Atheist, possiblity of "hell"?

Ok, an atheist for the most part, I guess I could be concidered an agnostic but im just not sure. Any way. I dont and wont believe there is a god without hard proof. Now even know I dont believe in it, storys of hell sound really really bad and if there is one..I dont want to go. I dont go around saying that people shouldnt believe in god and when I argue about it I usually say, theres a possiblity. Sometimes I will randomly be thinking about it and say please, if there is a god, dont let me go to hell. Now, im a good person and all and I just want to know if that is if there is a hell…if ill go? Its not that im against him its just that I dont have any hard proof, Im with the whole logical scientific persepective of it. So..if there infact is a hell, will I go?

Answer #1

I agree very much with filleofspam. Thats how I feel about it.

Answer #2

Creation of this world; the order of things, everything has a design, we cannot create something from nothing, but God can. There is a video called “In Search of Mt. Sinai where a couple of explorers go to the Middle East in search of the place where Moses was given the Ten Commandments that gives compelling evidence. They use the Bible to guide them while finding evidences along the way. ‘’Do you really believe this god of your is so vain and evil that he would cast perfectly good people into hell for the sole reason that they couldn’t believe in something as unknowable as a diety. God is not vain or evil. If he would do that to perfectly good people, I will take hell rather than be with something that vindictive and cruel.’’ why do you think GOD would allow his Son to die on the cross for us if His death had no meaning? He did not spare His own Son, but offered Him up for us all; how will He not also with Him grant us everything. Roman 8:32. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23 Jesus died for us so we would not have to go to hell. God proves His own love for us, while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Much more than since we have now been declared righteous by his blood,we will be saved through Him from wrath. Romans 5: 8-9. Jesus Christ never committed a sin in thought, word or deed yet on the cross Jesus became our sin bearer, God turned His back on Him and heaped all of His waves of wrath upon His own Son. This is a picture of God’s perfect justice. Even one sin separates us from God, no exception. This is why Jesus died in our place. If this were not the case, don’t you think that God would have spared His own Son? He died in your place. Would you like to be forgiven through His sacrifice?

Answer #3

“Creation of this world; the order of things, everything has a design, we cannot create something from nothing”

There is nothing in this world that is created from nothing. Things are created through natural processes. How things were created has mostly been answered by science. I see no reason to blindly put supernatural causes behind our origins.

“why do you think GOD would allow his Son to die on the cross for us if His death had no meaning?”

Why do you keep talking to me like I believe that god even exists. You have to stop being so arrogant. I don’t believe in god, so therefore I don’t believe his son died for us.

Answer #4

he might not come in our time but …its hell or heaven you still get juged… :(

Answer #5

the bible says that Jesus will return to judge mankind but when that time comes it will be too late for your “proof”.

Answer #6

Proof would be any real tangible piece of evidence that a sentient, omnipotent being exists. There is none.

“the bible says that Jesus will return to judge mankind but when that time comes it will be too late for your “proof”. “

Do you really believe this god of your is so vain and evil that he would cast perfectly good people into hell for the sole reason that they couldn’t believe in something as unknowable as a diety. If he would do that to perfectly good people, I will take hell rather than be with something that vindictive and cruel.

Answer #7

When I see proof that he exists, then I will pray to him. I have faith in lots of things, just not the supernatural…

Answer #8

u know you should pray : GOD if you r real help me to believe…just try thats what I did.. He will give you faith… but you have to truly mean it. :)

Answer #9

excuses excuses… they most certanly are facts you just wont except them…

Answer #10

Did you know your body has a cell adhesion molecule (Laminin)that holds all the membranes in your body together that is in the shape of a cross and did you know that in Colossians 1:17 it says that he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

Also in Amos 9:6 it says He…calls the waters of the sea, and pours them out upon the face of the earth. This clearly talks about the water cycle that scientist have only recently figured out when it was in the bible thousands of years ago.

In Hebrews 11:3 it says Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things that which were seen were not made of things that do appear. You me the trees the animals all these things and more are all made of atoms which are not seen make up the things we can see.

