Believeing God/Not believeing in God

Im just wondering, when people say that you need cold hard proof that there infact is a God, why? Why do you need that proof? Is it so wrong to feel that life has a meaning that is God even if you cannot see or feel God? Its just a though. And Im not judging people who dont believe in God.

Answer #1

You believe what you want but I will not live my life with rules made up by a “god” I dont even know about. The ONLY person who can control my life is myself & the only people I should be thankful for are my parents. I am a proud athiest & I couldnt be happier. The bible is just a big rule book full of sh!t. Its constantly contridicts itself & it judges people WAY to much. Im me take it or leave it dont judge me because of a stupid bible

Okay so I have nothing against Athiests at all, but I just have something to say to you specifically: Although you have the right to have your own reasons for not believing and stufff, I just want to say that its people like you that give Athiests such a bad rap, im sorry, but your reasons seem soo naive…first of all, christians’ lives arent CONTROLLED by God, you CAN believe in God and make your own decisions, and the bible has been re written and by several people so of course there will be contradictories, and there is a great number of Christians and believers who actually dont live by the bible and also think it is full of crap. You dont need to believe the bible to believe in God, and it goes to show that you have no idea what the Bible consists of because its NOT even close to being a rule book, and I have yet to read anything in it that judges ANYBODY at all, I have know idea where you are getting these notions and extraordinary claims about what the bible is, but im almost positive you are pulling it out of your asss.

Im trying my hardest not to offend you, because you do give good advice and seem like a smart girl, but im just going to have to call you out on this one post.

Answer #2

I think one of my favorite sayings applies to my feelings about this. I forget who it is by, and the precise wording, but its something like:

I think we are both aethiests. I just believe in one less god than you do. Once you understand why you dismiss all other gods as possibilities, you’ll understand why I dismiss yours.

It almost epitomizes my whole view on religion.

I choose to believe what makes me happiest. For some, that is to have a sense of higher purpose, to feel that there is someone looking out for you, and loving you always, something to follow, something to help you define what is right, and the promise of heavenly reward for a life well lead (or the promise of being forgiven when asked). Which is all well and good, and certainly nothing wrong with any of that (when not taken too far, but that’s the same with everything.)

Its not about not having concrete proof of a god, I simply find comfort in my individual beliefs. While others believe that religion gives your life meaning, I feel an opposite effect when considering god and the idea of heaven and hell. That to me, makes me feel that this life is all simply a test.

One thing that irks me about some religious people (Not even close to all, though) is this opinion that relgion is the only thing that gives people morals, and without a higher being looking down on us ready to bring their wrath down on us we will not be able to lead just and moral lives.

Answer #3

I don’t require proof to believe in God. There are lots of things I believe in that have not been thoroughly proven. I just can’t find any good reason to believe in the Christian God. The Abrahamic God seems no more likely to be true to me than the Easter bunny or tooth fairy.

Answer #4

Hey All out there, I’ve read your comments and some come close to making sense but many in MY opinion are way off the mark.

See if you can understand me be this text called Pascals Wager:

God might or might not exist. It is a gamble whether you believe in Him or not.

As with any gamble, we should consider the odds.

Pascal described the payoff of this gamble as follows:

Should I believe in God or not?

What do I have to lose by believing in Him; and what do I have to lose by not believing in Him.

If God does not exist, then you neither gain nor lose anything from belief or disbelief. GET IT?

In either case, you just die and that’s the end. SIMPLE

However, if you choose to believe in God, and you are right, then the reward is infinite: ETERNAL BLISS IN HEAVEN.

On the other hand, if you choose not to believe in God (as some of you above do), and you’re wrong, your pay off is negative infinity: ETERNAL SUFFERING IN HELL.

To summarize:

Table of Payoffs = Believe in God or Don’t believe in God

God doesn’t exist = 0 =0

God exists +∞ (heaven) −∞ (hell)

Since the chance of God existing is unknown, but the payoff/punishment scheme is infinitely in favour of believing in God, just on the small chance that he might exist, you’d better believe.


