How to annoy your older sister.

How do you really p/o your older sister?

Answer #1

God, Don’t annoy her otherwise she’ll annoy you back :)

Answer #2

ignore her for ageees until she loss her rag and shel ni it ent anoyin you so shel stop hopefully:)

Answer #3

trust me she will get you bk ten times worse, act all inocent and nice that may ind her up though.x

Answer #4

Tell her you’ll announce her boyfriends name infront of the whole school.

Answer #5

Hey sup LYLAS!!! o I like 2 wear all of her clothes and then tell her they are urs

Answer #6

first of all everyone knows that they will get you back and as much as I love my sis the thing I do is hold things agenst her then when you do something to her you can us it agest her

Answer #7

I use my sisters flat iron afer she leaves for school! I leave it plugged in [not turned on] and unlocked. she gets home and I so pissed! I wear her cloothes all the time and put them back befor eshe gets home! its so fun. I also called her a btich once and she to chicken to say it back so she went and told on me but I think my dad was kinda proud of me for sticking up for my self. me holds everything ove rmy head. she calls me fat and says my hair is disguisting and then she expects me to be nice to her. she calls me a snot in the nastiest way and im like “do you hear yourself?” to make her mad just use her stuff, eat the food she picks out and wear her clothes!

Answer #8

well, im would take her all of her tampons or pads out of her the bathroom, and when its time for her to change it, she will expect it to be there but its not. (more effective if friends are over). hahah

Answer #9

put rubber bands or clear tape over the squirter thing on the sink (if you have one)then when he/she goes to turn on the sink water will hit them!! Believe me I did it on my aunt and my because!

Answer #10

Well, you can say embarrasing things about her infront of her friends. If you really want to get to her, put Nair in her shampoo. Good times, good times.

Answer #11

put some type of smooth thing that she really hates and can’t stand, then go to her, and get her mad enough to start to chase you, run into the room of the door you put the smooth thing,slam the door of the room and then she will open the door and the thing will go all over her hand. Then later on,put that smooth thing on a piece of tissue paper smll enough to fit your palm, smear the thing all over it, stick it in your hand,then tell her she has something on her face pretend to sweep it off and smear it all over her face! works like a charm!!

Answer #12

Put vaseline our some kind of jelly on her door handles, so when she opens it, it goes on her hands.

Put a mattress infront of her door with something like a cup of water balanced on top of the mattress. so when she pushes it down, the water falls on her.

If she asks you to get her a drink, put salt in it. I did it to my friend and he took a sip and immediately ran off and spat it out, so funny.

Answer #13

if she has a boyfriend sing the song name and name sitting in the tree kissing.first comes love then come marrige…

Answer #14

kick her in her sleep and put toothpauste all over her

Answer #15

Hang around when her friends are over. follow her around everywhere she goes. totaly ignore her and she will be p/o. Tell on her whenever she does something wrong. Call her names. Embarrass her at any seen chance. Pretend that she doesn’t exist. Hope this works for you!

Answer #16

this is what my lil brother does to me –

follow me around repeat me take my stuff yell my name all the time cry over stuff.

many moree !

Answer #17

embarrass the sh*t out of her when she has her friends over.. say things that they dont know about

Answer #18

hide her things/ trouble her things

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