There is plenty more scientific facts in the bible if you would like to know.

Answer #11

“There is plenty more scientific facts in the bible if you would like to know.”

These are far from facts. They mean absolutely nothing.

Answer #12

so your saying we all came into to being by a big bang and that we evolved from apes wow that sounds very logical why cant we see apes in the halfway stage of this process

Answer #13

so your saying we all came into to being by a big bang and that we evolved from apes


wow that sounds very logical

I agree, it does. Much more logical than an omnipotent being that creates everything with a wave of his hand.

why cant we see apes in the halfway stage of this process

We can, and we have. The fossil records are quite clear.

Answer #14

I dont no what kind of proof you want though… im confused

Answer #15

the bible says that Jesus will return to judge mankind there is plenty of proof that there is a God

Answer #16

There is no hell Im an atheist too. There is no real proof that that hell heaven or God is real til someone shows me REAL proof that there is a “God” I believe there is no hell or anything.

Answer #17

So your saying a random big bang is a natural process that created everything wow that sounds completely logical

Answer #18

“You would more likely need 1 million dice (probably more), with 100 faces each (probably more)…all landing on 7 at one time…”

Phrannie, why would you think it is such a remote possibility? What are you basing that assumption on. Even if it is a million to one shot for a planet to have the right circumstance to support life, there could be trillions of solar systems out there. The odds are that there will be a few that can support life. We are one of them. It is that simple. While the numbers are of cosmic proportion, they are not beyond reason.

I thought I knew what was what when I was a kid too. I believed in the supernatural then. My experience has taught me how unlikely that is. While I thought I knew things when I was younger, I actually know far more now. The only difference now is I admit when I don’t know something.

Answer #19

ok well all I can say is go to church pray see what you feel god doesnt make you believe he makes it your choice.I cant believe all the bullony that a big bang cause our solar system with a perfect distance from the sun not to hot not to cold just right.or even the thought that there is water on our planet think about it it couldnt have just happend somone must have made it. ok so when you die you die thats it??? I doubt it theres gotta be someplace. even though I am christian from a christian family I ask myself the same thing…its really hard to understand everything I need to know the truth to. but I believe in god because why elese would everything be perfect besides the fact there is bad in ths world. read the bible it should give yo an understanding on what you should believe, but im telling when ever I ask those questions to myself I can just feel like somthing really is there I recommend you read a little part of the bible I dont read the bible at all but I might start to I really dont want to believe the wrong thing. Ok so if you dont believe in it and its true you die and go to hell if you die and believe in it you go to heaven…so if you believe in it and die and nothing happens after you really didnt loose anything you believed what wasnt true and then you died the end you beieved and died but if you believed and it was true you could be saved you really have nothing to loose. its better safe then sorry. trust me this sounds like im a church freak but im not. im a regular 13 year old skater boy that listens to metal. trust me it wont hurt believing. so think about it you never know.

Answer #20

The problem with the big bang theory for me is…it suggests that we are a huge accident…like throwing a 10 million piece jigsaw in the air, and having it come down completely put together…THAT seems illogical without the aid of some sort of supreme intelligence.

There was no creator of Earth and the universe, it formed by the big bang, and gases.

I might have tried to tell another person something like this back when I was 14 or 15, and pretty sure I knew everything…however, so many of the things I thought knew when I was a teenager, I found out shortly that I didn’t know diddley about it.

Why would such a god be so vein that he requires believers to grovel to him?

I haven’t heard of a “requirement” for groveling, even after attending many services in many churches, of many denominations…people pray…yes…many on their knees…but that was humility , not groveling. (I will mention, tho…that I have seen MANY grovel before a whiskey bottle… God???)

Maybe hell is the same as all reality…in each person’s head…what they see, what they feel, what they fear?? Maybe hell is personal, and not a “place”??

