How do I deal with my strong feelings for my cousin?

I’m 13 years old and I think I have strong feelings for my cousin. Like a guy not as my cousin, and I think he does to but I’m I don’t know what to do, If to see him secretly without my mom knowing, or should I try to forget him.

Today we almost kissed but my insticts told me not to. I mean he is 14 years old. I really like him.What should I do??

Answer #1

I know how you feel, because I feel the same way about my brother but nothing ever happened :( Just go for it people will give you a hard time at first but you’re not hurting anybody and you should be free to love whoever you want and hey, you might be destined to be together so so what if God accidently put you on the Earth as cousins, he still chose for you to be together so it will be okay I think the two of you were made to be in love :)

Answer #2

we have the same situationi think if you really love him then go for it! but just think what you’re family is going to say.. but love works in mysterious ways right? if you love him and he loves you then go for it.. but just remember the problems that you two will encounter!! ok good luck!! =)

Answer #3

Forget about him, it’s incest and then you’re whole family will be talking and you’re friends and people at school also.. its actually kind of discusting. He’s your own blood.

Answer #4

go for it!! it isn’t like he is your actual brother or something. he is just a cousin. I liked one of my cousins too. it first it was embarrasing when I told someone and they told someone else. I was expecting the person they told to come up to me and make fun of me, but they didn’t. it was very surprising. just go with your natural instinct.

Answer #5

i understand exactly how you feel. i have strong feeling for my cousin too. the thing is theres too many problems that i’ve learned within dating your cousin. Like that your whole family would be disgustided.But theres also a good reason too. That maybe in a way it could be very romantic. hiding toegther. having fun toegther and maybe even kissing if thats how strong it is.who you love you cant help. but you have to make the right decison that u think is right. just like i did. GOOD LUCK and i hope it works out from, julia

Answer #6

UMMM…NO! no offense but you need to take a minute and realize what you just said…

Answer #7

I like my cousin to and he nos and he is ok with it so dont be afraid to try

Answer #8

OK STOP. listen you have to think about what you will feel for each other if this dosent work out like how you guys will feel if he comes home with a girl or when you guys bump into eachother at reunion AFTER you guys broke up.and how your mom will act like when she finds out that you are into your cusin.just because a guy is willing to kiss dosent mean he likes u,honesly guys just sumtimes get turned on and judt want to make out at that momment.your a girl and you have to think about it for the two of u.guys dont think most of the time.anf if you doo like each other how will you guys go out into the world?, HOLDING HAND IN PUBLIC?? or KISSING IN PUBLIC?.and what if you guys dont care about your familes ideas on you to and are like ok lets blow them off? ok then you two decide to have a baby and your mixing close blood. the cells KNOW that this isnt normal for two cusins to have kids so more then likly the child will be born mentaly retarded or have some kind of disablity because the blood is too close.I googles this for you and found this dr response “Inbreeding leads to an increase in homozygosity (the same allele at the same locus on both members of a chromosome pair). This occurs because close relatives are much more likely to share the same alleles than unrelated individuals. This is especially important for recessive alleles that happen to be deleterious, which are harmless and inactive in a heterozygous pairing but, when homozygous, can cause serious developmental defects. Such offspring have a much higher chance of death before reaching the age of reproduction, leading to what biologists call inbreeding depression, a measurable decrease in fitness due to inbreeding among populations with deleterious recessives. Recessive genes, which can contain various genetic problems, appear more often in the offspring of procreative couplings whose members both have the same gene” so basically your kid has a very high chance of having depression,die before reaching a reproductive age,mentally retardation. so just think about all thise before you guys decide to take it to the next level.

Answer #9

So normally I wouldnt even be reading this because I also just thought that it was weird to be with a cousin. First a few facts… Christianity is actually accepting of cousins getting married. in the bible theres many cousins that get married. and some people say its illegal, but its actually legal everywhere other then in the US, where its legal in about half the states. And your children only have 2% greater chance of having genetic problems then other children, unless its been going on for generations in your family, which is a greater risk.

