Grandma is mean

I have a prolbem wit my grandma she dosent let me have any fun and I cant go places alone wit a boy its like shes trying to makemy life terriable

Answer #1

Don’t go by Blackrose92’s advice.

You don’t want to start lying to your grandmother. Give her the proper respect that she deserves. She is looking out for your best interests and safety.

You are entitled to disagree with her. But trust her decisions. She has a lot more worldly experience and knows what dangers the world holds for you.

Maybe you could calmly sit down with her and communicate your desires and thoughts and possibly come to agreement on various bits and pieces. Shoot for small things and as she develops confidence in your being responsible, she may loosen the leash.

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Answer #2

It’s her job / obligation: look after your best intrests - love you - care…obviously, she does !! - you are a child.

Answer #3

mines the same way. do you live with her? just tell her that youre going out with friends, if worse comes to worse have your friend pick you up and drive you to your boyfriend.

Answer #4

It sounds like she just loves you. I’m assuming you are 13 from your name? That is too young to be going places alone with boys anyways. Your grandmaw is not being mean, she is doing what a responisble gaurdian what do. She is taking care of you, protecting you, and showing you that she loves you. You’ll understand when your older. Just trust me, she’s not trying to be mean.

Answer #5

I hate to tell you but, you’re only 13 that is way too young to be going anywhere with a boy (by yourself). She’s only looking out for you and trying to keep you out of trouble.

And do NOT listen to anyone who tells you to lie to her. You will get caught and then she will not let you go anywhere. If you want her to respect what you want then you have to show her that you’re responsible, you can’t do that by lying to her.

Good luck

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