Is creationism a load of rubbish?

What is creationism? I have heard people talk about it, it makes no sense to me. What is it exactly? And if you believe in it please tell me why it makes sense to you as I’d like to understand someone elses point of view on it.

Answer #1

From Wikipedia

Creationism is the belief that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe were created in their original form by a deity (often the Abrahamic God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam) or deities. In relation to the creation-evolution controversy the term creationism is commonly used to refer to religiously motivated rejection of evolution as an explanation of origins.

Creationism in the West is usually based on creation according to Genesis, and in its broad sense covers a wide range of beliefs and interpretations. Through the 19th century the term most commonly referred to direct creation of individual souls, in contrast to traducianism. However, by 1929 in the United States the term became particularly associated with Christian fundamentalist opposition to human evolution and belief in a young Earth. Several U.S. states passed laws against the teaching of evolution in public schools, as upheld in the Scopes Trial. Evolution was omitted entirely from school textbooks in much of the United States until the 1960s. Since then, renewed efforts to introduce teaching creationism in American public schools in the form of flood geology, creation science, and intelligent design have been consistently held to contravene the constitutional separation of Church and State by a succession of legal judgments The meaning of the term creationism was contested, but by the 1980s it had been co-opted by proponents of creation science and flood geology

Such beliefs include Young Earth creationism, proponents of which believe that the earth is thousands rather than billions of years old. They typically believe the days in Genesis Chapter 1 are 24 hours in length, while Old Earth creationism accepts geological findings and other methods of dating the earth and believes that these findings do not contradict the Genesis account, but reject evolution. The term theistic evolution has been coined to refer to beliefs in creation which are more compatible with the scientific view of evolution and the age of the Earth. Alternately, there are other religious people who support creation, but in terms of allegorical interpretations of Genesis.

When mainstream scientific research produces conclusions which contradict a creationist interpretation of scripture, the strict creationist approach is either to reject the conclusions of the research its underlying scientific theories and/or its methodology. For this reason, both creation science and intelligent design have been labeled as pseudoscience by the mainstream scientific community. The most notable disputes concern the effects of evolution on the development of living organisms, the idea of common descent, the geologic history of the Earth, the formation of the solar system, and the origin of the universe.

Personaly I dont believe in creationism, first im not religius, second, I belive in reincarnation which means creationism contradicts such belief and third, I dont even believe there was an adam and eve.

Answer #2

“Creationism is the belief in G-d. “

How arraogant do you have to be to say something like this? The vast majority of people who believe in god do not believe in creationism. Most understand it is only a bunch of ignorant zealots who think the story of genesis is true. They deny actually scientific discovery over what it says in an ancient text written by supersitious men.

“Think about it this way, when you build a house it requires a lot of planing and blue prints. No one builds a house by accident, and it does not just appear out of nowhere. Wouldnt it make sense that for somthing that is much more advanced like life to require planning as well? “

Nothing just appeared out of no where. It has taken billions and billions of years to happen. Your analogy is silly. There is nothing in nature that suggests there is some sort of planned design for it all. The existence of complexity does not say anything about the origins of that complexity.

Answer #3

I don’t think it matters how exactly the world was created. I’m Christian, and I believe that God created the world. However, I don’t think that it matters exactly how He made it, whether it evolved or He made it in six days or whatever. I think that what matters now is that we have this world, and we need to take care of it.

Answer #4

Creationism is the belief in G-d.
Think about it this way, when you build a house it requires a lot of planing and blue prints. No one builds a house by accident, and it does not just appear out of nowhere. Wouldnt it make sense that for somthing that is much more advanced like life to require planning as well?

Answer #5

yes, I beleive its a load of crap bcause it requires you to beleive that a “god” just pointed his fingers and POOF an animal appears, already made, alreday evolved from something else, ect its a crap theory that makes NO sense except to the people who have been brainwashed into beleiving it

Answer #6

the literal belief in the account of Creation given in the Book of Genesis; “creationism denies the theory of evolution of species”

It means basicaly that adam and eve were out on the earth by god and then had a bunch of kids with eachother and then the kids had kids with eachother so all of mankind are related and we’re all incest and that revolution(man evolving from apes) is wrong. I don’t believe it because I don’t believe in god. ANd it’s ridiculous to think that we’re all related and all that other bull.

Answer #7

In simple terms, yes, creationism is a load of rubbish.

Answer #8

Creationism is a religious cosmology thinly veiled as science.

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