Parents & Family Questions

  1. Why does my family?
  2. phyco parents
  3. Where can I get help for my father he's a alcoholic
  4. Daddy please!!! Dont go...
  5. Breaking the news to oms
  7. How to tell my parents I'm moving out at the age of 17
  8. Mom & girlfriend
  9. Should I be sad?
  10. Uncles funeral
  11. How old?
  12. Mom & dad making me choose
  13. Having Kids
  14. My daughter, please help
  15. What do you do???
  16. Your Parents
  17. How to explain to your parents that you're moving out at 18
  18. I just lost $1700, should I tell my parents?
  19. How to break it to my mom that I got an F?
  20. 60th Birthday
  21. is it Common to feel cold while Pregnant?
  22. problems at home
  23. brithcontrol
  24. my over reacting mom
  25. do you think its my fault? I need help.
  26. Annoying brother, help
  27. I need advice please please please
  28. How to annoy your older sister.
  29. How can I explain this to my mom?
  30. To move, or not to move? DESPERATE FOR HELP!!!
  31. Gifts for family?
  32. how do I convince my mom to let me go to a concert?
  33. Help finding my kids father
  34. What to get my Mom
  35. Telling my mum I wanna move to hungary with my family
  36. its 11 oclock and my parents arent home
  37. Step mom treats me badly, how can I deal with it?
  38. Princess birthday party ideas...
  39. moving out
  40. how to tell my mum I wanna move to hungary with my family
  41. Parents stalking
  42. How can I help my dad through this divorce?
  43. Women only! Please
  44. Pregnant and need to tell my parents
  45. how do I talk to my dad?
  46. Two daddies??!! Two mommies??!!!
  47. Little sister's birthday
  48. Grandparents rights ?
  49. trapped
  50. what should I do?
  52. My mom hates me
  53. I hate her
  54. I hate my moms boyfriend
  55. Insane
  56. Long but I really need help to deal with this
  57. Moving out at 14 - good or bad ??
  58. legal age to move out!!
  59. My parents dont care
  60. Disfunctional baby shower
  61. Should you wash a kids mouth out with soap?
  62. Are my parents to controling?
  63. my lil brother wanting to hump me?
  64. Shes Annoying !
  65. How can I tell if my mom is on pot?
  66. Finding "substance" in Moms purse
  67. what should I do?
  68. Can I move out without parental consent?
  69. My Parents Really Need to Back Off!!
  70. going to be 16
  71. How did you tell your mom that you got your period?
  72. Signs of Pregnancy
  73. Pregnant at 14
  74. annoying brother :P
  75. Mom's Boyfriend!!!
  76. Middle names?!?!?!?!
  77. sister takes friends
  78. My parents hate me!!
  79. moving out at 16?
  80. In need of Legal Advice (emancipation of a minor)
  81. fake contractions
  82. parents' separating
  83. im 14 and pregnant
  84. how can me and my sister torcher our brother.
  85. mean to put makeup and torcher your brother
  86. custody trubles
  87. Dad threatened to kick me out
  88. What do I do when mom and dad are fighting?
  89. How can I get into a foster family?
  90. How do I get rid of my mom's boyfriend?
  91. How do I tell them I'm depressed?
  92. Should I tell my uncle that I spilled on the keyboard?
  93. Parents and pot
  94. don't love
  95. im adopted and I want to find info on my real parents any ideas??
  96. Living on your own by 17
  97. new years down the drain
  98. Scared of Step-Dad
  99. a polite way to say...
  100. I want to leave my parents