Im posting on here now because I made out with my cousin last night at a wedding. I’m 18 and hes 24. We were both drunk and confessed we had feelings for the other one and he decided that we had to try kissing each other and see what it was like. Now we’re both confused because it didnt feel weird and we both enjoyed ourselves. We thought that maybe kissing would be awkward and gross and that it would make us stop having these feelings.

We’re getting together tomorrow to talk about it because we cant talk to anyone including our friends about it. He is my first cousin and I’ve known him my entire life and just started feeling attracted to him about a year ago. We both feel like this is wrong and neither of us think that this should be happening but for some reason we have an attraction to each other and dont know what to do.

Answer #10

umm..yucky!.thats pretty nasty I understand if your a little kid but your 13 buddy. that not cool your kids will be deflicted.its just not supposed to be

Answer #11

ok em I have lots of guy cousins and actually im da only girl,so we wouldnt do stuff but we do get close,I would like sit on his lap and he would hug me or like teach me stuff but I woud nver get involve wid dem,I know I love dem dearly and I would kill anyone who would hurt dem,but den dey told me that if anyone hurt me dey would kill dem,n we get along vry well,me and ma cousins like to drink and we would actually talk abt stuff like family issues,ralationship,enviroment,dey so still think and take me like if im a pricious thing and actually its really nice,but I would neva ever get involve wid each oda even tho we are stupid smetimes and fool around,but wer just having fun…but is your choice really,its really weird lol oh god,nae offence but I do think its kinda sick

Answer #12

I dunno…I found it weird to be attracted to my half-cousin, we would flirt and stuff, but after reading these, it not that uncommon. I think if I had the chance I would kiss him, just to see..but I would NEVR want my mom or his parents to find out. The secrecy part seems fun…just go for it! I don’t love him, but I feel attracted to him, and he was totally attracted to me, so obivious..I fell asleep in his bed once…but nothing happened! I would have a little fun with it, but I’m sure this isn’t more than a crush…and its not like dating a brother, cause you didn’t grow up like brother and sister!

Answer #13

I like my cousin too. hes really cute and all that but I just want to flirt and maybe go out with him but I do not want to marry him or have sex with himm. thts just wronggg. but is going out with him okay?

Answer #14

I know who you feel no lie because on summer vacation with family to d.r after we got out of the resort my family and I went to my aunt’s house and there I met my cousin the first night there I didnt really see him there much but then the next night after my mom feel asleep and my brother fell asleep my mom told me to go to sleep but I wasnt tired and so that night my cousin and I had matteresses ‘s set on the floor (in the same room) but while they where sleeping me and my cousin were listening and I noticed he was looking at me and iall I could do was smile to music and then I got cold covered myself in the blanket and asked if he was cold he wasnt and so I played this game on the computer and when I lost he said he was cold and so I covered him in the blanket and he started sucking on my neck and kissing me and from there we did it and the truth is we both knew were cousin but enjoyed it

Answer #15

ok seriously me and my cuzn have strong feeling for each other and today he came to my house and we chilled and he started to kiss me and it happen for like 30 mins…I mean I have a boyfriend and I like my cuzn but what shud I do? I mean my boyfriend is cool and sweet and all but really I just dont have feeling for him anymore and I know he does…right now I just feel sick after kissing my cuzn and we are 2 year apart he 19 and im 17 and we text a lot and we like usually like to talk bout studpd thngs like boys usually tak which is kissing and today we alomost had sex but it never happen because we wanted to but we didnt want to but I don’t know no what to do anymore it feels like I wanna continue this with my cuzn but im just afraid to…so please help me..what should I do?

