How can i run without thinking about it?

Okay so in field hockey our coach makes us run like CRAZY. Im not lazy or anything im just not much of a runner when it comes to distance. I always end up last or towards the end. I have asthma but plenty of other people do too and they can run. I take my inhailer everyday too bbefore practice. I wanna know how i can not freak out about how much i have to run and how tired i am while im running. And any other tips for running would be good too(: Thanks.

Answer #1

think about something else; maybe get some music, that helps me.

Answer #2

Headphones….you can concentrate on the music instead of what your doing.

Answer #3

I would, but sadly were not aloud to bring ipods or mp3 players):

Answer #4

close your eyes….run in a field with at least 300 yards stretch…………..or believe you can fly…….that keeps your mind focus

Answer #5

yes. think about life, friends, school, stuff like that

Answer #6

i had the same problem last year. my soccer coach made us run about 5 or 6 laps around this HUGE park. when i say huge, i am not exaggerating. what i did was think about anything other than running. i focused on lyrics from my favorite song, i focused on sitautions in my life and how i would handle them. running with earphones, like mandy said, is another great way to block it out. make sure they are not too loud, so you can hear the coach if he has something to say as you run by. i also looked down at the ground, observing the things i saw on the grass. look at the trees as you run by them. and before you know, you’ll be done

Answer #7

Definitely, you could Run with an Ipod, or something like that, then you concentrate on the music, or you could run with a friend (=, or maybe just think about what your going to do next, that day, or the next day, anything to clear that mind of yours ..

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