Kid who doesnt believe in god

Theres this kid at my school who doesnt beleive in god( but he believes the easter bunny!) is there any way I can possibly make him belevie!?!?!?!?!?!

Answer #1

falls out of chair laughing Nice one todaly

Why does he have to believe? & hey, Easter was oringally a Pagan holiday Ostria. Ever wonder where the coloring of eggs or the idea of the Easter bunny came from(though they didn’t really believe in the Easter bunny, it was more of a iconic figure)? The joining of feminine & masculine aspcets. It was a fertitlity holiday. & hey, if he’s just a kid he’ll grow out of it.

Though I don’t see why you’re so concerned. As George Carlin said “Christianity easily has the greatest bullsht ever told. Just think about it. Christianity has actually convinced people that there’s an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minuet of every day. & this invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do, & if you do any of these 10 things, he has a special place filled with fire & smoke & burning & torture& anguish where he will send tou ro live suffer& burn & choke & scream & cry forever, till the end of time, but he loves you. He loves you & he needs money{though it’s the root of all evil}. He always needs money. He’s all powerful & all knowing, all perfect, & all wise, but somehow he can’t handle money. [The church] takes in billions of dollars each year, they pay NO taxes…& they ALWAYS need more. Now you talk about a good bullsh*t story.

Answer #2

What the hell does believing in God have to do with a stork?

Just because you don’t believe in God doesn’t mean that he doesn’t exist. Yeah there might be proof of some things but that really doesn’t mean that other things never happened.

As for the question…you can’t push your beliefs on anyone…it’s not fair to the other person and it’s not right. How would you like it if a Satanist tried to push their beliefs on you?

I am not saying that I believe in God but I am saying that unless you can without a doubt 100% prove that their never was a God or Jesus then let them alone. Let them believe whatever they want.

By the way, you can’t prove it, unless you lived when God supposedly created Earth, Adam and Eve were invented and Mary was a virgin having a baby.

Answer #3

The Easter Bunny is the One TRUE God. I feel so sorry for those who don’t follow Him. I think it’s because they love evil and hate good. That’s why they reject him. They’ve been deceived by Santa.

I mean come on! What do you have to lose? If I’m right, you will be rewarded with candy and eggs. If I’m wrong, you lose nothing. Also, evilution is a big joke. Babies come from the Stork, so how can they evolve? You don’t see babies turning into platypuses. LOL! How moronic those evilutionists are!

Also, the big bang!? Oh right. First there was nothing, then nothing exploded, and now we have the universe. You have to be a real Einstein to believe nonsense like that. Nope. The Mother Goose explains how the world hatched from an egg. Now that makes sense obviously, because we know eggs exist, and they hatch. Plus, some guy in Texas has a fossilized footprint of a dinosaur, and right on top of it is the footprint of a stork. So that proves dinosaurs came from storks.

…and don’t even get me started about aerodynamics. What a joke. Oh sure, you can stare at an airplane all day and it won’t levitate unless it has a pilot. Hello people, anyone home? It’s obviously the intelligent pilot that makes it levitate. The same goes for birds. They’re intelligent, so they can fly, well except for penguins and emus. But they aren’t actually the bird ‘type’, because they don’t fly. That’s why they aren’t intelligent. Oh yeah, that’s why they should teach Intelligent Levitation as an alternative to aerodynamics. I mean, let’s teach the controversy.

Anyway, I think this is overwhelming evidence that the Easter Bunny is real, and so you will go to the North Pole if you don’t tithe. I have hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of equal quality arguments, so my position really is overwhelming.

Answer #4

…I really should stop drinking so much.

Answer #5

pray and make sure that he knows you want him to be a christian. Also Really make sure God’s light shines through you Dont force him though

Answer #6

I know what your point is…you’re saying that if you can believe in God then you can also believe in “fictional” characters. You’re saying that to you, there really is no difference and that you don’t believe all the other crap out there because there is no proof to back it up…just like God.

Is that the point?

Answer #7

Pretty much. There’s nothing to distinguish god (or any particular god) from any other fictional character - neither has any evidence for its existence.

Answer #8


Well, you can believe whatever you want about babies but since I had 3 I can give you 100% proof of where they came from. Got the scar to prove it.

Answer #9

You forgot to mention: airplanes don’t fly because of ‘aerodynamics’ or that ‘lift’ thingy; they fly because they tricked the sky into thinking they’re BIRDS.

Answer #10

Instead of concerning yourself with why he doesn’t believe in god, you should be more concerned about why YOU don’t believe in the EASTER BUNNY.

Answer #11

the best thing you can do is just pray that he will find his own way to live and dont worry about it really you cant push anything on anyone (most of the time) he has the right to believe or not believe in what he wants to. you’ll feel bad I know but theres nothing you can do

Answer #12

I dont belive in god either, and its people like you who come up to me in school and try to force religion on me that gives me my dislike for religious people- if I/ this kid/ every one els who dosnt beleive in god dosnt want to belive then why dont you leave us alone, we dont try to force athism on you…

Answer #13

Do you suppose there’s another forum somewhere where this kid is asking for advice on how to make you believe in the easter bunny?

Answer #14

Well, all I can say is The Easter Bunny is harmless…the jurys still out on God. Leave him alone. Maybe if God was the Easter Bunny the world would be lovely and colorful with treats and eggs, instead of, well…look around. Do what feels good to you, and let others find their way. My advice.

Answer #15

I dont agree with pushing religion on people.

It is my choice to believe in what I want. If you are concerned, pray for them. However force feeding your relgious beliefs on someone else, will only turn them away in disgust.

Answer #16

Pray for him dont try to push God on him. Thats what makes people not care about the bible and feel unfomfortable in church.

Just ask God and pray that something will come his way and maybe he will.

Answer #17

you make me sick

let people be free, I am nowere near a chistian or catholic, infact they hate people like me but I go to a religous school dont you dare push people into faith thats sick minded and twisted I dont force people into ym beliefs. if you forced every athiest in the world to be christian belifes wouldnt be geuine anymore

Answer #18

“What the hell does believing in God have to do with a stork?

Just because you don’t believe in God doesn’t mean that he doesn’t exist.”

Just because you don’t believe in storks delivering babies doesn’t mean they don’t.

“I am not saying that I believe in God but I am saying that unless you can without a doubt 100% prove that their never was a God or Jesus then let them alone.”

And you leave the storks alone!

Answer #19

Ummm…you can’t make anyone believe in something that they don’t believe in. It’s a belief! Cannot be proven true. I believe though, just not religion… Best adivce, and it might sound harsh (so sorry) Get over it. If you force him or try to make him believe, you could make an enemy. Trust me…I’ve seen it happen.

Answer #20

A valid-& quite sharp- point indeed Rose 1_~

Answer #21

Maybe the Easter Bunny IS God??


Answer #22

I think you’re missing the point.

Answer #23

toadaly: That was brilliant.

Answer #24

don’t be fanciest

Answer #25

yea jester x is right you cant belive in a god he has the right to belive what he wants

Answer #26

Why dose he have to believe? he has the right to believe what he wants as much as you

Answer #27

I dont belive in god

Answer #28

Here is how the conversation should go:

YOU: How can you believe in the Easter Bunny? Someone just made that up. There’s no evidence to support it.

THE KID: Yeah, good point! I never thought of it that way.
But how can you believe in God? Someone just made him up. There’s no evidence to support him.

YOU: Good point! I never thought of it that way. I feel smarter for having given up my absurd beliefs!

THE KID: Yeah, me too! Let’s go do our homework and become smart, successful members of the American work force so hopefully we can help prevent another economic collapse.

YOU: That sounds swell!!

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