What do I do about this pregnancy?

About 2 years ago, I met who I thought was the love of my life, and then 8 months later I found out that he was sleeping with Sarah–my worst nightmare. We stayed together and they stopped talking and we got engaged, but I guess I never fully got over it cause I treated him like he meant nothing to me, and we broke up– 6 months later I grew up and I realized that I still loved him and fully only wanted to be with him, (he at first didn’t want to talk to me cause we had a horrible breakup) we met and talked and I completely fell for him again, only to find out that he is now dating Sarah, the whole time he tells me that they are breaking up and that he still loves me and we start sleeping together again (I’m usually not into other women’s men but I kinda thought she deserved cause she knew we were together, and he made me feel like it was soon over with them). Then the happiest day of my life came he told me they broke up– a week later I found out the complete opposite and that also that she knew that we had secretly been seeing eachother and SHE IS PREGNANT!! I thought no big deal just walk away, then the truth reveals itself that I am also pregnant– now I’m debating if I should keep the child cause she doesn’;t want him talking to me and he can’t even talk to me about the situation face to face, and he says that he cares about me and that he wasn’t just using me, but now he tells me that he is in love with her and that I really mean nothing cause I turned my back on him and he turned his back on her once and he don’t want to do that again, he says that he doesn’t want to see both relationships go wrong, and he doesn’t think that the way he is doing me is wrong!!! Please give advise, I know he wouldn’t be there for the child but I don’t want to get rid of it but I don’t want any ties to him either, I want to be rid of him, but I don’t believe in abortion or adoption– Pleas anyone that has any clue to this help!!!!!

Answer #1

It might be the better choice if you think of the fact that your pregnant. This is a bigger issue than that idiot you were seeing. If your thinking of keeping the baby because you want to be a mom (and a good one) great keep the child, don't mess with this guy anymore, take his ass to court for child support, and you wont have to deal with him if he wants visitation because the courts could help you with having him visit the child without you guys having to see each other, but if you do decide to keep the child it's probably not a good idea to be pregnant and arguing/ranting and raving with this guy. If you seriosly thought about it and decide not to have the child than thats your choice, but make sure its your choice. This guy is an idiot-you already know that, its your turn now to realize your worth and move on, yeah it sux that there was a year and a half broken, but we all get hurt and it will probably happen again in your life the question is if your strong enough to take this experience as a lesson learned and hold your head up high instead of groveling.

Answer #2

hey i say that its time to move on i no you may have bin through thick and thin with him but its best left you moving on .. and your pregnant if you dont want to get rid of the baby keep it maybe in the feature when you find some else to be with they will bond together i no that it wont be the same but u’ll get there trust me . =] just keep smiling i no its hard but girls pull through these things =] xx

Answer #3

HEy Girl, All i got to say is move on and dont let him treat u like shit, u r better then that, and dont get an abortion or anything, you will have someone there that will love u and your baby, and u will find that person, so let this jerk go, and he will see how happy you are with your baby and another guy!

Answer #4

No, I cant agree. But yes, you need someone to love. But ask yourself honestly, is it this guy? Is he going to be there for you?

If you can answer yes to that, then I take everything back.

Answer #5

It may hurt like a bitch, but unless you want to be his bitch, break up with him now.

He has an emotional investment in this other woman. To her, it may seem like you are the other woman getting in the way. And to make things worse, they now have a child.

When are you going to let go? Really, when? This is a dead cause. I know you love him, but you can love someone else. Put your energies into something or someone else and get out of this nightmare situation.

Answer #6

but now that i am also pregnant this makes the situation worse, how is this supposed to make me feel? it's like the year and 1/2 we were together means shit now, and me having his kid means shit either, he's the one that was willing to come back to me so easy, why does he get off the hook? he lied like it meant nothing and still feels like he has done nothing, why should any woman have to go through a pregnancie by herself? EVERONE DESERVES SOMONE TO LOVE THEM AND TO BE THERE FOR THEM ESPECIALLY THROUGH SOMETHING AS EMOTIONAL AS THAT…… CAN YOU AGREE? THANKS

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