How can I convince my parents I didn't drink?

Hi i am 16 years old like last night my friend asked me to go to the mall with her i went out i thought it was going to be for a couple of hours but we ended up going to a house party and i ended up staying there all night bcuz my friend wouldn’t give me a ride and she passed out on the couch and i didn’t want to catch a ride from some other people i don’t know. I didn’t drink but my parents think i did they wont believe me they think i am lyng but i am telling the truth and their about to kick me out of the house what do i do? they are very strict people so i denied it but what ever i say it ends up coming out the wrong way what do i do?(i thought we were going to the mall)

Answer #1

No access to a phone so your parents could pick you up ?….or earlier, the moment you discovered the destination was not the mall, did you insist she take you home and why not ?….don’t you think good parents worry on no-notice ‘all-nighters’ and you’re underage and female ?….parents often seem strict because they really love you and care about you, don’t want to see you hurt in any way or get a phone call or visit from the police, reference their daughter -appears you used poor judgement - I would consider the above and sincerely apologize….I wish you the best.

Answer #2

Your parenst aren’t upset because they care about you, they’re upset because they’re parents and untrusting pretentious grown-ups and think that they’re always right, constantly deserving of respect, and when you deny the fact you were drinking they’re insulted because you’re going against what they so stubbornly think and are ashamed of you. If they refuse to trust you, to hell with them, and tell them that.

Answer #3

Be completely honest and admit to the mistakes you did make. Don’t try to bury the problem with excuses. They shouldn’t kick you out. That wouldn’t really be “legal”.

Answer #4

When you’re telling the truth and someone doesn’t believe you, that’s basically “on them”. Make sense? Keep walking in the truth, stand behind your truth. If they choose not to believe you and kick you out of your house, you call Child protective services on them and share your story.

They don’t trust you for some reason. Maybe you lied to them in the past about other things. Maybe they don’t have faith in you. Maybe you can ask them how you can gain their trust.

Otherwise, stick to your guns and protect yourself if they toss you out–then they are in the wrong and there are agencies out there to protect children. Use them.

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