Race Hate ??

I’m black and when I was a kid I was told that white people were the devil because in the bible, it said something about deamons with colored eyes were the most hated deamons and my grandma told me that they were the white people on earth because they were the only ones on earth to have colored eyes and no other race or nationality has colored and if they did they came from white decent. and white people made all races suffer … Is this really true ???

Answer #1

All men and women are created in God’s image, the deveil Satan the great deceiver, the father of lies is the only devil. Their our demons demonic spirits, these are the fallen angels that work 24/7 to deceive all of mankind. Read God’s word for yourself and pray God will show you the truth. Blessings, Christianwalk

Answer #2

That’s a bunch of nonsense…a lot of darker skinned people have colored eyes and whites aren’t the only race who is racist and NOT ALL of them are racist…and there is nothing that says that in the bible.

Answer #3

no, coloured people often have coloured eyes, and thats not true at all, your not a demon because you have a certain eye colour, the bible sais nothing about that

Answer #4

there are no devils its only the BAD and GOOD…you have to decide which side you want to step..lifes as simple as that bro.. cheers..!!

Answer #5

Hmm, it’s true that people of nationality have brown, green eyes, & even gold eyes though I never recall seeing a full blooded with blue or gray. Though I’ld have to disagree on the last part. There was war between Tootsie & Hootoos(not sure how to spell it, just spelling it how it sounds) which are both african tribes. Persia back in the day when it was was the largiest empire. Mayans, Aztecs, ancient Native american tribes caused harm to each other. True the harm caused from Caucasian is most recognized, but they’re not the only ones nor, so I doubt, are the any worse than any other nationality.

Answer #6

The best answer is for you to read the Bible for yourself. People say a lot of things about the Bible, it’s up to you to check the Bible and actually see if what they’re saying is true or not. If someone says that white people are the devil because it says so in the Bible ask them to show you where it says that. If they can’t find it then there’s your answer on whether it’s true or not.

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