Answer #16

I know who you feel no lie because on summer vacation with family to d.r after we got out of the resort my family and I went to my aunt’s house and there I met my cousin the first night there I didnt really see him there much but then the next night after my mom feel asleep and my brother fell asleep my mom told me to go to sleep but I wasnt tired and so that night my cousin and I had matteresses ‘s set on the floor (in the same room) but while they where sleeping me and my cousin were listening and I noticed he was looking at me and iall I could do was smile to music and then I got cold covered myself in the blanket and asked if he was cold he wasnt and so I played this game on the computer and when I lost he said he was cold and so I covered him in the blanket and he started sucking on my neck and kissing me and from there we did it and the truth is we both knew were cousin but enjoyed it

Answer #17

Help Mee PLeasee =/ !!! well here the story MyCOusin lives in my country and I qo there once in a while but before I never really payed much attention too him he didnt really qo thru my mind My Mom always sed he liked me but I really didnt really care and now I went this december and well I qot to spend time with him and he was such a qreat quy like before I’ve been thru so much and for first time a quy was actually sweet and the kkind of quy I was lookinq for and then we kissed many times and well I had too come back and well the last day we huqqed and cried I quesss nbdy realized and now well his over there and am here and I don’t know what to do I really like him but is it riqht or should I just forqet about and move on bcus I know ama qo back but in the summer and am scared that when I qo back he is with someone else or he just dosent feel the same way anymore PLEASE HELP !

Answer #18

Im in love with my 13 year old cousin and im 11 but my whole family could tell I was flirting with him and his mom told my grandma he was getting pretty dominate with me and I think he kinda likes me too.We met once 3 years ago and he came to my grandmas house because my great grandma died.I know its rong but he is everything I ever liked about a guy but here is the problems, one we are cousins, two we both have relation ships with people and he has ben with his girlfriend for sevan months, and three we live in different states but his mom said we was going to start comming over more.Most the reason my family could tell was because we were resiling and most of the time I was smiling.I know its messed up but you can’t stop your fellings so go with your heart like I am.Im going to try to talk to him online. GO WITH YOUR HEART.

Answer #19

It’s not that your children will have 5 legs or something, that’s just myth. What really gonna happen is, your children might be not very bright (I’ve seen one), or have an albino skin (I’ve seen one too, on tv). I too have funny feeling towards my cousin, especially when I was teenager (teenage is the time when our feeling towards somebody elses become complicated and we can’t explain it). But nowadays I can suppress it, and right now I am looking for a girl to falling in love again beside my cousin.


Answer #20

OMG, you people need to get some real education on this matter before you start showing of your ignorance on this matter. There is nothing wrong with seeing, going out or even having a relationship with any cousin. I have proof of this, all you need to do is go to and educate yourself on this matter.

I will say sweetcaramel143 at your young age you should wait to get to deep into anything but you can share your feelings.

Best of luck to you, JF

Answer #21

you can kiss him if you want but just a family kiss, I would say something to him, ask him not to tell anyone and then tell him though aks him what he feels about you and if feels the same way you french kiss or something like that. but never ever sex, though you can its bad it can cause baby defects, plus my ex-habbo girl friend slept with her cousin a couple of times. hoped thsi helped

Answer #22

listen, if you really have strong feelings for this guy then go for it. you cant tell your heart who to love, and who not to love. if you choose to get married and have children someday, then know that your being related will only have an effect on the offspring if you are really close cousins, like hes you moms sister and dads brother’s son. otherwise, its fine. Millions of people around the world marry their cousins because they like to keep the family close, and nothing happens to the child-unless they’re REALLY close cousins. its just American tradition that people find this stuff weird, but lots and lots and lots of people do it in other countries.

Answer #23

I have feelings for my cousin too. We had sex on vacation a couple months ago and I had feelings for him before that. Me and him have like this special thing together I think he likes me 2. I don’t know what to do either.

Answer #24

umm..yucky!.thats pretty nasty I understand if your a little kid but your 13 buddy. that not cool your kids will be deflicted.its just not supposed to be

Answer #25

Obviously, you guys are dazed & confused. Lost & can’t be found. .

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