Nutrition & Fitness Questions

  1. What are good breathing techniques for running/jogging a mile?
  2. What alternative products can you sub for dairy products if you cant stand that taste of soy & it makes you want to gag?
  3. Who has used SixStar or BodyFortress Creatine from Wal-Mart?
  4. Why did my arms suddenly become really muscular?
  5. Does anyone know what this weight loss technique is called?
  6. Is it possible to have a flat stomach and still be considered "fat"?
  7. What is a quad like on your body?
  8. Why are my quads sore?
  9. Is it unusual to feel fat even after losing weight?
  10. How is it possible to live off a Vampire's diet?
  11. can you really lose weight by not eating after 8 pm?
  12. How can you get rid of fat ankles?
  13. Does anyone know of any yoga moves or websites I can go on to get some?
  14. What are the benefits of drinking diet Ginger Ale, instead of regular sodas like Coke, Pepsi, Mt. Dew, etc...?
  15. what are some fat camps near san bernadino?
  16. How can I do more crunches in 20 minutes?
  17. How much caffeine is in the "extra strength 5 hour energy shots"?
  18. What is the difference between calories and calories FROM fat ?
  19. Is it okay to eat cat food or will it make you sick?
  20. How can I do a backwalkover if my core and abs aren't strong enough to pull through.. ?
  21. could you die or get a sickness if u dont eat breakfast and lunch ?????
  22. can someone be underwiehgt and live healthy \?
  23. How can I keep my pitching arm healthy(in season and off season)?
  24. If I lose weight in my face will my dimples become smaller and less noticeable???
  25. what if i eat only the food that says in the label that doesnt have any cholesterol like cookies, potatos chips and pastries?
  26. how do you stretch the inside of your elbow?
  27. what should be the bodybuilding routine of a beginner?
  28. When is the best time to eat a protein bar?
  29. whats the quickest way to get over soreness from a workout?
  30. What is considered overtraining?
  31. Who knows if it is bad to have cheese sandwiches 4 days in a row?
  32. How do I stop tripping on my jump rope?
  33. what/hows a good way to curve your stomach so you don't eat as much?
  34. Do you think it is okay for a 15 year old girl to go out jogging by herself?
  35. is there a time limit to how long you should work out each day?
  36. What excercises tone the breast muscles?
  37. What am I doing wrong?
  38. Do you believe that the blood type diet actually works?
  39. How do you stick to a diet when no one is supportive?
  40. how can i control to eat junkfoods?
  41. how do paralyzed people flatten there stomach?
  42. what parts of your body does running exactly tone ?
  43. Whats the recommended amount of walking I should be doing every day?
  44. What sport do you do for exercise and how fit are you?
  45. What does it mean when you are running/after running your lungs have a "burning" sensation to them?
  46. Is anyone here a vegaterian or vegatarian-symphatizer and how has it benefited you?
  47. What are fast ways to lose weight with wii fit plus?
  48. what is the very popular water bottle brand that you have to squeze the thing with your teeth to drink?
  49. how can you get more nutrition in your daily diet?
  50. What are some good exercises/ work outs that you can do in a dorm room?
  51. what is your greatest school memory?
  52. how can i run without feeling like im gunna die outof breath!?
  53. Do the homeopathic HcG drop diet work?
  54. How can i run without thinking about it?
  55. In you opinion, what do you think of those who are starving themselves to loose weight?
  56. Who thinks restaurants should start putting calorie contents on their foods/drinks?
  57. What are some motivating quotes to get me to work out and eat better?
  58. what is a very good work out or yoga video sold in ontario, canada??
  59. How many calories should I be eating?
  60. What chemicals do we eat daily, and what food are those chemicals found in?
  61. What is a massage like?
  62. How do I limit the cramps I get when I go jogging or exercise?
  63. why do doctors say if u lose weight quickly you will gain it back ,, and what do they exactly mean?
  64. Where do I buy fitness videos?
  65. what is a healthy food plans for a bigger girl?
  66. what is the right weight for every height?
  67. Does p90x work without the diet?
  68. Would it be a bad idea to not eat anything, but just drink green tea for one day?
  69. How to not get temtped to eat Mcdonalds?
  70. What should I eat & drink to keep my figure for martial arts?
  71. How do i get my 28" waist to a 24" fast??
  72. is it possible to lose 2 kg's a day?
  73. How do i get over my junk food addiction?
  74. How can I safely exercise while pregnant?
  75. Would you rather be rich or healthy?
  76. How to relax face muscles?
  77. Is it true when you sweat it means your loosing weight??
  78. what should i be squating?
  79. are there any foods that speed up your metabolism or help burn body fat?
  80. Why can't I lose weight when I eat once a day, and ride a bicycle every morning?
  81. can fingers lose weight?
  82. how do you work out your boobs?
  83. how do trainers that tone your legs and bum work?
  84. How to remove excess loose belly skin??
  85. Why does my belly inflate halfway through the day but in morning and night it goes back to normal?
  86. what does it exactly mean to have a fast metabolism and is it necessarily a bad thing?
  87. Who knows how fatening 2 scrambled eggs are ?
  88. Are Vegetarians skinny? If so why?
  89. Does Spicy things speed up your metabolism?
  90. Who can tell me if juice helps with weight loss?
  91. Can teens lose weight faster than grownups?
  92. How much should a 14 year old girl weigh when shes 4 feet 11 inches?
  93. How do I stop feeling like I am fat?
  94. what foods have the most calories??
  95. how am i suppose to find out how much i'll grow before im done growing?
  96. How true is it that a tan makes you look thinner?
  97. How normal is it for thighs to touch?
  98. How to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, anyone know how I can do that?
  99. How many bottles of water should a 13 year old girl drink a day if shes trying to lose weight?
  100. how to do yoga at home?
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