what should I do?

hey can anyone help me I am 17 years old and I have a baby girlwho is 3 an half months old I have been fighting with my mom a lot should I leave and go and leave with my daughters father?( oh me and him are still together)

Answer #1

You might as well go live the family life with your man, nothing else you can do.

Answer #2

Honestly, do what feels right. If you feel like moving in with your child’s father is the right choice to make that you could provide for your child without your mother’s help, then move. If you are depending on your mother and still need her help raising or providing for your baby - then stay.

Answer #3

There should be no problem with that if he can support you guys. Since you’re underage, though, your mom can refuse to let you go…

Answer #4

Why don’t you try talking to her about it?

Answer #5

TlK 2oo your MoM & LoVeR bOUt KK?

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