Your reaction to agnosticism/atheism is...?

Hi. I was just wondering what people thought about agnostics/atheists. I am an agnostic. I lean towards atheism, but since I really dont 100% that there isnt a higher power, so I go by agnostic. Well, what do you think when someone tells you that they are agnostic or atheist? I have seen a variety of reactions when I tell people that I have no religion but I was just wondering about the honest/interesting answers the funadvice community would give. thanks! -emma

Answer #1

I have an easier time understanding agnosticism because you arent saying that there is no higher power at all, just that there is no way to prove or disprove such existance. I was brought up catholic, and I have to admit there are times that I wonder, if I wasnt brought up with a religion and religion was something that we were able to freely study and chose for ourselves would catholocism be my choice? With all of the beliefs of catholicism you have to have such a strong faith without any proof and its so hard at times I feel. There are times I really wonder. That science gets the best of me , and yet there are other parts of me that are convinced that there is something there, that through everything there has to be a higher power. So for me agnosticism almost makes sense…it seems like a logical religion and almost safe. As for as atheists, It’s hard for me to imagine truly not believing in anything at all. Maybe it’s because of the religion I was brought up with, but to believe that there is nothing at all, no Gods of any religion I can not fathom. I guess its hard for me to swallow that people really believe that you die and you are buried and you decompose and that is the end of it, and for them that is ok, they arent bothered with that outcome, for me that seems so empty. I hope that helped a little.

Answer #2

I am a declared Atheist, but, like you are now, I was an agnostic for many years. At one time or another I was in a church choir, Sunday school, church, and bible study. I am not a ‘militant’ Atheist - that’s what I call the Atheist version of Jehovah’s Witnesses; always in-your-face proselytizers.

I believe that the only truth is what is found in science, while realizing that science is never going to presume that it knows any “FINAL TRUTH”, like all religions claim to know.

When you think of it, EVERYBODY is an atheist to a degree. The Pope doesn’t believe in the existence of Zeus, or Voodoo spirits, or the Roman gods, or Bahá’u’lláh, or the animism of the Druids… Nor do I — I just take it one god further.

When someone tells me they are Agnostic I think that they are going in one of two directions. They are going to wimp out and become “Spiritual but not religious.” Or they will embrace Atheism.

Answer #3

I think it is great to always be thinking about what you do and do not believe in. It is also great to always be thinking about who you are you who you are not. So congradulations for thinking about your beliefs and yourself. Personally, I am atheist. However, I really try to have respect for all people who are honest, loving, and worthy of respect and that can be anyone from Buddhists to Christians to Humanists. So when somebody tells me they are agnostic or atheist, I am very happy for them because that is my belief too. However, I find it better to be a good person and care for other people and do good deeds no matter what religion or political affiliation you have or if you use drugs or if you haven’t gotten an 8th grade education even though you are 35 years old. Kindness and gentleness doesn’t discriminate. People can be kind and gentle and can be any religion, any race, any sex, any sexual orientation, any anything.
I think it is a wonderful thing to always re-evaluate your beliefs and always re-evaluate yourself and your actions. Peace!

Answer #4

As toadaly points out, if you define “atheist” to be the position that you are absolutely sure something doesn’t exist, the definition becomes meaningless, since no rational person takes a completely immovable stance on the existence of anything, however unlikely.

I think there’s a point of skepticism where you can reasonably call yourself an atheist, though. I don’t believe leprechauns exist, but I don’t call my self ‘agnostic’ about them - I think the most likely explanation is that they don’t exist. Same thing with god(s).

That said, filletofspam, I don’t advertise it. Very few people I know in real life know I’m an atheist, not because I’m hiding it, but because it doesn’t tend to come up naturally in conversation, and I’m not interested in broadcasting it. That said, if we were having a conversation about religion or belief, I wouldn’t hesitate to chip in my 2 cents.

Answer #5

I’m agnostic too… it makes the most sense; as long as you can live with the fact that there are some things humanity JUST DOESN’T KNOW.

Whenever is comes up, most of the people who ask me, don’t even know what it means.

Answer #6

I’m an atheist as well. Most religious people don’t trust atheists and are suspicious of their morality. Others react with shock and/or outrage that someone doesn’t believe in any kind of god or higher power, and believe it to be disrespectful and ignorant. And, still others pity atheists, thinking them angry at God over some loss or tragic event and consider their atheism to be a stage in the grieving process.

In my experience, those have been the typical reactions to atheism.

Answer #7

I quit believing in God at 12. Since I was young everyone said that it was just a phase I was going through and that I’d come around. Ha! 35 years later I remain an atheist.

One definition I always enjoyed is:

Philosophy: questions that can’t be answered

Religion: answers that can’t be questioned

Of course this ia a gross simplification; not all religions are big on dogma. Some actrually encourage followers to question so long as they stay within a religious framework.

Answering your question, I’ve found the best strategy is not to tell people right off that I’m an atheist. I like to get to know them and let them form their opinion of me. If I tell them straight off that I’m an atheist then their prejudice will change the way they see me. If they decide that they like me than learning that I’m an atheist will raise their opinions of atheists.

Answer #8

Someone who broke away from the reigious chains that bind so many people & doesn’t need a God to comfort, go you. Though I do know a few athests & some of them do seem rather close minded to an extent of denile on some things, but hey, every one has flaws. agnostic, hey no problem, I’m kind of an agnostic witch(note: wtch is not a religion it’s a practioner of witchcraft). Mybe if you research different religions & such you might find where you belog.

Answer #9

* since I really dont 100% that there isnt a higher power, so I go by agnostic.

If I asked you “Do you think leprechauns exist”, would you answer:

a) yes b) no c) I don’t know 100% that there are no leprechauns, so I’m agnostic about leprechauns

If you would answer (b), why not the same for gods? How many things that you don’t believe in, could you absolutely 100% claim you know to be false?

Answer #10

Sorry, that last paragraph should read “that said, like filletofspam…”

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