Tattoos a sin?

Christians only please. (no offense to anyone else).

Is it against the Bible to get a Tattoo?

If it’s not anything evil or Satanic?

I’m thinking about getting an icthus fish.

Answer #1

The belief that tattoos are against God stems from the Bible: “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.” Leviticus 19:28

Before you put too much stock in it, read nine verses earlier: “Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.” Leviticus 19:19

So you might say that tattoos are as much a sin as wearing a linen shirt with wool socks or growing a garden in your backyard with both tomatoes and zucchini. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Answer #2

I don’t know if you’d classify it as a sin - it’s clear your body is considered a temple in the Bible - I would get my pastor’s view and prayerfully discern what is best course of action - what I do is ask, is what I’m going to do or say pleases/honors Him…Take care !!

Answer #3

I don’t know the bible well, but I know God with all my heart and I don’t think that would be a sin. Some could argue that it would be body abuse, but I think, do it for God or don’t do it at all.

Answer #4

your body is a temple man. would you go defile a temple?

Answer #5

I’m was born in north-eastern Kentucky, so you know how our church services go. The whole “Hell,Fire and Brimstone” thing. I was raised in the church…and now so is my daughter. I’m 23 years old and just got my first tattoo today. It’s a very small kitten w/ my daughters name beneath it. What I’m getting at it, do you think when I get to those pearly gates, that I’m going to be turned away and sent to hell for the tattoo I got? I don’t think so…I love God and his son Jesus Christ w/ all my heart and soul. I pray to him, give him thanks and tithe in church EVERY sunday. Granted, if you got something that you wouldn’t even show your grandmother, then maybe there you have a small problem. But my final opinion is “No, I do not believe that tattoos are a sin.I don’t think God will cast one of his beloved children into hell because of it. But ones that are satanic and such, I am completely against.”

Answer #6

yes toadaly, because everything that doesnt involve tithes or going to church is a sin. You’re exactly right. Except your not.

Taking a shower is not a sin. Brushing your hair is not a sin. Eating a meal with your family is not a sin. I could go on and on and on.

Anyway, getting a tattoo could be considered a sin. However, most of the “rules” of the Old Testament do not hold in the New Testament as things in that time changed after Jesus was born. In the OT it says women must where hats in Holy places. In the NT, that “rule” is gone. So, get your tattoo, you’ll be fine.

Answer #7

I personally wouldn’t think so. But I’d recommend talking to your pastor or minister or priest, depending on your religion. I’ve become really good friends with my pastor and he’s helped me make some tough decisions and they’ve helped me become a better christian and person. Your religious counsel whether a priest or a minister will have some good advice for you.

Answer #8

I’m Christian and love God with all my heart. But honestly, I don’t think getting a tattoo is a sin. If one gets a tattoo that has some positive connection towards God then I think that’d be totally fine. And if its just a symbol that someone likes or think expresses themself, then I don’t think thats wrong either, unless its like satanic or against God or something.

Answer #9

I dont think the act of getting a tatoo is a sin. Most sin is born in the heart. Whats the motive for the tatoo? What does it show? Does it or can it Glorify God? Some may use a Christian symbol as a good ice breaker to get to share their personal testimony and share the Gospel. Check the heart…check the content. Whatever you do, do it for the Glory of God.

Answer #10

lanternoflight—tattoos have nothing to do with the old mosaic law. keeping your body clean and pure is not going to change…and it hasn’t.

Answer #11

toadaly maybe you didnt see the “christians only” header? you have a lot of misconceptions about christianity

Answer #12

toadaly maybe you didnt see the “christians only” header? you have a lot of misconceptions about christianity

Answer #13

Does it involve paying tithes or going to church? If not, then it’s a sin.

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