Your Parents

Thought it was interesting to share and hear what others went through. Whether it was your parents or someone who took you in. What did you learn from your parents that you practice or will carry on in your life?


-To never argue in front of my children - that is something that should be done in private -To stand up for what you believe in and speak your mind when you feel it’s neccasary. (My mother speaks her mind no matter who it may hurt though) -To respect my elders -They taught me that you never give up on your children - my parents have stuck by me through me drug addiction even though I lied, stole from them, and said some pretty nasty things to them during that time -To always put up a fight and never give up. My dad is on his second run with Cancer. -To always have a smile on your face and be thankful for every day you are alive. Also, from my father who lives his life he is not even sick.

Answer #1

my mom loves me very much and we tell each other everything.we have a great relationship.

she tought me.

stand up for your rights. be kind be proud of who you are respect everyone dont judge people.

Answer #2

To be honest with you my mum died when I was little. But my dad even though he hit me, always used to teach me :

  1. To respect others and treat them with the respect you would like.
  2. To always be grateful for what you have even if its so little.
  3. To never give up on yourself or your dreams.
  4. Stay strong no matter what.
  5. To take responsibilty for my actions.

and even though these sort of ‘rules’ flew out the window for him he always encouraged me and my brother to follow them. 5)

Answer #3

~respect elders and the older ones ~to be clean ~be active ~to not shoplift..though I used to do ~and most importantly to be a hard worker…

I liked that one part that your parents showed you which was to never argue infront of parents could use that lesson.. and my mom could use that fact so she wont blame every arguemnt she has wit my dad on me.

Answer #4
  • Always be you. Dont try to be someone else
  • The same as you- not to argue in front of children No offence to my mum but she constantly talks about being fat an unhappy and I think thats rubbed off on me so would never talk about my insecurities in life infron of my children To always have manners *Treat people with respect
  • Try your hardest. Dont be disapointed with a result if you put your all in to it- thats enough Enjoy every minute of life, you can never laugh to much Got told it was fine to be different. I’d rather be different and stand out then be boring and fit in
Answer #5

Well, the only thing my mum taught me was not to touch the skin underneath your eye. She says if you do then you get wrinkles. x

Answer #6

I share two of them with you. They are two speak your mind and be outspoken and to tell people how you feel. The other is to respect your elders. that is a strong one that I always follow.

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