Parents & Family Questions

  1. How can I get them to believe I've been raped?
  2. Am I being selfish about my sister getting distant?
  3. How do make this decision while pregnant and abused?
  4. How can I tell my parents that I'm 14 and 6 months pregnant?
  5. How can I convince my Mom that he's a nice guy?
  6. How do I tell my parents I want to move out?
  7. Should I get my lip pierced behind my Dad's back?
  8. Can I move out at 17 in Texas?
  9. How can I convince my parents to let me have a Myspace??
  10. Would my mother be better off without me?
  11. How can I cope with never being good enough?
  12. Where can I go online to find my Dad?
  13. How can I convince my parents not to move?
  14. How can I stop being fearful of my brothers?
  15. Can I move out at 16 if we have 2 kids?
  16. At what age can I run away without being brought home?
  17. Should your parents choose your friends?
  18. How can I get my parents to just listen?
  19. Are your troubles with your parents justified?
  20. How do I talk to my parents about birth control?
  21. Can I go back to Michigan without my parents' consent?
  22. How can I get my Mom to let me dye my hair black?
  23. Is this normal for someone my age or are my parents too rough?
  24. Should I move away from my semi-strict parents?
  25. Should I have a baby when we both want one?
  26. Can my parents force me back home if I move out at 17?
  27. How can I help make our family right again?
  28. What do I do with my parent's belongings when they die?
  29. How can I emancipate myself?
  30. Can I move out in the UK if my Mom won't let me?
  31. How can I get help for my depressed younger sister?
  32. How do I convince my Mom to let me get a belly ring?
  33. Where do I go if I move out at 16?
  34. What are coed baby shower game ideas?
  35. If we share an aunt and uncle but no grandmother, what are we?
  36. How can I convince my parents to let me have Myspace?
  37. How tall is Allen Iverson?
  38. How can I end this vicious cycle with my Mom?
  39. How can I get my parents to be proud of me?
  40. Should I keep calling my Dad if he's drunk?
  41. Why won't my Mom pay me to help, too?
  42. Why does my Mom watch over me and tell my Dad everything?
  43. How can I fix my fiance's relationship with my Dad?
  44. How can I get my parents to listen to me?
  45. Am I allowed to move out at 17?
  46. Will they kick me out if I tell them I'm gay?
  47. What if my Mom watches me shower and makes me uncomfortable?
  48. What if my Mom makes me feel very uncomfortable?
  49. How can I find my long-lost father?
  50. What if your parents say you're too young to be in love?
  51. How can I tell my Mom I was raped?
  52. What cool craft should I make my Mom for her birthday?
  53. Can my 16-year-old friend move in with me legally?
  54. What can I do about my father's physical abuse?
  55. How can I get away from this abuse?
  56. How much does a person with 5'5 height should weigh?
  57. How can I smoothly transition away from my family?
  58. How can I move out as fast as possible?
  59. How do I explain to my Mom that I want to be vegetarian?
  60. Can I move out after my mother passes away?
  61. How can I get over my father abandoning me?
  62. How can I get my brother to dump his gold digger girlfriend?
  63. Can I move out with a child and a criminal record?
  64. Has anyone had sperm insemination at home?
  65. What would you do in my shoes?
  66. How do I convince my dad to let me get a lipring?
  67. How can we get my parents to like my boyfriend again?
  68. How can I tell my parents we're expecting?
  69. Should I stay living at home with my strict parents?
  70. How can I help my relationship with my Mom and Dad?
  71. How can I get my Mom to like my boyfriend?
  72. How can I convince my parents to let me party all night?
  73. How do I get my parents to accept "us"?
  74. How can I get my sister to chill without seeming like a Mom?
  75. How do I gain my parents trust back?
  76. Can Parents legally take money away from their kids?
  77. Should I stay or move and escape my controlling Mom?
  78. How can I get my Mom to let my boyfriend move in?
  79. How can I find my Dad?
  80. When can you legally move out in Florida?
  81. Can I become emancipated in Ohio at 16?
  82. How do I become emancipated?
  83. Can I move out at 16?
  84. Can a 15-year-old be a good mother?
  85. How can I convince my parents I didn't drink?
  86. How can I tell my parents I have a boyfriend?
  87. What is this familial relation?
  88. How can I bring a baby into a home with a man I hate?
  89. What if my Mom frightens me?
  90. How do I get some privacy from my family?
  91. How do I get my addicted Mom help?
  92. Is abuse allowed these days?
  93. How can I fix my relationship with my parents?
  94. What do I do about my overprotective brother?
  95. How can I help my brother get better from echolalia?
  96. Is it okay to move out when you're 17?
  97. Is it wrong to date without my parents knowing?
  98. How can i get my mom off my back about my boyfriend?
  99. How can I get my Mom to forgive me?
  100. Which is better: moving out or staying at home with my drunk Dad?