Mom's Boyfriend!!!

what can I do to get my mom’s boyfriend to go away???

my parents got divorced around three months ago. now my mom met this guy a few weeks before christmas. she stays gone all the time with him. and they never even ask us ( my sister and I) if we want to do what ever they are doing with them such as: ( movies, resturants, etc.)

he’s so stupid and doesn’t even try to communicate with me or my little sister. my mom is beginning to change ever since she met him. things used to always be out in the open, now she won’t even allow me and them in the same room. it’s really getting on my nerves. I need him out of my life!!!

Answer #1

why don’t you want your mom to be happy? Your mom probably doesn’t want you in the same room because they are having freaky sex and she doesn’t want you to see that.

Answer #2

just try talking to your mom about it and tell her how you feel bout him.

Answer #3

put some panties that are NOT your moms in his vehicle hahahaha!

Answer #4

You can’t force him out of your life…that’s a decision your mother has to make.

I know it’s tough seeing your mom with someone other than your dad, but if he makes her happy, then maybe it isn’t as bad as it seems.

Their relationship is new, and right now the most important thing in their lives is each other - give it a little time…let them grow in their relationship and your mom will find her way back to you.

Unless he is doing something harmful to you or your mother, you may just have to accept this new life for a little while.

Answer #5

be a total b*tch to him and make him feel not welcome

Answer #6

I think you’re Mom is in a kind of puppy love. She wants to be around her guy all the time, and get to know him more. She just wants to be alone with her man, and you can’t really stop that. Wait a few weeks, and you’re Mom will probably come back to her senses, and realise that she has two daughters to take care of. This is just a faze, and will get better.

Answer #7

I you ruin some of their plans and make it look like his fault or put a used condom in his car, that’ll do the trick?

Answer #8

omg I know what you mean! my mom got a boyfriend while my parents were seperating, not even divorced. she had him over one time for me to meet him before he moved in with us. they’re always going outside to talk, and they’re so secerative. anyways you could go out all the time withur boyfriend or friends, show your mom waht its like. or you could tell your mom how you feel about the whole thing. or go live with her dad until she agrees to stop seeing him.

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