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- What are good breathing techniques for running/jogging a mile?
- What alternative products can you sub for dairy products if you cant stand that taste of soy & it makes you want to gag?
- Who has used SixStar or BodyFortress Creatine from Wal-Mart?
- Why did my arms suddenly become really muscular?
- Does anyone know what this weight loss technique is called?
- Is it possible to have a flat stomach and still be considered "fat"?
- What is a quad like on your body?
- Why are my quads sore?
- Is it unusual to feel fat even after losing weight?
- How is it possible to live off a Vampire's diet?
- can you really lose weight by not eating after 8 pm?
- How can you get rid of fat ankles?
- Does anyone know of any yoga moves or websites I can go on to get some?
- What are the benefits of drinking diet Ginger Ale, instead of regular sodas like Coke, Pepsi, Mt. Dew, etc...?
- what are some fat camps near san bernadino?
- How can I do more crunches in 20 minutes?
- How much caffeine is in the "extra strength 5 hour energy shots"?
- What is the difference between calories and calories FROM fat ?
- Is it okay to eat cat food or will it make you sick?
- How can I do a backwalkover if my core and abs aren't strong enough to pull through.. ?
- could you die or get a sickness if u dont eat breakfast and lunch ?????
- can someone be underwiehgt and live healthy \?
- How can I keep my pitching arm healthy(in season and off season)?
- If I lose weight in my face will my dimples become smaller and less noticeable???
- what if i eat only the food that says in the label that doesnt have any cholesterol like cookies, potatos chips and pastries?
- how do you stretch the inside of your elbow?
- what should be the bodybuilding routine of a beginner?
- When is the best time to eat a protein bar?
- whats the quickest way to get over soreness from a workout?
- What is considered overtraining?
- Who knows if it is bad to have cheese sandwiches 4 days in a row?
- How do I stop tripping on my jump rope?
- what/hows a good way to curve your stomach so you don't eat as much?
- Do you think it is okay for a 15 year old girl to go out jogging by herself?
- is there a time limit to how long you should work out each day?
- What excercises tone the breast muscles?
- What am I doing wrong?
- Do you believe that the blood type diet actually works?
- How do you stick to a diet when no one is supportive?
- how can i control to eat junkfoods?
- how do paralyzed people flatten there stomach?
- what parts of your body does running exactly tone ?
- Whats the recommended amount of walking I should be doing every day?
- What sport do you do for exercise and how fit are you?
- What does it mean when you are running/after running your lungs have a "burning" sensation to them?
- Is anyone here a vegaterian or vegatarian-symphatizer and how has it benefited you?
- What are fast ways to lose weight with wii fit plus?
- what is the very popular water bottle brand that you have to squeze the thing with your teeth to drink?
- how can you get more nutrition in your daily diet?
- What are some good exercises/ work outs that you can do in a dorm room?
- what is your greatest school memory?
- how can i run without feeling like im gunna die outof breath!?
- Do the homeopathic HcG drop diet work?
- How can i run without thinking about it?
- In you opinion, what do you think of those who are starving themselves to loose weight?
- Who thinks restaurants should start putting calorie contents on their foods/drinks?
- What are some motivating quotes to get me to work out and eat better?
- what is a very good work out or yoga video sold in ontario, canada??
- How many calories should I be eating?
- What chemicals do we eat daily, and what food are those chemicals found in?
- What is a massage like?
- How do I limit the cramps I get when I go jogging or exercise?
- why do doctors say if u lose weight quickly you will gain it back ,, and what do they exactly mean?
- Where do I buy fitness videos?
- what is a healthy food plans for a bigger girl?
- what is the right weight for every height?
- Does p90x work without the diet?
- Would it be a bad idea to not eat anything, but just drink green tea for one day?
- How to not get temtped to eat Mcdonalds?
- What should I eat & drink to keep my figure for martial arts?
- How do i get my 28" waist to a 24" fast??
- is it possible to lose 2 kg's a day?
- How do i get over my junk food addiction?
- How can I safely exercise while pregnant?
- Would you rather be rich or healthy?
- How to relax face muscles?
- Is it true when you sweat it means your loosing weight??
- what should i be squating?
- are there any foods that speed up your metabolism or help burn body fat?
- Why can't I lose weight when I eat once a day, and ride a bicycle every morning?
- can fingers lose weight?
- how do you work out your boobs?
- how do trainers that tone your legs and bum work?
- How to remove excess loose belly skin??
- Why does my belly inflate halfway through the day but in morning and night it goes back to normal?
- what does it exactly mean to have a fast metabolism and is it necessarily a bad thing?
- Who knows how fatening 2 scrambled eggs are ?
- Are Vegetarians skinny? If so why?
- Does Spicy things speed up your metabolism?
- Who can tell me if juice helps with weight loss?
- Can teens lose weight faster than grownups?
- How much should a 14 year old girl weigh when shes 4 feet 11 inches?
- How do I stop feeling like I am fat?
- what foods have the most calories??
- how am i suppose to find out how much i'll grow before im done growing?
- How true is it that a tan makes you look thinner?
- How normal is it for thighs to touch?
- How to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, anyone know how I can do that?
- How many bottles of water should a 13 year old girl drink a day if shes trying to lose weight?
- how to do yoga at home?