Maybe because we are human, we are too limited in our abiltiies of intellect to see hard proof even if it’s right there in front of us?? This would include scientists (all human, as far as I know)…

There are, and have been people far brighter, far more learned, than anyone on this site, who have had unshakable belief in God…how did they get there??

I’m agnostic, I simple do not know…


Answer #21

your scared to watch it. it might convince you that your wrong… 2 Peter 3:3-10 from the Bible does say that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep , all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation. Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: but the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years , and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Another verse taken from Romans 1:20: For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Answer #22

I have seen the evidence. I don’t need to watch another non-scientist try and prove god’s existence by using junk science.

Why would I be scared to watch it? I have seen and read plenty on the subject. Probably much more than you.

Quoting scripture means nothing to me.

Answer #23

I have read about it, and it is the same stuff that intelligent designers have been saying for years. It doesn’t stand up to any real scientific review. It is all supposition. It basically boils down to this:

‘Everything in this universe and our planet is so complex and so perfect, it could not have possibly come about randomnly. Therefore, there must have been a designer. ‘

That is not science. It is conjecture.

Answer #24

to the atheist: it does predict the future you no like the twin towers and in the bible it said a great trade will be destroed…man I cant spell sorry.. and you no the globeal flood there are marks of this flood arcoss the world …and who created the world? it couldnt be a human..and if it was a big bang who created that? it has to be something mighty and great :) and the bible says how this world is slowly falling apart…and you no 25 years ago we had prayer in schools and we were closer to GOD we were a better nation. have you noticed ever since we were close to GOD we were better and in america was the land of the free…the closest nation to GOD is the most blessed. :D

Answer #25

I mean bad :)

Answer #26

did you watch the video yet? it shows like way more proof…

Answer #27

I have no need to watch it. I have heard it all already. He is not saying anything new. It is not science.

Answer #28

u should wacth it …not read it…

Answer #29

Lee Strobel is not a scientist. His ridiculous findings are nothing but recycled intelligent design concepts which are not based on any kind of proper scientific analysis. It is a bunch of crap.

Anyone who tries to deny evolution is a crackpot.

Answer #30

or netflix

Answer #31

I think that there are christians that claim they were once atheist in an attempt to validate their belief…

“Heres a logical answer for you, when you look at a building, you know that there has to be a builder right?that building didn’t just appear out of nowhere.. now do you think that the earth and the heavens just came out of nowhere?”

Let’s follow your logic for a sec: a building is created intelligently by people which were created intelligently by god

and god, a being infinitely more complex than the existence and complexity that you are trying to explain… was created by a god, that was created by a god, and so on..

The truth is, god was created by us, for us, and for explanations

“The problem with the big bang theory for me is…it suggests that we are a huge accident…THAT seems illogical without the aid of some sort of supreme intelligence.”

That’s the conclusion I’d expect ignorant people to have come to 2,000 years ago..

I think you’ve got it backwards phrannie, obviously you havn’t put much thought or research into this and still know diddley. The more I learned, the more my conviction as an atheist grew.

There is no god and there is no hell, and I do think it’s offensive that people believe in them. The bible is full of ancient bs, why any sane person believes it is beyond me.

Actually I think I have a quote here “when one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.”

Answer #32

What sucks is when people realize God only exists in Human’s minds because religion was invented to make life meaningful. Once you realize it all isn’t real, that’s when the nihilistic thoughts come…bah I wish I was dumb.

Answer #33

hey watch THE CASE FOR A CREATOR an atheist made it…Lee Strobel, an award winning journalist; former writer for the Chicago Tribune. His wife converted to Christianity. He thought his marriage was finished. He began to notice an amazing difference in his wife for the better. At that point, he began to question his lack of religious faith. He embarks on an intense search for the evidence of the existence of God based on science. The film “The Case for a Creator”, asks the question, Can science prove what religious leaders and the faithful have always taken for granted? Part of the film addresses fossils and the Darwinian Theory.

