What if my Mom frightens me?

One time I asked my mom wear she was going and she said “leave me alone!” I got frightened. She still frightens me. What should I do to calm myself down and not be frightened of her anymore?

Answer #1

everyone is scared of there mom somtimes. it’s because she can hit her and you can’t hit her back or else you are look at wrong. haha but

tell her that she’s been freaking you out and to calm down so you can calm down.

Answer #2

if you are scared of your own parents, its not healthy for you, physically and emotionaly. you need to talk to someone and get yourself away from that situation and FAST

Answer #3

Tell her to love you like a mother should or you’ll tell the police she touches you.

Answer #4

I can’t understand that.

Anyway, if you really love her, accept her for whatever she is. Understand that maybe she has a problem that’s why she is irritable. Get used to it..:)

Answer #5

My mom grabs my hair and flings me onto my bed by my shirt. But its not scary because I know she wont do anything to harm me. I dont want to know what it is like to be scared of my mom. She is not normal like this but today she got out of control. Then she was yelling so loud there was spit flying everywhere. She is always against me and always on my brothers side. Now I know why my dad got divorced.

Answer #6

Dear amandamargera11, If your parents are frightening you then there is a problem and it should not be ignored. That isn’t the way things get better. If you have a trusted adult to talk to make sure you do that…perhaps and aunt, uncle or teacher at school. Write your mother a letter saying how you feel. Making sure you are not using blame in the letter but use I statements…such as I feel frightened when you….or it scares me when you….I liked it when we…..We all have bad days sometimes but when it gets to the point when we scare our children something is very wrong. Perhaps you’ll find out by asking. Sue…good luck

Answer #7

My mother still freaks me out, and she is a little 5 ft 2 inch woman… haha

I look at her like this, What is the most she can do yell & scream or hit me? If she yells & screams, then I just ignore her, or fight back… If she hits me, then that would be domestic violence. And you can have her arrested…

Just take a deep breath, and remember it’s not so bad, don’t let her frighten you, that maybe what she wants, but you don’t have to be.

Answer #8

just ignore her thats what i do my mum always freaks me out so now i just walk away from her.

Answer #9

w3ll don’t wry because my mom can frighten me also she is good at making scenes

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