moving out

im a junior in high school and plan on moving out when I graduate, although I am still going to be 17 when that happens. I work at least 25-30 hours a week and am trying to get another job. I do pretty good in school but my home is hell.. I live with my mom who doesnt like to live in one place for a very long time. completely strict.. too controlling, cant do absolutely anything. im treated like a piece of shyt, like im stupid, and like im 5 years old.. im sick of it.. I have thought about moving out now but didnt want to leave my little brother alone, and I at least want to get high school out of the way.. I am going to go to college and become a vet like I have always wanted to become.. I normally dont ask for advice or help on anything so im sorry if this message is so long lol but this is something I wanted to think out before I do it.. so if anyone can help me out if your going thru the same situation or at least help me out.

Answer #1

it is what I want to do.. and supporting myself isnt the problem.. I also want to know if at 17 can you move out and not be charged with runaway and actually get your own place.. also therapy is not an option.. forget it.. my famz too unstable andnever here.. dads always gone, parents are divorced, moms crazy, sisters are gone far away, only one here is my lil bro

Answer #2

I know this sounds weird but I’d sit down with my family and if that doesn’t work convince the family to have a family therapy and if they don’t agree with that just have a famiy therapy come to your house and I doubt they would just throw the out. I have family problems to where it’s almost made me try to kill myself so I don’t know exactly what you mean but I know what you mean. haha. That was funny the way I said that. I hope you get things worked out. May God bless you and your family! :]] t

Answer #3

I’d say really think about it. talk with friends and make sure thats what you really want to do. I would if I were u.

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