How to Lead a non-christian to Jesus

Firstly, I ask if you are not a Christian at heart and follow God’s word, please leave this page. If you are a Christian, please help me figure out something.

I know a teenaged boy, who is nice, decent and everything. His mother’s religion is Hindu and his father’s Muslim. How do I approach him on something like this?

Answer #1

I think the way we live our lives, sends out the most powerful message to others. If we truly practice what we believe, and study the bible, to know what God expects, people will take notice and be drawn to the faith, along with prayer, of course.

Answer #2

Just tell him what you believe in, if he’s interested teach im, if not leave him alone. Don’t force your religion onto others. After all, it is against the bible to force religion. If it’s meant to be he’ll find his path to it, if not then let it be.

Answer #3

I never said my religion to you. Just because I dont believe in forcing religion down another person’s throat, does not mean that I am not a christian. You have no idea of my religious background, you asked what you should do and a lot of people told you. Religion is a personal choice, he should decide what he wants to be, not you.

Answer #4

im dealing with the same, issue I guess…but just pray. God will handle it. Within time talk to this, boy about it. Dont give up. It isnt going to happen over night. Good luck. Im praying for you.

Answer #5

im a christian but I agree with all the people who said you cannot force christianity on someone. I dont see any harm in having discussions about religion and sharing your thoughts on it though so maybe thats a good place to start, just by talking about what you believe without telling him he has to believe the same thing that you do and without putting any kind of pressure on him.

Answer #6

Ok…this is why I asked for ONLY Christians, so I’ll ignore those that didn’t follow that request.

thank you amblessed

Answer #7

first off I know you asked for only christians but I must say something

1st is he interested? if so than by all means teach him, but teach him objectivly however if hes not and is confortable with his religion / spirituality than leave it be. He has the same right to believe what he want as do you

2nd dont push him,

Answer #8

You can’t get someone into it unless they want to. Just start talking about it and go from there. I don’t agree with people when they want to try to “convert” or get others to believe what they believe…

Answer #9

Is this young boy interested, or are you trying to force your religion onto him. If he came to you and was interested about your religion and wants to be a christian, that’s fine. But you have no right to go to him and tell him to be a christian. Everyone has their own religion, religion is a PERSONAL thing that should not be forced upon anyone.

Answer #10

thank you ipod_nano and I hope your situation works out for the best as well..

To everyone else, thanks for the helpful advise and those of you who’s advice wasn’t so helpful..well thanks anyway for taking the time to read this.

and to jester, then I don’t know about them but if they are really Christians they will know why I want to save him, and why I don’t mind coming on a non-Christian form to spread the word about God. :)

Answer #11

dont force anything upon non belivers becuase that will create a non genuine soceity, and it will all end up in chaos and christians wont be genuine anymore, only tell people who want to hear, and if they dont then dont bother for they have another path, and you have to accept that in life there are many different people with many different minds, and the msot impossible thing in the world would be to convince everyone… so just dont even go there unless you fancy getting yourself into danger because not everyone wants to hear

Answer #12

Ok…this is why I asked for ONLY Christians, so I’ll ignore those that didn’t follow that request. *

if you wanted only a christians advice go to a christian froum. There are people of many faiths here. but whats interseting is the most christains here seem to agree with the non- christians on this one, so…what are you conplaining about with the non-christians?

Answer #13

I’m sure he’s heard of your godman religion if he lives in the US. If he hasn’t expressed any interest in it, then he isn’t interested.

Answer #14

One thing I’ve learned in my christian journey is “we” can’t save people. If anything God saves us. We can only talk to people about it or better yet they will be curious “sometimes” thru your actions and way of behaving. Somehow “some” people think you have to convert people into your religion or beliefs. Time will tell if your way of practicing christianity with this teenager can either bring him closer or push him away. I think “my personal opinion”, sometimes us christians try too hard and sometimes instead of representing the faith we believe in we send out the wrong message. Good luck in your spiritual journey.

Answer #15

opps..I meant to put this in religion & spirituality..sry.

Answer #16

thank you

Answer #17

“first off I know you asked for only christians but I must say something

1st is he interested? if so than by all means teach him, but teach him objectivly however if hes not and is confortable with his religion / spirituality than leave it be. He has the same right to believe what he want as do you

2nd dont push him, “

Im a Christian, and I think jester hit it spot on. This IS the best way to impart Christian ideas

Answer #18

you’re going to ruin his life.

why are you trying to make him crazy.

it is in all of your pathetic minds.

Answer #19

Please look at my profile page and Funmail if I can help - both of you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Answer #20

You have no right to determine which religion is better or worse than another for someone.

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