This argument, as can be seen, is based in the same logic of a lottery wager. (and I don’t do the lottery)

The differences in this case is that in the lottery, if you lose the reward, you also lose the money you payed for the card, while Pascal states that, by believing in God, you lose nothing.

Well after reading that I am sure you can guess which way I am going to go.

May you (the reader) be blessed,


Answer #5

“I think I will from now on. Many Athiest just expect the answer to be there with out looking…hmm maybe the answer and proof is there, and you arent just looking hard enough”

I don’t know what sort of atheists you’ve met, but most athiests are also agnostic, in the original sense of that word: They don’t believe that anyone has proof of the existence or nonexistence of god, which is why it’s silly to believe in one.

Answer #6

**Just tell them that there is proof but its up to them to find god

I think I will from now on. Many Athiest just expect the answer to be there with out looking…hmm maybe the answer and proof is there, and you arent just looking hard enough, and christians will just accept faith as an answer…hmm THERE YA GO ATHIESTS! Hmm, I really think they should watch Dane Cook’s skit called “Athiest Sneeze” youtube it, hahaha its so true.

Answer #7

I really think they should watch Dane Cook’s skit called “Athiest Sneeze” youtube it, hahaha its so true.

…and I thought your credibility could sink no further…

Answer #8

Just tell them that there is proof but its up to them to find god

Answer #9

I agree with utopia…

I see it this way…everyone believes in something…a god, themselves, people…whatever gives their life meaning and improves their lives…

So it isn’t wrong to believe in a god without proof…what is wrong is expecting everyone to do the same and forcing your beliefs on others.

Answer #10

Well, belief in god (depending on which god we are talking about) often carries consequences. For example, if you believe in an ascetic god such as that of Islam or Christianity, you have to modify your behavior and avoid things like sex outside marriage, you may have to give money to a church, or wake up early on Sundays, etc.

Beliefs rule our actions.

Answer #11

It’s not so much that I require “cold, hard proof”, but I also don’t have that ability to “see or feel God”. To me, that’s enough to know that he doesn’t exist.

Proof would definitely change my opinion, but without it, there’s nothing…no God in my life.

Now, just because I don’t believe in God does not mean that my life has no meaning…as a matter of fact, my life is rich with purpose, and I don’t need that purpose to be believing in something I can’t see or feel.

Answer #12

I give my life meaning not some madeup god. You believe what you want but I will not live my life with rules made up by a “god” I dont even know about. The ONLY person who can control my life is myself & the only people I should be thankful for are my parents. I am a proud athiest & I couldnt be happier. The bible is just a big rule book full of sh!t. Its constantly contridicts itself & it judges people WAY to much. Im me take it or leave it dont judge me because of a stupid bible.


Answer #13


Answer #14

I can feel him! I dont believe in God! I know he is real. I dont need to doubt! There is so much proof all around us we just need to be open minded enough to see it.

Answer #15

I think it is fine and good for people to believe in G-d without cold, hard proof.

I just don’t want them to try to force me to feel the same.

I don’t want to be told that I am going to hell.

I don’t want to hear how they are somehow “better” because of their belief.

I don’t want to hear how they perform “christian” acts, as if charity and kindness only counts if you are christian.

I don’t want to hear it. I NEVER mention my belief unless they mention it first…and they ALWAYS mention it first. sigh…

Answer #16

proof makes it real meaning no proof must make it not real but some people dont even care about proof they just dont like the idea of there ever being a “god”

Answer #17

* christians’ lives arent CONTROLLED by God, you CAN believe in God and make your own decisions,

Hmmm. Well, why I agree that no god controls your life, I suspect that your belief in a god does in fact affect your behavior. If it doesn’t, I would ask you, “Why not”?

Answer #18

Believing only in things for which there is evidence is the only rational way to live life. If you don’t require evidence, how are you to distinguish amongst the many, many competing claims without any evidence to back them up?

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