Answer #34

There is proof, an athiest tried to prove christianity wrong and ended up being a christian, read the bible and there is proof I swear, yes if you dont belive that goddied on the cross for your sins you will, there is a hell, and there is a heaven but its up to you to make a decision. If you pray to god and askf for forgivness and let god shine through you you will go to heaven, christianity is the religion that everthing formed off of so if you have any questions about this please feel free to ask because I will help lead you to christ and save your life

Answer #35

u can find it on amazon :) :) :)

Answer #36

if I had a dice with 100 faces on it and said ‘the only way the world is going to exist is if it lands on a 7.’ It may seem far-fetched that it does land on a 7, out of 100 different numbers. But If I rolled it about 10 000 times, it’d make sense.

You would more likely need 1 million dice (probably more), with 100 faces each (probably more)…all landing on 7 at one time…

I too was completely SURE I knew what was what, and how it all worked 40 years ago, when I was not even 20 years old…the older you get the more you question.


Answer #37

We can proove there is hell just as much as we can there is a God.

I personally believe in God and Hell, otherwise life would be pointless. I can’t tell you, nor can anyone tell you if there is a hell.

Answer #38

My mom has been telling me there is a God and Hell but I know there isn’t. Every time I ask her if she has proof,she always tells me to read the Bible,so that tells me she has nothing to go on. There is no Hell,only to those who believe there is,same for God.

Answer #39

Does the Christian idea of Hell make sense?

Would a God powerful enough to create the cosmos be petty enough that he would damn people to Hell for being unlikely enough to be raised in the wrong religion? Why would such a god be so vein that he requires believers to grovel to him? Wouldn’t such a god have enough compassion to forgive his “children” even if they didn’t believe that God’s son was nailed to a tree 2,000 years ago for them?

As unlikely as any God existing is I’d have to say that among all religions Christianity seems one of the least likely.

Answer #40

Well I’m like you I am a person who looks for logical answeres to things. I don’t know if I believe there is a god myself. I just don’t see any proof that there is. and yeah sometimes I as well wonder if I will go to hell for not believeing. but, I am also bisexual so theres another thing that if there is a god would send me to hell. but I don’t really care. if there is a god and he can’t just like us all the way we are the way he created us then I think I would rather go to hell. Hey I get to be with Elton john, Ellen degenerass, and george takie. and I don’t care what the bible says he is the one who made us the way we are wich in my mind also involves Gay, Lesbian, and Bi. if he did not want it to happen then he should have just made us perfect then huh. cause we are not. so I don’t see how we can be blamed for being Gay, lesbian or Bi. Thats pretty much why I don’t believe in God. and sorry if that does not really answere your Question.

Answer #41

There is no hell. You’ve been raised in a society that permeates with ideas of gods, demons, and the afterlife. It’s all a bunch of nonsense rooted in ancient superstition.

Apply you’re reasoning skills not only to the question of god, but to all these other superstitious ideas as well. Because without any good evidence or arguments, the probability that hell exists is less than the probability that Tatooine exists. Yoda is more plausible than the devil.

Answer #42

Heres a logical answer for you, when you look at a building, you know that there has to be a builder right? that building didn’t just appear out of nowhere.. now do you think that the earth and the heavens just came out of nowhere? with the perfection and beauty of the universe there has to be a creator. I KNOW that there is a higher power, because I have felt it.. it is up to you to meditate and look around you to truly see the world the way it should be seen, only then will you feel the power of the Almighty God.

Answer #43

If you really want to know ask him yourself. I used to have a lot of question but looking back that was when I was childish and confuse I kept saying I’ll believe if you show me a sign but it doesnt work that way you need to show yourself that you really wanna know and for me I opened the Bible, I didnt know what to read and where to start but I heard a verse to read which helped me.

Answer #44

“Why is God so vain?”

  God isn’t vain. It is our perception of God and the attributes that WE assign to God that allows one to perceive of God as vain.

Man wrote the Bible and assigned all the attributes therein to God.

  “Why does everyone discount the possibility of “Creative Evolution”?”

