What do you do???

What do you do if you feel so alone and really need to talk to someone but no ones really there for you? If you have no parents to talk to or any friends you would feel like sharing things with?? I’m not a loner or anything I just dont really know if anyone I know is here for me if I need to talk to someone.

Answer #1

When I feel like there’s no one to talk to I write down what I’m feeling. You can try that or there are a lot of people on here including myself that will talk with you. I’m sure too your close friends are there for you and want the best for you and I’m sure are very willing to talk to you.

Answer #2

Just sit on the internet and chat.

Answer #3

you can all way talk to the gud LORD you can tell all your problems to him you talk he listens just have faith and it work out and if you need that person that you think you dont have he will send it to you

Answer #4

talking to the ‘right’ people on here is good. usually you will have one person in your life that you will be able to talk to- you will have to seek this person out, and kind of test the waters a little.

usually, you will find after something has happened to you- all kinds of people will tell you “well, you could have talked to me about anything” those people are all around you- you just have to find them, just start up a conversation with the more mature of the bunch- and see what happens. sometimes if YOU make someone an offer to be there for THEM- you will get the same in return.

Answer #5

I feel the same way:( I usually just talk to people on here…

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