Step mom treats me badly, how can I deal with it?

HI, I live in a family of 5. Me my dad, 2 real sisters, a step sister and a step mom. She treats me like im dirt. Her step daughter is the biggest H* in the WORLD and goes out with every guy in her school!! also her mom treats her like she is the queen shiba. me…like sht. The thing that I hate is; im kind of a liar but any ways, this past christmas, I wished for an ipod touch. well low and behold I got one. the day before I was spending christmas eve with my real mom and she got me a new snowboard. well my parents I live with got me a rental and the board I got was for next season. I told my friends in texts that I got a new board and my nosey step mom read them and fliped. Guess what. she took my itouch away and is never giving it back. she uses it like its hers, every time I walk in she is playing with it on purpose. I cant take it any moreee!!! please help me. Im in need of what to do. im litraly crying right know. They always say im lying or have mood swings…please. what should I do

Answer #1

Talk 2 Your Dad About It And Tell Him How Badly She Treats You And How She Takes Your Stuff Away From You Which She Cant Do! Its Your Stuff, She Isnt The Boss Of You.She Isnt Your Real Mum.Make Sure You Tell Him How Much Cr** You Go Threw When She Is Their And Tell Him You Have Had Enough. Make Sure He Sorts Your Problem Out Because Its Not Fair On You.Also Maybe Instead Tell Your Mum About It So She Can Exsplain To Your Dad How You Feel About Your Step Mum Treating Your Badly.

Hope That Helps :D

Answer #2

Step parents suck.. most people would agree… but you will have to get over it.. there is honestly nothing you can do.. I mean if your dad is happy you should try to b happy for him.. but id say try to wait till your 18 and them get the hell out im sorry

Answer #3

why dont you just go live with your real mom

Answer #4

Looks like the cinderella story.Just leave them or have a case against them.

Answer #5

I’ve been there before. my stepmom did things no other person in the world would do. she was controlling, minipulative, phscotic and angry. all I did after dealing with it for 7 years was fight back. I played her own game but in a casual kind of way that killed her. just when she thought she had all control I fought back.dont let her see that she’s bothering you, they love to see that they are affecting you.and your best bet is to win your dad over arange days with him and stuff like that, she’ll feel like shes losing him and that will set her over the edge. good luck

Answer #6

I am 36 years old and I am still trying to figure out how to deal with my step monster at times. From my experience though, she will never ever change and your Dad will never acknowledge her behaviour as being detrimental to you. So here is my advice! If you find the ipod, take it home to your mom’s and say nothing about it and claim to know nothing about it. Play her games in a sense cause it’ll drive her mad. Ignore her and do not tell her about anything that is going on in your life because it is none of her business.

If she’s a gold digger like mine is, you will have to come to terms with the fact that she is your dad’s problem not yours and as much as I love my Dad most of the time, I hope she bleeds him dry sooner rather than later because maybe then she will leave.

I lay low when it comes to my step monster, and will on occasion slide a few insults her way. It’s easier for me now since I am grown up and I don’t have to like her or put up with her. It took years of her BS for me to finally lay down the law with my Dad and tell him that she steps out of line one more time and she will get blasted. I won’t go to my Dad anymore about her and I think he warned her because she’s not been the rude evil C* like she used to be. Power will come to you as you age. Hang in there, and live your life for you and be who you want to be. Nothing will piss her off more than to be the apple of your Dad’s eye when you have grown up and settled into a well adjusted adult!!! No thanks to either one of them!!

Answer #7

first thing ill tell u…MAN I HATE your STEPMOM!!! I WOULD FEEL LIKE TELLING HER TO GO IN THE GARBAGE OR SOMETHING LOL!!! ok seriously dont do that I agree with funadvice that you should definetly talk about this to your real mom and dad. hope it works! p.s. next time…call your friends and tell them what you got for christmas or birthdays or whatever lol

Answer #8

I feel so soor why for you what a horrible step mum. I’m 13 and I havn’t much experince with step mum but I’ll help u. try talking to your real mum tell her what she did/does. or talk to your dad and tell him. good luck .betty boopxx

Answer #9

im sorry you have it so bad. I have an evil stephmom too. I hate her so much. when were in a fight she takes my half sister away from me when were playing and she pretends that she is the queen of the world and like m lil sis actually cares that she is showing off and having so much fun when im not there. What you do is when your alone, sneak in and steel it back, keep it at your moms or somwhere she wont find it. thats what I do and it always works. I even steel my stepmoms stuff. lol

Answer #10

find her allergies if she is allegic to cats, rub a cat on her pillow… it works

Answer #11

duuude. yeah I have a step mom and she’s horrible. When my dad left for work one week and she wrote me this lonnng a** letter about how im disrespectful and how I need to have more responssiblilty and that basically I epiclly fail at life. I was SO pissed. and then she wanted to talk about and I looked at her and said no. sometimes you have stand your ground. Because they don’t see you as a daughter they see you as someone just living in THERE house. Even if it’s yours. I’m lucky though because I’m my dads favorite and I know he’ll side with me every time. You just have to stay calm and tell them to shut up once in a while

Answer #12

Dude I’m going through about the same thing. I’m lucky and live with my real mom, but when I visit it’s the same. Get treated like dirt, stepsister who is queen wh*, I hate my stepmom! Today is Christmas and we were supposed to go over to my stepbro’s house for christmas with his kids. Well, when I woke up, guess who they “forgot” to take. Yeah, me. Plus she’s making life with my real mom hell too by sending her emails everyday telling her how bad of a mother she is. I’ve tried talking to my dad, but he doesn’t listen and my mom can’t do anything about it. So my advice, just try to stick it out till your 18 then get out. If you need to talk to someone, just email me. Good luck.

Answer #13

I think you should confront her about it! yeahh, its gonna be hard but just remember to be mature about it. and if she treats you the same, say: I will come and talk to you when you are ready to be mature about what I have to say to you.

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