How can I explain this to my mom?

I posted earlier about my mums new boyfriend who I think is very strange (please read before this is as it will make more sense). Well, She told me that he would be sleeping over last night and well I was up really late playing my ds in my bed and I could hear them next door ( if you get what I mean) I cried and threw up but haven’t told her, all she says to me is that I am being odd and selfish. I feel upset because I know that this is what it will be like till I move out. He fends off my mum, he has left pictures of his kids all over my house!!! I feel depressed and I just want to get away, every time I try to tell my mum she just says I am being mean!! But I know he is weird, please I need help! I need to move out I think, I could live with my dad!

Answer #1

write her a letter with all your feelings and everything you think about her boyfriend, and that you might need to go live with your dad. maybe talk to one of your close aunts or uncles, or your dad about what your feeling. good luck

Answer #2

wow, well maybe just explain EXACTLY why you dont like him and maybe tell her you cried and threw up. wow, you are in a tough predicament, sorry bout that. =[ but if she still says that your being unfair and mean and stuff and you can take it anymore then you could move in with your dad, or just move in with him until she understands and her and her boyfriend seperate maybe? maybe she’ll miss you a lot and take you seriously if you do move out. but it’s all up to you. and how is he ‘wierd’? like what does he do to make him wierd? (hope I helped, good luck =]]

Answer #3

It sounds kinda like your mom is being the selfish one, not you. She should be more responsible about certain aspects of the relationship, especially because she had kids around. But, unfortunately, some adults just don’t grow up from their high school years. Try talking with her again, be calm and logical, keep calm if she goes nuts(which is a possibility), and if all else fails, take some time to get away. Maybe you just need a break from it all.

And all you have to do it wait till you’re 18. Then you can move in with whoever you want.

Answer #4


Answer #5

How old is your mother?

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