How do I stop feeling like I am fat?

I started losing weight a while back and I was a good healthy weight. Now I am underweight, I know this, yet I still keep trying to lose weight. I tried gaining but I felt fat again.

Answer #1

You could make sure what you gained as muscle. maybe?

Answer #2

I mean “was” :)

Answer #3

Tell yourself every day: I’m gorgeous, I’m beautiful and thin and whoever tells me I’m not is idiot!

Mental Power :-) It works!Seriously!

Answer #4

Tell yourself every day: I’m gorgeous, I’m beautiful and thin and whoever tells me I’m not is idiot!

Mental Power :-) It works!Seriously!

Answer #5

its not what outside that counts its whats inside as long as you love who you are you’ll find that one guy who loves you no matter what till the end!

Just wait most guys are idiots at first but eventually they come around :D as for lossing weight dont seriously your beautiufl already and do not need to change your self to look better at all.

Answer #6

Every Time you walk by a mirror tell yourself aloud, even if anyone’s watching “ you are one sexy B!tch” it helps really. Imagine it as your minds a magnet, if you think your sexy, others will too.

Answer #7

feeling fat is psychological. There are plenty of obese people who do not feel fat. But with that being said, you can also do things physically to help feel better about your weight/appearance. Don’t overeat to the point that you feel full or overly full. Exercise so that you feel strong physically and drink lots of water.

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