Parents & Family Questions

  1. good christmas present ideas...
  2. Mom and step mom
  3. Can I legally move out?
  4. Grandpa troubles
  5. What type of person do you like?
  6. Should he be given a second chance?
  7. My mom talks like a therapist
  8. How Can I Tell My Parents that I am a lesbian?
  9. How can I enjoy my teenage life with a family that sucks?
  10. 15 and pregnant, but it was rape...what should I do?
  11. How can I annoy my boyfriend's mom?
  12. Getting along with family members?
  13. Sister and emo-please help
  14. Son like father
  15. How to tell my parents if I'm pregnant?
  16. Very rare to see a white teenager pregnant?
  17. Children and parents
  18. Birthmom
  19. What happens if I'm pregnant and I run away?
  20. How to tell my parents I'm bi?
  21. How do I cope, mom has been in jail for almost 5 years?
  22. What should I put on her card?
  23. Why are parents so overprotective?
  24. Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
  25. What if you are my daughter's boyfriend?
  26. Old friends or New friends
  27. anoying mom's boyfriend.
  28. my family are so cruel
  29. im not invited to my own dads wedding?!
  30. child custody
  31. My usless excuse for a mother!
  32. moving out issues with boyfriend and family
  33. Mom vs dad
  34. Why do teenages feel the need to have children?
  35. Why does my dad always smell things burning?
  36. What is a weedhopper?
  37. Why do my parents treat me like a kid?
  38. unfair mum
  39. mom going to abandon me cause of weed
  40. Parents- do you let your kids go online during school days?
  41. How can I cope with my mother's death without failing?
  42. My mom came home VERY drunk
  43. I am ready to move out, how do I tell my parents
  44. What to do if my mom hates me?
  45. Wife wants kids and I am not sure
  46. My dad committed suicide
  47. Mum & Her New Boyfriend.
  48. How do I convince my parents when choosing a university?
  49. Annoyed with my Mom
  50. Should my parents tell them they're adopted?
  51. Dad hits me and has pushed me like down the stairs, what to do?
  52. How do you get over losing someone
  53. Changing my name, how do I do that?
  54. Parents and living situation
  55. Scared to ask my Mom if he can spend the night
  56. Caught smoking weed!
  57. Should I forgive my dad or not?
  58. I think my mom is having an affair
  59. Have any members parents died lately?
  60. People make it seem like having kids ruins your life?
  61. Father problems
  62. How do I tell my parents I want to be an actress
  63. How to convince my mom I could handle a boyfriend at 13?
  64. Family Tree Symbols
  65. Moving out (under 18)
  66. Missing my mother?
  67. Mom's favorite
  68. Another dream I just remembered...
  69. My aunts have a favorite nephew.
  70. What prank can I do cause im sitting at home bored
  71. My Mom is figuring out that I'm not eating
  72. My dad is cheating on my mum
  73. Embarrassed of my dad.
  74. Happy for my aunt
  75. Can I get emancipated?
  76. Unfair?
  77. My dad and I think my brother is smoking
  78. Can I get my child support?
  79. The best present for my Mum's birthday?
  80. I'm 18, pregnant, and my mom wants me to have an abortion
  81. Feeling really guilty.
  82. Emancipation and/or live in seminole suites (tallahassee)
  83. My drunk uncle
  84. How do you handle an abusive drunk of a father?
  85. Am I a nasty person?
  86. HELP ME
  87. I was told I had OCD when I was little, I think I have it again.
  88. Grandma is mean
  89. My mother is mean
  90. Child support
  91. How can I find my lost father?
  92. Help my friend who ran away
  93. Im a teenager and I want to have fun. Parents hold me back
  94. My mom hates that I don't like her boyfriend
  95. Overcoming death
  96. The neighbors child hit my child
  97. My Mom found out I'm not a virgin
  98. Am I going to recover?
  99. Space needed
  100. 21 and punished