am I a tad physcic

I’ve communticated with the dead I’ve seen a small girl in my house and even alizens. I dont take drugs or anyting and I dont get wasted. but this one time my mum was looking for a brand of a wallet and a particular colour. they were all scattered around and you couldnt see the brands out of randomisim I just chose one and mum said tats the right one. does this mean im pyhyscic??

Answer #1

Girl I could tell you some real true ghost stories that my daughter have experienced, and yes they are real!!! I guess someone has to experience a ghostly experience to believe in them! You can funmail me and I can tell you a ton of experiences…

Answer #2

Seeing ghosts is not psychic but it is being open to a spiritual dimension. Many people have some psychic abilities.

The Ghost whisper and The Medium (TV shows) are based on real life women and their experiences with the paranormal.

Answer #3

being able to communicate with the paranormal is not called being a pyschic, it is called being a medium. you can get book at the liabrary or look stuff up on the net. I too am a medium, and im working on gaining my gift to a higher level. I see the paranormal, and hear them aswell. if you need any advice please email me I will be happy to help ya!

Answer #4

I think you definitely could be. I have had an experience that made me believe in ghosts, definitely. I have never seen a ghost nor could I in any way prove that they exist. What I felt was a presence. I think you could be psychic, and psychics are definitely something I believe in.

Answer #5

I think your crazy.

Answer #6

It depends, it could be dismissed through allusions & coincidence. What other abnormal happenings have you experienced?

Answer #7

What other things have you experienced. I have thought to see a ghost before but I’m not psychic. Do you see the future and experience it later? Have you been able to predict things that have happened?

Answer #8

No, it probably means you just know you mom well and on a subconscious level picked out which color you thought she wanted.

I don’t believe in physic or ghost stuff. You were probably imagining you saw it.

Answer #9

ummm o.O first of all..people THINK they see ghosts all the time…you believe in something and thik about it enough youl see it. secondly, where did you see an alien? lmao im pretty sure scientist would LOVE for you to let them in on this…and the wallet thing could have been luck…coincidence. No you are not psychic. probably not anyways…ghosts and aliens have nothing to do with being psychic o.O

Answer #10

Yes and I have ocean front property in Arizona.

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