  Isn’t it possible that there is a God but that It didn’t create “us” but instead created our soul-entity and left it up to our soul-entities to create, through (controlled) evolution, the environment and bodies that they needed to exist in within the physical dimension?

It is just possible that WE are not yet advanced enough to comprehend that there are partial truths with Darwinists, Creationists and Intelligent Design proponents?

   “Do you believe in the Bible?”


In contrast to believing in the Bible, I believe:

  1. That God is that Creative/Causative Force that exists before the beginning of the universe/time and continues to exist outside of the universe and time.

  2. That “Force” created/caused the spiritual/soul entities to come into being.

  3. The spiritual/soul entities continued the “Creation” with the “Big Bang”. And, through evolution and possibly subtle manipulations, have caused the current state of affairs.

  4. The spirits/souls choose to inhabit the various physical bodies that they have created in order to experience physical reality.

  5. When bodies die the spirit/soul continues to exist and often times reincarnates into another body in order to continue its growth.

  6. The purpose of it all is for the spirits/souls (entities) to gain knowledge and experience and to ultimately rejoin or evolve back into the Oneness of God.

  The Bible is a book of history and guidance for peoples of certain times. The Old Testament was meant for the societies and peoples of ancient times. The New Testament was meant to change much of the Old Testament law and to guide the society and people of two thousand years ago.

The Bible worked during the time periods it was meant to cover. Its guidance protected the people and gave value and purpose to their lives.

The problem is that the Bible was meant for past eras and was successful therein. It, however, did not keep up with the times and technologies during the advancement of mankind.

There may still be some lessons that can be learned from studying the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. But, the lessons must be tempered with the knowledge that exists in the current time period.

Man and his technology has evolved considerably since Biblical times. The Bible has not evolved accordingly. It is therefore the province of man to interpret the whole Bible and attempt to allow its relevant parts to fit into the lifestyles of the current era.

As long as they do not infringe on the rights of others, men are free to follow the teachings of the Bible for themselves. Your rights and beliefs end where mine begin.

  The Bible is a “crutch” which is necessary for some but not for all. It is a book written by men with the purpose of helping to guide other men through some of the pitfalls that life has to offer. It is also meant to give hope and purpose to those who may have no other way of finding same.

Just as with other fictional works, it is not meant to be taken literally but parabolically. Parts of its historical accounts may be factual while other parts are symbolic. And, yet other parts are simply devices wherein to protect the health and well-being of people of that era.

It takes many religions to give guidance to those who are in need of direction. Some use the Bible as their basis while others use other Books. They all serve a needed purpose. They all benefit the society of man.

Just because the Bible (or some other Book) is right for you does not mean or make it right for everyone else. The human race is a diverse species. It has many different cultures and Beliefs. Grant to each their right to choose that which fits them.

  From my chosen path I stray, Yet my God any’er turns away; For I have learned – and understand, That where God is – is where I am!

  Friendship is continuous!

Those whom I meet, as Friends I greet, And as a Friend I treat them so; That when in need, or sadly grieved, I may help their Spirits grow.

So when I hear, upon my ear, The sounds of troubled Souls; I can do no less, then to do my best, To help them toward their goals.

And I know I’ll find, with the passage of time, That I’ve helped their Spirits grow some; And though appreciated, thanks aren’t awaited, For my friends are always welcome.

Answer #45

I just want to make a comment to to a few people here.

Just something to think about as for your reluctance on believing the big bang theory. Its not that everything magically appeared perfectly. But, out of the literally TRILLIONS (much much more, in fact) of solar systems out there, one or two of them at least was bound to orbit at the right distance, right? Its like if I had a dice with 100 faces on it and said ‘the only way the world is going to exist is if it lands on a 7.’ It may seem far-fetched that it does land on a 7, out of 100 different numbers. But If I rolled it about 10 000 times, it’d make sense. Trillions and trillions of planets, you’d think one had to be right. And for how everything else fits in so perfectly, is because if it didn’t fit in, it died. After a couple thousand years, your only left with the things that are right for its environment.

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