I'm 18, pregnant, and my mom wants me to have an abortion

im 18 and I just recently found out I’m pregnant. the situation is not that good.. the father doesnt have a job and I’m just starting mine.. which is basically only minimum wage. since I’m 18 I’m not on my parents insurance anymore and they’re in a rough spot in there lives and don’t have much extra money. the job I have wont give me health insurance right away. and to top it off, my mom hates the father and wants me to have an abortion. shes stopping at nothing to talk me out of it. me and her have never had that good of a relationship. she keeps putting me and him down saying we will give this baby a horrible life. and saying that babies will only cause problems. I dont believe she will be there for me at all financially and she does not want me on anything like wic, because she thinks shes better than everybody. I could understand why she would be mad if I was older and getting on something like that, but I’m only 18. I am really against abortion and I dont think I could ever live with myself knowing I had one. what can I do to get her to be supportive of me and my decision? and what are some options I have concerning health insurance? I already have a lot of hospital bills and I know having a baby in a hospital is pretty expensive. I know it sounds really bad but I know if me and him work at this we can have this baby and give it a good life.

Answer #1

You’re 18 - she has no say in the matter.

There’s nothing wrong with being on welfare to help you get by. If she can’t support you, then sometimes you need to lean on your fellow taxpayers (just don’t take advantage).

Some of the world’s greatest people started out on food stamps and handouts - nothing to be ashamed of.

Do what you must to ensure that you and your baby are getting adequate care. Your mother will just have to deal with her own issues.

I don’t know how health insurance works there (I’m in Ontario, Canada and we have free health care), but I’m sure there are programs out there to assist young girls in exactly the position you’re in. The WIC could probably lead you in the right direction.

Answer #2

TIME TO GROW UP!!! You knew exactly what chances you where taking when you got pregnant. YOU as an adult need to make your own choices just as you did when you decided to lay down with this man. Children are only as exspensive as you make them, Use your brain and take advantage of our system. WHY NOT? illegals have been doing it for years. I don’t agree to depend on it and make yourself a productive member of society. NO EXCUSES: I was single, no car, no money I worked at a daycare in the morning where I recieve discounted and free child care, caught a bus to go to school at night while my mom picked up my daighter at day care. So I recieved a paychek and a education. You will quilfy for a student loan easily for a tech school. SO STOP BEING LAZY and feeeling sorry for yourself and making excuses and do something about you future and take control of your situation. look out for number one and alwasy have a plan B.. Very simple.

Answer #3

It’s not your mother’s choice if you should have the baby or not, it is yours. I’m 23 years old, I got pregnant at 22, and guess what, I still wasn’t ready. I didn’t have health insurance either, but I got on Medicaid, which is an AMAZING program. Your mom is ignorant to think that it’s below her to accept medicaid. That’s why we pay taxes to that programs like that will be available If you really want to have the baby, you should. Dont let your mom or your boyfriend make the decision for you, because you will regret it. It will be hard, but it will be amazing all in the same sense. You can get medicaid without your mom. It covers everything. I never paid a dime my entire pregnancy or for my sons birth. It is also covering all of his doctor appointments now. Your never fully prepared for a baby, at any age. All you can do is try your best and do what you know is right.

Answer #4

wow. First congrats on the baby. it is a tough situation. But in all honestly, there is more help out there than people think. If you want to have this baby I say go for it but in tough times don’t blame the baby. I won’t lie it is tough. I was 22 and after my son was 7 months the dad and I split I had to go on welfare and WIC. I don’t know where you are but don’t feel wierd calling places to find out things. Places like city hall, library, welfare office, shelter, not saying for you to go to one but they can give you numbers and info. low income housing authority. just tell them short story of situation your pregnant and you need support and help with place to live and medical. make sure when you call you write down the pplace you called teh number and the person you spoke with incase you need to call back. As far as your mom. I know easier said than done but try not to let what she says get to you. let her think what she wants and don’t argue with her it won’t be good for the baby. just walk away leave the house. You have to think about the baby now. Best of luck and I would like to know how things turn out.

