Two daddies??!! Two mommies??!!!

My father was my first love. he protected me and showed me how I was supposed to be loved. that was the male acceptance assurance I needed. my mother let me cry on her lap when I started my period and told me about her first time. that was the female acceptance and assurance I needed. in a boy growing up with two moms who will he talk to about why his wee wee gets hard in the morning and how it feels when it happens sometime in class. how will a little girl relate to two men with no breast no “tee tee” and no youthful female experiences? J/w

Answer #1


Answer #2

Given that the divorce rate is over 50% and about 30% of children live in single family households, the point is moot… unless you stop people from having kids unless they are living with a mother and a father, there is no good reason to stop a homosexual family from having kids. Either way, a kid is missing a parent of one gender. And if you say they visit, about 40% of those kids see their opposite sex parent less than 3 times a year… the traditional two parent house hold does not exist any more. It’s a fantasy being created by the religious right which wants to go back to an era that never existed. Move on… things have changed…

Single parent stats incase you’re interested

Answer #3

I think most couples raise children poorly, and it has nothing to do with being gay or straight.

Answer #4

That’s what I tried explaining in my previous question when I got hated on lol. 2 gay parents can’t provide all the emotional needs, and lessons, etc. as a straight couple can. The dad teaches something that the mom can’t, and the other way around.

Answer #5


Have you ever been around a gay couple raising a child? I doubt it, then how do you know what they can and can not do.

Also, there are straight parents that are single who can not provide all of those things for their children - are you saying they should have their children taken away also?

There is a difference between what this woman asked and the stupidty that you put out there. She was nice and actually wondering how they could raise a child - you were being mean and insulting.l

Answer #6

Anytime doll! lol.

Answer #7

yeh I agree with mandyloo. some people grow up with little or no figure from one of the parents. this meaning they only have one, atleast in a homosexual relationship theres 2 people who really care.

Answer #8

In a homosexual relationship you have to remember that they are not the only one’s involved in the children’s lives. Most of the time there are close friends, family, grandparents, etc, who can help the children out with these questions.

It’s hard to understand when you haven’t been around a couple that are gay and raising a child - but it works. I have several homosexual friends that have either adopted or had children themselves and they have had no problems with the children being confused. Also you have to remember, that even in straight relationships there is not always a mother and a father. The children does not always have a mother or father figure to look up to and follow their lead - so is that saying that single parents should not be allowed to have children either. Of course not.

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