Things gone missing...

I’m having a bit of a problem … Lately things have been disappearing or have been moved with no real explination. Ok so last night I had set my cell phone on my night stand and suddenly I woke up in the middle of the night with an urge for my phone and it was no where to be found. Still I have looked for it and it’s gone… No one else in my house has it or has seen it. Weirdly enough on Sunday my son was playing with my flash drive and I took it from him and placed it on my dresser since he is only 10 months and cannot reach that high, I searched for it everywhere yesterday even before my cell phone disappeared. This isn’t the first time things disappear it happens a lot. I’ll leave something somewhere and it will disappear and a while later it will appear in a totally random place. What do you think it could be?? And no it’s not my memory or anything like that lol

Answer #1

It could be mice. Some types of mice are very curious and will try to drag interesting items back to their nest.

Answer #2

Judging by which category you put this in, I’m guessing you’re looking for a supernatural explanation.

Infinitely more likely is that either you’re forgetting where you put something, or someone else is moving them.

Answer #3

sounds like somone in the spirit world is playing tricks on you to get them to notice them.

When something goes missing just ask out loud for it back. say something like “ha ha, very funny, now give me back my …” it will probably appear somewhere other than where you left it!

Answer #4

I think the idea that you wake up in the middle of the night with an urge for your phone means you have a pretty bad dependency.

However, if it’s a case of misplaced items, I can’t very well say that there’s a spirit in the house. Look for some other signs before coming to that conclusion.

Answer #5

Gravity sucks. Look behind and under your furniture.

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