Health Questions

  1. What is the cost of surgery to get my virginity back?
  2. Would it cost extra money to get my bone re-broken?
  3. What is the life expectancy of a 77 year old with leukemia?
  4. Is it bad for a 15 year old to drink a glass of wine every week?
  5. Why do your boobs get big when you go on birth control?
  6. What does it mean when your hip piercings "reject"?
  7. How much weight do you usually lose when you're sick?
  8. What are the eating disorder bracelet colors?
  9. What causes a blocked nose?
  10. Are marijuana and weed the same thing?
  11. Can I take sertraline this soon?
  12. Do I have social anxiety disorder?
  13. Does it really work to take medicine when you're upset?
  14. Why do my ears always pop when I yawn?
  15. Why do I get nauseous when I see police lights or other bright flashing lights, but when I watch the All of the Lights music video by Kanye West nothing happened?
  16. What's the difference between side effects and symptoms?
  17. What does it mean when you have diarrhea and it's really black?
  18. Why do my front teeth hurt when I breathe through my mouth?
  19. Why are diabetes and arthritis joints contraindicated for a paraffin bath?
  20. How to use a kotex tampon?
  21. What is in coffee that makes you have to use the restroom?
  22. Why do I start coughing when I eat McDonalds?
  23. What are some home remedies for treating a really bad dry cough?
  24. How do you get back on a normal sleep schedule when you work nightshifts and have to deal with school?
  25. How does coughing make your headache worse?
  26. Are there any other forms of contraception for males besides a condom or a vasectomy?
  27. Is it bad that I enjoy feeling hungry?
  28. Is it bad to get your nails done while your pregnant?
  29. What should you eat and drink if you have the flu?
  30. Would my dentist or doctor tell my mom im bulimic if i asked them about it?
  31. can dust kill u overtime??
  32. Does it cost money to get a printed copy of your x-ray?
  33. What do you think is better - to drink some alcohol, to drink a lot, or not to drink at all?
  34. how come suicides are feet first?
  35. How do babies breathe in the womb?
  36. How can food pass from the mouth to the stomach even though you're lying down?
  37. What benefits come from donating plasma?
  38. Is your vagina tighter when you are pregnant?
  39. What does speed do to your body/mind?
  40. Is it normal for me to be light-headed 5 days after dislocating my shoulder?
  41. What is your most illogical fear?
  42. What's the function of co-enzymes?
  43. Does birthcontrol have an effect on the weight in your breasts and the rest of your body?
  44. What is motion sickness?
  45. How long after each meal does your food take to digest?
  46. Do I have porphyria?
  47. Is having low self esteem kind of a disorder?
  48. What do they mean when they say "born prematurely" when talking about pregnancy?
  49. Can anxiety cause stomach cramps and swelling?
  50. What does bleeding mean if you're pregnant?
  51. What to do with a weepy wound on the top of my foot?
  52. How does a sinus infection cause vomiting and an upset stomach?
  53. Can people have green blood?
  54. Can you use two different pregnancy tests on the same pee?
  55. Can I be pregnant from using someone elses vibrator?
  56. How do I get rid of a terrible headache?
  57. Can I skip pills on birth control to induce a period?
  58. How can I get over the stomach flu quickly?
  59. Are some bodies more prone to infections than others?
  60. What exactly is a dermal punch?
  61. How can you combat high blood pressure, besides using medication?
  62. How to hide it when you're high?
  63. What can I do to minimize chances of breast cancer?
  64. How do you stop cuts from stinging?
  65. Is it possible that, after wearing earphones for so long, your ears start to feel like they are swelling and they are itchy?
  66. How do you determine the gender of fish?
  67. Why are you not supposed to take Allegra with orange juice?
  68. What does a naturopathic doctor do?
  69. Can people imagine they see things?
  70. What kind of multi-vitamin is good for teens?
  71. Why does it feel like air is being blown out the corner of my eye?
  72. Why is your period heavy on the first day?
  73. How can I deal with my period whilst camping and walking?
  74. Is there a way I can make my stomach stop growling?
  75. How can you get rid of sore muscles faster?
  76. Did my anorexia cause me to miscarriage?
  77. What's the difference between a drunk and an alcoholic?
  78. What do you think of people that are addicted to smoking?
  79. Did I cause my boyfriend to overdose?
  80. Are there any diseases that would make your blood a pale, almost pink, color?
  81. How do you cease morning sickness (not pregnant)?
  82. Is it bad that I can see veins in my hand?
  83. Is it okay to drink ENO alot?
  84. Does anyone here think needles hurt?
  85. How many times do you have to purge to be bulimic?
  86. Why do I still have baby teeth yet I'm 17?
  87. How do i please my man without intercourse?
  88. What would cause severe anxiety attacks?
  89. what does bulimia do to your metablism?
  90. Why is sunblock famous in USA and Europe but not here in tropical countries with intense sun ray?
  91. What disease could cause have someone to have a weak immune system?
  92. What are some remedies for tinnitus?
  93. Why do you get the munchies when you smoke weed?
  94. Why would I have sharp spastic pains in my left kidney that come and go occasionally since I was little?
  95. Is there any way to straighten out my teeth without spending any money?
  96. Do you think I need help?
  97. Why do you get goosebumps when you're cold?
  98. Should I tell my mom I think I'm bulimic?
  99. Why does your muscle hurt when you get a flu vaccination?
  100. Why do I have a weird pain in my leg?