trying to lump Fundelementalism in with the more progressive Christian religions, the debate would get less “us against them”, and more educational. Fundlementalists believe the Bible literally…word for word…the rest believe and interpet it as they see fit…personal insight…or lack of insight.

Answer #30

I have seen many documentaries and read a lot about this subject. One scholar I saw on the History Channel who was discussing the great flood said the word “earth” could mean a specific spot on this planet and not the entire world…thus this would explain that only a portion of the middle east experienced the catastrophie which caused Noah and his family to take refuge on the ark. Maybe this is the case for the Garden of Eden, that it was created in six days and when Adam and Eve were driven from there they had to intermingle with the fallen race of angels who had already been inhabiting the entire earth for thousands if not millions of years.

Answer #31

well they got it WRONG

Answer #32

Who knows huh? Christian, Islam, Catholic, Buddhist, and many other religion is a way to keep people from going chaotic questioning the government furthermore, “What happens when we die???” Many people have answered themselves along the lines of believing in a certain religion. I’m sort of religious, half agnostic and half Buddhist. I can’t seem to understand how can we believe a group of people that tells us GOD created everything in 6 or 7 days. I can’t accept the fact that this religion was created (excuse my ignorance) but somewhat in the early 16th century, and spread along the world by the Crusades. And eventually across the world attracting thousands of believers. Please don’t think that I favor any religion but it’s a matter of faith I have and the questions that no answer can truly satisfy me. I understand people may say read the bible for all of your answers but I’m not so gullible and I’m not saying any of you are.To me I need here-and-now evidence, not someone telling me there was one holy substance that made everything 50,000 years ago you know?

Answer #33

many Christians cant explain it because they just believe it. thats what their religion is based on, faith. they think if you just believe what the religion tells you to believe then you will go to heaven. they dont have an explanation because in Catholicism it isnt needed. all you need is to know god said/did such and such and thats the way it is. im not saying theyre stupid or anything, im just saying explaining isnt part of their religion. knowing how it all works isnt what getting into heaven is about, so asking questions like that just gets many mad, and no answers. the bible was a book written by humans long ago and there is really no way to prove anything written in there, and if you are a christian trying to prove the things god did using science and logic.. well thats not very faithfull, your just supposed to believe it.

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