Is he really there?

Okay, no one get offended by this, Im just asking… How do we know there really is a God? Bc in my life, I’ve called on 2 him, but he never really helped. It just got worse and worse. Is he there but not wanting 2 help? I want 2 belive in him so much… But there so ?’s… Like, If there is a God, then why does he make people suffer so much? Even the people who dont deserve it? Im just wondering your opionin.

Answer #1

I’m sorry that you feel God isn’t helping you. Right when I saw this question my heart sunk. To know that you are so willing to learn about God, but somehow it seems He isn’t answering you. I think maybe I, and many others here, are your answer. Go to and search some questions, it might help. The site is like a Bible. Read the Bible and you may get your answers. God speaks through the Bible. If you have a Bible try this, I know it sounds dumb, but sometimes I open the Bible and see what I land on. It helps sometimes when I need answers. Please don’t give up on God, because trust me, He won’t give up on you.

Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved,through faith,and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.

Answer #2

Did you know your body has a cell adhesion molecule (Laminin)that holds all the membranes in your body together that is in the shape of a cross and did you know that in Colossians 1:17 it says that he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

Also in Amos 9:6 it says He…calls the waters of the sea, and pours them out upon the face of the earth. This clearly talks about the water cycle that scientist have only recently figured out when it was in the bible thousands of years ago.

In Hebrews 11:3 it says Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things that which were seen were not made of things that do appear. You me the trees the animals all these things and more are all made of atoms which are not seen make up the things we can see.

There is plenty more scientific facts in the bible if you would like to know. and yes I know I have atrocious spelling im sorry… :(

Answer #3

well atheist say this premortal soup exploded and we appeared here,u can believe that,or be more intelligent to believe there is a creator,and God is real

Answer #4

to the atheist: it does predict the future you no like the twin towers and in the bible it said a great trade will be destroed

The bible is so open to interpretation, that ‘prophecy’ could be applied to nearly anything. It’s like blind reading that psychics do- they might say “I sense a person who you cared for very much, who passed away”, and you instantly leap to “That was my granny / grandad / uncle / friend / sibling etc”- If you actually sit back and think “hang on a minute, that could have been said about anything/anyone”, you notice it only has weight if you blindly validate it.

and you no the globeal flood there are marks of this flood arcoss the world

This could also be interpreted as when the different land masses broke away from Gondwanaland, etc, and the rise and fall of the oceans over time- we live on quite an active planet, with volcanoes and tectonic plates constantly changing and rearranging the land over time. Just because areas of the world flooded at some point doesn’t prove it was biblically linked. Not to mention, there is also clear evidence of evolution, but look how easily the religious community dismisses that.

and you no 25 years ago we had prayer in schools and we were closer to GOD we were a better nation.

Prayer in schools does not make you a better nation. Working together, with a good moral compass, and tolerance make a better nation- and you do not have to believe in ‘God’ to have those qualities. Furthermore, if there was prayer in schools (particularly state/public schools), it would be against the against the seperation of church and state- and that’s not constitutional, is it?

Not to mention, it’s probably better they pushed prayer aside for more important things… for example, improving your atrocious spelling.

Answer #5

to the atheist: it does predict the future you no like the twin towers and in the bible it said a great trade will be destroed…man I cant spell sorry.. and you no the globeal flood there are marks of this flood arcoss the world …and who created the world? it couldnt be a human..and if it was a big bang who created that? it has to be something mighty and great :) and the bible says how this world is slowly falling apart…and you no 25 years ago we had prayer in schools and we were closer to GOD we were a better nation. have you noticed ever since we were close to GOD we were better and in america was the land of the free…the closest nation to GOD is the most blessed. :D

Answer #6

God doesnt “Make people suffer”, ok any suffering that happens is a direct result of human activity,so dont blame God for OUR mistakes and OUR world problems..thats like breaking a glass vase and blaming the person who put it there. and he also doesnt “make things happen” People dont understand that when you pray, its not a f*ckin wishing well, the answer doesnt POP onto your lap, if you ask for a car, hes not going to put it in your driveway, the most he can do is grant you the strength to get what you want, and the patience it takes to get it. And religion is based soley on Faith, and for many people, Faith isnt enough for them to believe in him so they just chill there, and mock God, ohh but dont you dare mock them, haha dont mock the idea that one day they are going to die and become a tree…oh no dont dare laugh at that, because it can be SCIENTIFICALLY proven. ahahaha yeahh.

Answer #7

Maybe you’re asking for the wrong thing?? Instead of asking for a particular “outcome”, why not ask for the patience WAIT for the outcome? Or the strength to get thru an outcome?? Maybe, as some believers think…you don’t get what you’re asking for, because it’s not what is best for you? That there’s a good possiblity that something better is in the wings??


Answer #8

well, God always gives an answer (its just not always obvious). he wont always answer the way you want (sometimes the answer is that you need to overcome a situation knowing God is always beside you). and remember, God has an answer for everything.

plus, you’ll be SO MUCH HAPPIER believing in God than being an atheist.

Answer #9

God is always near, calling you by your real name, constantly, in between every breath, eye blink, heartbeat, every second of every minute of every day. Saying I love you, oh, how I love you. Come, walk with Me. Knowing Him will transcend all happiness into pure joy, no matter what circumstance is ahead or behind you. Jesus paid for ALL suffering once: for each and every one of us who have lived, are living, or will live. That is pure grace: unmerited favor that none of us deserve, but He took all sin upon Himself, died on a cruel cross, rose again defeating death as we will when we are in Christ! We are just sojourners here on this little planet that God created, for His Glory, His perfect plan that we see developing right before our very eyes. We are created to worship Him and spread the Good News of Christ, to be fulfilling the Great Commission, loving Him, loving each other and the story never ends! Whatever trials are before you, give them to God and He will always bring you through them. Thank you, Lord, for always providing for each and every one of us whom You love!

Answer #10

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of any sort of ‘God’ or ‘Gods’, hence why I am an atheist. However, other people will insist he does exist, because they ‘experience’ his existence in everyday life.

Remember that faith is personal- people can tell you what they personally believe, but they shouldn’t tell you what to believe. Take the information people offer and form your own ideas.

Answer #11

The simplest explanation for why god does not answer prayers, is that there are no gods listening to them in the first place.

The creator god of the big modern religions is riddled with contradictions, and can not possibly exist.

Answer #12

You say you’ve called on Him but have you told Him you’re sorry for your sins and please come into my heart, my life…He will !! - we all have fallen short and if we sincerely ask Him, He’ll live within and change your Life !

Answer #13

No one knows for sure whether their is or isn’t a god. You can only have faith and believe.

I personality gave up the idea a while ago. I need proof.

Answer #14

Yes there is a God and when something complicated happend and it just seems to get worse God knows you can get through it. Don’t think that he is not answering your prayers because he alway answers them. The answer is either yes or it is no.

Answer #15

no one has any real proof. best thing I can say is follow you heart and depend on your self

Answer #16

there is definantly a god

Answer #17

god or no god a magnificent world exists –> out there

Im looking through the wrong window

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