What do I do when mom and dad are fighting?

My mom and dad keep fighting and they keep on bringing me into it and some times they bring my family into it. it hurts that I have to hear it I wanted to go to my cousins and mom and dad had a fight and it doesnt look like I am going btw my mom and dad are fighting in front of me right now I cannot take it HELP!!

Answer #1

Go in your room and turn the music up on some earbuds. If they try to drag you into to it, say I’m the child you guys work this out like adults. If they get physical with each other call the police.

Unfortunately, you are not the only person whose life is being upset by parents who are arguing and fighting all the time. You are not alone. It makes you wonder how their own personal problems got to be so big that they can’t see and don’t realize how miserable and unhappy they are making your life. They love you, but they’re so busy fighting that they don’t take time to let you know. What can you do?

Are there other members of your family that you can talk to about this? How about a grandparent, uncle or aunt? Maybe with their help you can get your parents to stop fighting long enough to sit down and talk about what’s going on. Are they to the point where they are considering separation or a divorce? It would be nice if they could discuss that possibility with you. The only way to share your feelings and learn what your parents are really feeling is to communicate with them. If they won’t talk with you, perhaps you could try writing them a letter (sounds a little strange, but an “I’m feeling x” letter often works to make the other person stop and hear you).

If there is no family member who can help, consider talking to your school counselor about your schoolwork and how your parents’ fighting is affecting it. Your school nurse is another possibility, or you family doctor or minister (or priest or rabbi).

Remember, you can’t let your parents’ problems grind you down. It’s not easy, but sometimes you just have to let them battle it out and go about living your own life!

Answer #2

Well… I am in the same situation, my dad is 69 and my mom is 52. They fight about dust on the table. They are completely unhappy with each other.

My mother married my dad just to get out of her parents house, which I think in turn it caused an emotional breakdown and now history is repeating itself.

Whats worse is my sisters marriage has crumbled because her “husband” was on cocaine. Thus leaving me (19) years of age, and my father to take care of her daughter who will be one years of age in July. AND my sisters business is failing and there is very little money to spare.

My mother never loved my father. However my father always loved my mother.

My childhood was spent in fear, anger, aggression, and hate. And to this day I still am living in an utter hell. I have no money, no where to run or to go. I have no friends to talk to. All I have is my “family” which really is not a family anymore. And my little niece cannot understand what is happening, I protect her the best I can, but sometimes it is not enough.

So my Niece is going to grow up without a father, and without grandparents. It will just be me, my sis, and my niece.

Just when you thought I was finished… My sister is starting to fall to the dark side. I have noticed that she is more aggressive than used to be. (Although that is understandable considering her “marriage”)

What you are experiencing is the true nature of life. I don’t know how old you are, or what you do for a living. All I can tell you is Get Out!!!, you said something about cousins. No matter their age, talk to the parents of your cousins and see if you can move out. (If you are 18 that is), if you are below 18:

Get a lock on your bedroom door installed, that’s what I did, and not just any old lock. I mean a deadbolt with a lock and key. It will not pass fire inspection, but you only need to worry about that if your family is planning on moving.

And I have to warn you, you may catch hell about it (I did) but it is temporary (Meaning two years for me anyways).

Then at least you can catch a restful sleep without worrying about things.

Note: Do NOT LOOSE THE KEY!!!, in the package they will usually give you two keys, but the spare is for EMERGENCY ONLY!!!, hide it somewhere in the house, but only you can find it., I hide mine in my socks when I walk.

-Hopefully it will not come to that. but if it does, then at least you will be prepared.

– I just wish things would go back to normal…

Answer #3

I start yelling to tell them to stop I’m you child I can’t choose a side, then I start crying. it seems to work for me!!! :)

Answer #4

My parent’s are also fighting and my mom keeps crying but I am not sure about my dad if he his crying and when I hear them fight it makes me cry a little same with my brother and my parents keep bringing us into the fight I feel like I want to run away but anyway you should just ignor it and alway’s believe and pray that your parent’s will stop fighting and maby one day they will but my brother keeps telling me that they are going to divorce so I helped you by giving you an answer but know you help me please give me an answer I need your help.

Answer #5

I have the same problem they even talked about divorce my mom only argues with her mom in law witch is not liked by my dad so they argue I bassically bear it for a while and than if it gets to intensive like divorce I start crying it mostly works hen they stop I dont want them to divorce I hope this helps my parents are arguing today but it is not to intensive

Answer #6

I usally tell them what they do wrong? Then I explain what hurt the most about you fighting. once my mum hit my dad and I had two sisters up staris with me. Then I called the plocie they said well we will sort it out. Now 2 weeks have gone by nothing has happend

Answer #7

I SAY I need to say 1 more thing I have to say IM NOT FUCKING GETING TO THIS

Answer #8

There are many things you could do right now. You could either choose to leave the room and make a phonecall to someone you know and talk to them about it. Or you could stand up and say very clearly “I want this to stop”. Chances are, the arguing may stop and your parents may see how much this is hurting you. But if they just keep arguing, you should probably get yourself out of the situation. Even if you have to ask other family members to come over and see you or take you with them. This kind of thing can happen in all families. But all victims need to have courage, whether it’s to call out for help or to try and stop the bad things happening. It’s important to take care of yourself at times like this. I hope this will help you. Good luck.

Answer #9

you eathier push one away and talk to one of them about or you just try to cry and get them to focus ob you instead of foucussing on each other you are the one whos going to stop them soon if you dont then it could get worse and they can acctually get punched or slapped its scarry so try those things

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