Are we all related?

I don’t really no what I believe in, but… if adam and eve were the first people, are we like all related?? and wouldn’t they have a heap of incest issues>??

Answer #1

hi, According to the bible Humans were created about 6,000 years ago. When God created Adam And Eve He said they were to “Multiply and Fill the earth”. So yes we are all related in the sense that we all originate from Adam and Eve. As for the incest question…You must remember adam and eve were made perfect, So theyre children were so near to physical perfection that when they had children they did not suffer the same adverse affects as do children born of the same family today. In a way though we have detteriorated over time as adam lived for over 900years. Over time imperfection has led us to only living 75 years on average. But there is a hope or the future…God promises to step in and sort the wickedness we see around us and once he’s done this he will bring humans back to perection living in a paradise like surrounding. If you would like more information leave a message on this page and I’ll check back soon.

Answer #2

ew yuck yuck we’re all completely imbread!!!

Answer #3

Well I believe in God. I’m Lutheran and if you think about it, Adam and Eve were the first people, so technically we all are distant, distant, DISTANT relatives.

Answer #4

Science doesn’t need Adam and Eve to prove that all humans have a common source.

But just because we are all related that doesn’t mean I’m going to put you all on my christmas list !

Answer #5

We are all related, since we’re the same species. It has nothing to do with fictional characters from an old book.

Answer #6

it all depends if you follow the bible (and I guess they would have a lot of incest problems)

Answer #7

God and all that has no proof to it. There is something called evelution. Look. If god created adam and eve, then who created god? We are all human. Not some sort of “god” Or something. We all have HUMAN dna. I get so mad at all this religous stuff.

Answer #8

Humans may have come close to extinction about 70,000 years ago, according to the latest genetic research.

The study suggests that at one point there may have been only 2,000 individuals alive as our species teetered on the brink.

This means that, for a while, humanity was in a perilous state, vulnerable to disease, environmental disasters and conflict. If any of these factors had turned against us, we would not be here.

The research also suggests that humans (Homosapiens sapiens) made their first journey out of Africa as recently as 70,000 years ago.

Answer #9

yes we’re all siblings everything is incest

Answer #10

adam and eve was a fairy tail

Answer #11

so how did people of colour come about then becuase I am presumming adam an eve are wit

Answer #12

although I don’t beleive in adam and eve I still think we are related. like you could be my 1000th cousin!

Answer #13

please. Heck, in the bible when Kane was married, he married a women(obviously). But how could this be? Less humans were already on earth. Adam & Eve are just metiphorical characters used to discribe the development of men. Even the most advanced, religous scholar in arcoligy have claimed this.

Answer #14

“I’m atheist god isn’t real adam and eve are made up we AREN’T all related”

not everybody is that ignorant (thank god) and adam and eve wasn’t supposed to be taken literally- the writer of this story was explaining the meaning behind original sin(im a fellow catholic) and yes, I beleive we’re all related, since life started from one organism

Answer #15

in a way you could say that we are all related, but incest no, remember htere was different tribes back then and people married outside their own tribes, yes adam and eve was the first ones, but god created more as life went on, so incest NO are we all related, its very possible that we may be

Answer #16

If Adam and Eve were the first people then yes we are all related and yes it did involve lots of incest; the bible is full of it [incest].

If we’re not all related then the lesson that we’re all brothers/sisters together on this planet would be somewhat lost.

My answer assumes you believe Adam and Eve existed which, for the record, I don’t.

Answer #17

yes we are but adam and eve are not our created parents adam and eve had two sons named cain and able cain killed able because he was getting more attention one day and was cursed and whn god forgave him he had a son named jared who after god destroyed the earth because he was angry because noone was following his rules he made jared the father of all his decendents for years to come hope yu understand this if not email me saying yu dont lol

Answer #18

Actually, if you want proof of incest, just look at the bottle necks in human population after the eruption of a super volcano

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