phyco parents

my parents drive me crazy. there so over protective ! my mom will let me sleepout if she talks to whoevers mom I know shes being a good parent but its so annyoing she even showed up one time ! like seriously how do I get her to trust me !

Answer #1

mine is the exact same way she wong let me go to movirs or mall or anything without a parent being there and sometimes the purpose for gong to movies or mall is thst no psrentsa re there!

Answer #2

I dont see anything wrong with what she is doing. She is a parent - it is her job to protect you and raise you properly and she is doing the best she can. I know it’s frustrating when your younger - believe me I remember. Although I can now tell you from a mother’s point of view also -that I would do anything I could to make sure my child is safe, whether or not the felt I was being overprotective does not matter. An overprotective mother - is a mother who loves you and cares about you and you should be happy you atleast have that.

Answer #3

Parents have strengths and weaknesses also - sounds like she’s trying her best to look after your best interests, love you, and care - many, many don’t - be Thankful, for none of us are guaranteed tomorrow.

Answer #4

If you’re still in school I kind of understand it more. I had a huge fight with my parents about being overprotective.

It’s not good for parents to be to overprotective, children usually then rebel.

Here is some tips I used to make them trust me more: -Got good grades -Kept to a curfew -Always phoned them when I arrived and left at places or sent sms -If they ask something of me I did it

This helped a lot in the long run, but in the end you are going to have to stand up to your mother and tell her that you need to lead your own life. Don’t ask for all the freedom in the world, but maybe and hour extended on your curfew each year or etc might help. Tell her that you feel that you are 17 and you are ready for a bit more freedom and that you want her to trust you more. Tell her that you won’t want to become dishonest in order to go out more. She’ll appreciate that.

Good luck.

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