Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. Is he really there?
  2. Woman lets her daughter die...
  3. I miss God... where can I start?
  4. What happens if you worship the devil?
  5. How can I get possessed by a demon?
  6. Believeing God/Not believeing in God
  7. Atheist, possiblity of "hell"?
  8. Jungian Or Freudian
  9. THE NUMBER 111
  10. Catholic or Protesen?
  11. What do you think Mormons believe?
  12. Christian vs catholic??
  13. Do you think it bad to convert religions?
  14. Advertisement how to convince a teenager to go to church?
  15. How to convince a teenager
  16. Does every church??
  17. Have you heard of universal churches?
  18. Meaning of life..
  19. devil attack
  20. Have we got any control of our life???
  21. Spell to release stress...
  22. how can I tell my dad that I'm not Christain anymore?
  23. when will the end of the world come and what will happen?
  24. Does this have a meaning?
  25. Was god dah 1st person on earth???
  26. Having dreams about death... does it mean something?
  27. Dreams of pregnancy
  28. Religons?
  29. Race Hate ??
  30. Why won't Pennsylvania governor, Tom Ridge respect the institution?
  31. What does it mean when a dove is roosting on my house?
  32. Wicca and parents
  33. What do you think of the Jesus Seminar?
  34. Seriously?
  35. Why is it...Religion
  36. Bo0k of judas!
  37. Does islam belives in having more than one wives??
  38. The Birth of Religion??
  39. Astral Projection, OBE;s and such
  40. many Christians feel the need to force religion onto others?
  41. Bought sum tarot cards
  42. Parents... I need more freedom..!!
  43. Horoscopes?
  44. ever tried a money spell,do they work?
  45. What's the difference?
  46. Do any of you believe in God and "the Devil"?
  47. Point of contention
  48. Patron Saints
  49. how to get donations for my church?
  50. Any other native americans?
  51. Does anyone on here practice wicca?
  52. Mark of the beast...
  53. What would you do if you took a Polaroid picture of yourself and when you looked at it you saw a man that looked like Jesus?
  54. For people who dont believe in god and others
  55. Athiests should be burned on a cross? >:\ ( I don't think so. )
  56. Go to hell if I roll a blunt with a blank page from the bible?
  57. Here are mine, anyone other theorys out there?
  58. I think I'm an atheist...
  59. National Day of Prayer
  60. I am a struggleing Christain..
  61. Do you think that God, Jesus, and Mary are real?
  62. Greek gods
  63. Catgholic beliefs?
  64. Who created God?
  65. what religion are u?
  66. Ok when did GOD create hell?
  67. How can I se the future
  68. sixth sense and God?
  69. Is creationism a load of rubbish?
  70. How many people belive in the bible ?
  71. Magical powers
  72. Come on people,Is there really a wrong theory?
  73. is there such a thing as like a psychic?
  74. when god created the world what was first the chicken or the egg?
  75. Jesus' execution!
  76. why is everyones life different?
  77. Voice of God
  78. Ghost people slaming doors and talking
  79. Have you read the Fathers Love Letter, in the bible?
  80. am I a tad physcic
  81. Runes and Wicca. HELP ME OUT PLEASE!!
  82. Why do you believe in your religion if you have one?
  83. can a youth pastor or counselar tell what you tell them
  84. is my apartment haunted?
  85. Why is wiccan considered a cult?
  86. What religion are you and why??
  87. What is a testamony for church, I need help with ideas?
  88. problems with religion
  89. I guess. that some people have a religion.
  90. Christians: if God is willing to forgive our sins?
  91. Is it againist God to beleive in ghosts?
  92. Arrmegedon is it real or not
  93. How do I tell my parents about wicca.
  94. I dont believe in Tunisia.
  95. What are u?!
  96. Swine flu... God or Science?
  97. For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises up again; but the
  98. religion and dating
  99. My mom and my church...
  100. what percent of the world is religous