Answer #5

you can do that there is a living human inside you and you cant KILL it your mom has no say its your decision no matter what age you are please dont commit murder

Answer #6

Medicaid offers free health care for pregnant women and your 6 week checkup. You’re 18 and you have to live with whatever decision you choose. You cannot let your mother’s feelings about this baby sway you from your decision. Stay strong and everything happens for a reason and you will make it! Promise!

Answer #7

You are an adult. She cannot make you do anything. WIC is a great program. My mom and dad were on it with all 5 of us kids. And they both had careers. My mom was a dental assistant and my dad was active duty air force. There is no shame in help. Look up medicare.

Answer #8

well you are 18 and she really doesn’t have a say in the matter it’s your child not hers… and I have to say good for you for not giving in im against abortion too I would say right now just try to work as much as you can and help the dad find a job and start working and saving for it… as long as you do your best that’s really all you can do and giving the baby life is already doing it a favor not having an abortion is saving a life… so I have to say good for you!! and that medicaid my cousin went on with her kid cause she had a baby when she was 16 and that helped her!! but good luck!! best wishes!

Answer #9

I agree with both mandyloo and ichibanarky. Get help where you can find it and don’t be ashamed to ask for it. You are old enough to decide if you want this baby or not. If you’re mother isn’t supportive of you then maybe you can lean on other family members for awhile (an aunt, a brother, etc.) or good friends to take you in and help you raise the child. Your boyfriend should definitely get a job and help you as much as possible too. I’m sure if you look around and open up to people you’ll be surprised at how many are willing to help you. Give your Mom and firm “NO” and tell her discussion is finished.

Answer #10

Being an adult and being the person carrying the pregnancy, you have the full say of what you want to do with it. Personally I would abort it, it’s not going to be fair for the child with a really rough start. You’re not ready in so many ways. As a guideline of the financial burden that will be handed to you if you choose to keep the child, I recommend that you read nikpharmd’s post to a question of a boy being a father at 13:


Answer #11

Its not your mothers choice… but having been in your situation… I would recommend you either abort or adopt out. To this day I hold guilt at all my daughter has had to go through because I was selfish.

All my excuses began with me..

I wanted to keep her it was MY choice My child…

not once did I think, how will this child feel? My daughter grew up along side me growing up. Think of the child… not you.

Answer #12

Do the people telling her to abort the child. Do you not realize she is 18 years old. She is not a child. I am pro-choice. But I dont believe abortion in this situation is the way to go. She is old enough to have a child. Yes she has a minumum wage job, atleast she has one. She can also get medicaid. Who are you to tell an 18 year old an legal adult, that she should have an abortion because she is not ready. I had my son at 22 years old, having a baby is a struggle not matter what age you are.

Answer #13

Ok guys, I wasn’t going to get in on this but my 18 year old daughter is three months pregnant. I am pro-choice and I have counseled her to have an abortion but I will not force her to…I think she is being selfish. She is not willing to think of the child, the childs father who is 17 and still in high school or her father or I or the extended family. Of course, she is living at home, not working and creating monumental problems for all concerned. She doesn’t care..All she thinks about is that she is having a baby, not who is going to pay for it. My insurance dropped her and she has to get a medicaid card because even though her father and I make over 100 thousand a year we have two other children to care for…we cannot afford a baby. We both have degrees and great jobs…the child will start with nothing and go downhill from there. The people who are telling these girls to have their babies with NO reasonable means of supporting these poor children are ignorant and blowing sunshine up the behinds of these girls. NO YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT, THE BABY WILL SUFFER NEEDLESSLY AND THE MEDICAL PEOPLE WHO TAKE MEDICAID ARE OFTEN THE WORST PRATCTIONERS…PERIOD. DEAL WITH A COLD HARD DOSE OF REALITY AND GET REAL.

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